What about this word firmament (ch.1.7)(AV, KJV - different words used in NIV)? Just what can it refer to? Maybe just sky or heaven. The Hebrew word raqiya occurs 17 times and is only translated firmament (in the AV). Most of the occurrences are in Gen 1 but 6 are elsewhere: Ps. 19:1 Ps.150:1 Eze 1:23-26 (3 occurrences) Dan. 12:3. When you have looked these up, you are left wondering if there is more to this word. Does it also refer to the glory of God? Just a thought.
Peter [UK] Comment added in 2001 Reply to Peter
2 v24 Here we have a two stage process, both of which apply equally (or maybe more so) to our allegiance to God, as well as to marriage, as shown in the passages below
First we must leave: Psa.45:10, Matt.19:29, Luke 14:33
Then we must cleave: Deut.10:10, Josh.23:8, Acts 11:23, Mal.2:14-16, 1Cor.6:16-17
Peter [UK] Comment added in 2002 Reply to Peter
ch 1 - The Genesis record is so simple in the way it lays out the days of creation. A straight forward reading of the text cannot but lead to the view that creation took six literal 24 hour periods. Anyone who wishes to dispute this is importing scientific theory to explain plain text. There is no Scriptural basis for a non literal reading of the Genesis creation text.
ch2:8 The garden planted in Eden is echoed in the vineyard planted [Isaiah 5:1-2] and the planting of Israel as a noble vine [Jeremiah 2:21]
All these plantings show that God is concerned to work with man and that he commences the work with the planting
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2002 Reply to Peter
When God created Adam he put him in the garden he had planted in Eden to work it and take care of it. Adams job was to be the gardener, taking care of the creation of God, helping it to grow and mature. God also had Adam name all the animals, but among them all Adam could not find a helper that was suitable for him. So God created Eve, a woman, from one of Adams ribs to be a companion and a suitable helper for Adam.
God has a plan for your life. He has a job for you to do. Adams job was to be a gardener; Davids was to be king; Jesus was to save the world from sin and death; and the Apostle Pauls was to preach. Whatever the plan God has for our life or the job he has given us to do, if we are married, God has provided our partner to be a suitable helper for us as we live out his plan in our lives.
The ideal situation is that the husband and wife have one vision which they both work towards and help each other on the way.
Husbands: Esteem and appreciate the help your wife gives.
Wives: Help, support and encourage your husband as he does the work God has given him.
Robert Prins [Auckland - Pakuranga - (NZ)] Comment added in 2002 Reply to Robert
1:26 Whereas Adam was created in the image and likeness of God Adam's children were in his image and likeness (Genesis 5:3) - what a contrast!
2:18 In saying that it is not good for man to be alone we have the first indication of fellowship. Man needs the company of like-minded people - exemplified in a wife who answers to him. A picture of Christ and the ecclesia.
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2003 Reply to Peter
What a Blessing to know that our Heavenly Father can take total chaos and create out of it, a functional, dynamic, God glorifying creation.
Your personal life might, at this point in time, resemble the state of things that existed right here at the beginning of time on this planet... dark, turbulent, sad, dysfunctional and "lifeless".
But the powerful creative words of our Loving Heavenly Father can change all that, even as they changed the face of this globe in just 6 days, 6,000 years ago.
The God of the Bible can transform your life into a dynamic, vibrant, fully functional creation that will give HIM glory for ever and ever.
By opening your heart to HIS gracious message in HIS wonderful book, the Bible.
Is it hard, I hear you ask? No. The simplest of folk can understand this wonderful book, and the most intellectual will never exhaust its wonders and beauty.
Why not begin this New Year with a resolution to let this Word into your life every day for the year. Download the free audio player and listen to the Bible being read to you while you read the words yourself and follow the comments offered for each reading.
Share this service with your friends and family and spread the joy of being a part of Gods New Creation.
Cliff York [Pine Rivers (Aus)] Comment added in 2003 Reply to Cliff
2:21 The hole in Adam's side brought forth the woman, his helper. So the hole in Christ's side gave birth to His bride - us, the ecclesia.
David Simpson [Worcester (UK)] Comment added in 2003 Reply to David
A basic point but worth mentioning. The creation account speaks of ‘evening and morning’ (Gen 1:5 etc:) whereas we usually speak of the day starting in the morning. Genesis sets the scene for how Scripture speaks of days.
Gen 2:25 Whereas Adam and Eve were ‘naked’ and ‘not ashamed’ this changed with their sin. However we can be ‘not ashamed’ through our hope (Rom 5:5)
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2003 Reply to Peter
Gen 1:2-3 The 33rd. Psalm explains creation so clearly, that is easy for us to miss just what he is saying. “By the word of the Lord were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth.” This is exactly what is recorded in the account of creation. Gen. 1:2. “The Spirit of God” The word spirit and the word breath in the Psalm are the same. Ruach 7307. Then starting in verse 3, we see the phrase “and God said” repeated as each day of creation begins.
John Wilson [Toronto West (Can)] Comment added in 2004 Reply to John
Nine verses in Gen 1 (v.3,6,9,11,14,20,24,26,29) begin And God said...
We cannot help but remember that 'In the beginning was the Word'.
Peter [UK] Comment added in 2004 Reply to Peter
The Aramaic version is consistent and renders it firmament in every place.
Rotherham's is consistent in rendering it expanse.
A science program on the radio yesterday spoke of the thing we call 'space' as having weight.
I would think of it as God's dwelling place, a place of substance, having weight, though to mankind looking up, it seems endless emptiness except for the stars, comets, galaxies, even northern lights that to us, reflect the glory of God and his angels, etc..
I found this comment in an old Christadelphian magazine.
“The Heaven”—Hashshamayim. Only in the plural (dual), from a root to be high, the firmament, the starry expanse above the earth and high up from it. Heaven, God’s dwelling-place, and hence by metaphor, God and the angels in the divine rule over mankind and all creation. Also by subordinate metaphor, the kings, princes, and governors among mankind, who rule the common people as the heavens govern the earth.
In the following passages the word in the original is the same, and comparison yields the conclusion above stated. “God called the firmament heaven” (Gen 1:8). “Lights in the firmament of heaven,” the sun and moon (v.14-15). “Give ear, O ye heavens,” Moses to the rulers of Israel (Deut 32:1). “Hear thou in heaven thy dwelling-place,” Solomon’s prayer (1Kin 8:30). “Elijah went up . . . into heaven” (2Kin 2:11). “I create new heavens” (Isa 65:17). “Thy kingdom (O Nebuchadnezzar) shall be sure unto thee after that thou shalt have known that the heavens do rule” (Dan 4:26).
The heaven is put before the earth in Gen 1:1 (“the heaven and the earth”) because that is the true and natural order. There was a time when there was no earth (Prov 8:23); but there never was a time when there was no heaven, in the highest sense of God’s dwelling place. And even in the subordinate sense, there is doubtless much in heaven that is older than earth—the sun, for instance. An uninspired speculator of Moses’ time might easily have represented the earth as older than heaven; and it would scarcely be as foolish to say that the earth was eternally pre-existent, as to say “There is no God.”
[Vol. 47: The Christadelphian : Volume 47. 2001, c1910. The Christadelphian, volume 47. (electronic ed.). Logos Library System (Vol. 47, Page 222). Birmingham: Christadelphian Magazine & Publishing Association.]
An easy way to remember the order of 'leave' and 'cleave' is the addition of C - or Christ. We leave the things of this world, and cleave to him.
Jean Cheetham [Moorestown New Jersey (US)] Comment added in 2005 Reply to Jean
Gen 1:2 - "was" according to the NIV can also be translated "became" which perhaps would allow for a pre-Adamic creation. Gen 1:5 - darkness before light is how creation both natural and spiritual occur. Heb 11:3 - the NT supplements the process of how creation started.
Gen 1:21 - "creature" [Heb. "nephesh" (5315) means a breathing creature, animal, beast, body, man, person, life, soul, etc.]; the waters were not teaming with immortal souls swimming around, and nowhere do we read "immortal soul(s)" in the Bible. In Psa 49:12-20 - we read that man and beast upon death go to the "grave" [Heb. "sheol" (7585) means grave, hell, pit, etc.].
Gen 2:2-3 - seventh day of rest. 2Pet 3:8 - a day is as 1000 years. A millennial day of rest Heb 4:3-9;Rev 20:4.
Gen 2:7 - KJV translates man became a living "soul" whereas the NIV translates man became a living "being". The word for both soul and being is the Heb. "nephesh" (5315).
Gen 2:17; Rom 6:23 - the result/wages of sin is death. Interestingly, there is no mention of immortal soul in the Bible.
Charles Link, Jr. [Moorestown, (NJ, USA)] Comment added in 2005 Reply to Charles
The first two chapters of Genesis firmly establish Yahweh (Gen 2:4) as the creator of heaven and earth and all things found therein. The things of creation, which we see around us, give testimony to the existence of the One who made them (Rom 1:20). All men can see the LORD's handiwork, and yet many have slipped into idolatry (Rom 1:21-23). Today, the god of Evolution is worshipped and Yahweh is denied. When judgement comes, true believers will be saved and idolatrous liars will be cast out (Rev 22:14,15).
Michael Parry [Montreal (Can)] Comment added in 2005 Reply to Michael
Gen 1 Notice the way that the language of this chapter is used – in reverse – to mark the destruction of Egypt in the plagues
Herb of the field |
fruit of the tree |
green thing .. herb |
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2005 Reply to Peter
2:15 Adam’s word to ‘dress and keep’ the garden signifies the work of the priest who was to Num 3:38 ‘keep the charge’ of the sanctuary – the Hebrew is the same on both occasions.
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2005 Reply to Peter
Gen 1 It was recently pointed out to us that it is only at the completion of the second day that the phrase "God saw that it was good" has not been recorded. (note Gen 1:4,10,12,18,21,25) We are however told in Gen 1:31 that everything "was very good." Has any one got a thought why we are not told that the work of day two was not concluded with this phrase as the other days were?
John Wilson [Toronto West (Can)] Comment added in 2006 Reply to John
2:16 The command from God in the Garden of Eden was the first test of faith. Adam and Eve knew that God existed. They had to believe that he would keep His word. That is what faith is – believing God is reliable. Rom 4:21
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2007 Reply to Peter
Yahweh is the creator of all things, including scientific laws. But in His book, The Bible, He chooses not to define creation in scientific terms. He simply asks us to believe His simple overview of creation. However, scientists, in general, have dismissed the Bible creation account and have substituted their own hypotheses. They demand that people choose between the Bible or science. This is not necessary as the Bible and science are not in conflict. In his readable book, Bible and Science, John C. Bilello, a respected scientist, discusses these aspects. Please contact me for details on how to acquire this book.
Michael Parry [Montreal (Can)] Comment added in 2007 Reply to Michael
2:1,3 ‘Finished’ and ‘rested … and made’ is quoted in Heb 4:3,4,9 as part of an argument about the future kingdom of God. Therefore we can conclude that God’s resting was to show that there will be a time of rest. It is not simply that God had finished creation so had a rest. There is a deeper spiritual lesson here.
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2007 Reply to Peter
The first five books of the Bible (The Pentateuch) was originally one scroll. Nobody knows when they were divided into five separate books. However, all agree that Moses was the writer of The Pentateuch.
Michael Parry [Montreal (Can)] Comment added in 2008 Reply to Michael
Gen 1:1 Both Mark 1:1and John 1:1 echo the creation language in their gospel highlighting the fact that the whole creation activity centres around God’s plan of redemption in Jesus.
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2009 Reply to Peter
Gen 1:31 First Principles>Hell
1. The orthodox concept of Hell Fire is false. Three points rule out the orthodox concept of hell fire:
1. If hell exists, it was created. God is the creator of everything and He created everything very good. Hell in the orthodox concept was not very good so it wasn't created so it doesn't exist.
2. The doctrine of hell depends on the doctrine of the immortality of the soul. But the soul is mortal Gen 2:7.
Body + breath = life. Soul sinned, therefore it must die Gen 3:19-22. One must eat of the tree of live to live for ever. Mortality of the soul is confirmed in Psa 146:3-4.
3. Hell Fire disagrees with the judgement. Resurrection and judgement are confirmed in John 5:29, 1Cor 15:22, Heb 9:27
2. Bible teaching on Hell.
The once popular theory of hell as a place of eternal torments, is untrue. The original, unspoilt meaning of hell was an unseen or covered place. Hell in the Bible often means the grave. (In the Old Testament, the original Hebrew word SHEOL occurs 65 times, being translated 31 times hell, 31 times the grave and three times pit. In the New Testament the original Greek word HADES occurs 11 times, being translated 10 times “hell” and once the grave.)
Sometimes in the New Testament the original word for hell is GEHENNA, a term associated with the valley of Hinnom, a place near Jerusalem once the scene of idolatrous burnings and consequently so abhorred by the Jews of later Bible times that it was used as a place for the destruction of refuse and the dead bodies of animals and criminals, being continually kept burning for this purpose. It is therefore fittingly used to describe the future judgement.
1. Teachings from Old Testament Scriptures - go to 1Sam 22:6.
2. Teachings from New Testament Scriptures -
The Greek words are Hades - translated into hell 10 times, into Grave once. Go to Acts 2:27 for Hades, and to Matt 9:43-48 for Gehenna, which occurs another 11 times. (There is another Greek word, Tartarus, found only once, this being in 2Pet 2:4 and this word is not of significance as a first principle).
First Principles> For more first principle topics, go to Acts 8:12.
Roger Turner [Lichfield (UK)] Comment added in 2009 Reply to Roger
Gen 1:3;2Cor 4:6. Gen 1:27;Matt 19:3-5Mark 10:6. Gen 2:7;1Cor 15:45-46. Gen 2:24;Matt 19:3-5Mark 10:8Eph 5:31.
Charles Link, Jr. [Moorestown, (NJ, USA)] Comment added in 2009 Reply to Charles
Gen 1:26,27,31 - The appendix has long been thought of as nothing more than a worthless evolutionary artifact. Now researchers are suggesting the appendix is a lot more than a useless remnant. Not only is it recently suggested to possess a critical function, but scientists now find it appears in nature a lot more often than before thought.
Charles Link, Jr. [Moorestown, (NJ, USA)] Comment added in 2009 Reply to Charles
Gen 1:26 - "God said, 'Let us make man in our image...'" Who was around besides God at this time? It would have to be the angels. Gen 19:1-5;Heb 13:2.
Charles Link, Jr. [Moorestown, (NJ, USA)] Comment added in 2009 Reply to Charles
The creation account can be summarised as follows:
First day - Light. This is interesting as the sun, moon and stars are not yet created. Take a look at Rev 22:5
Second day - God puts a firmament (an expansion of space) between the waters that are above & below the firmament.
Third day - Land and sea and plant life.
Fourth day - Sun, moon and stars.
Fifth day - Fish & fowl.
Sixth day - Land animals and man.
Seventh day - God rested.
So, why did God create the earth? Isa 45:18 informs us that it was created to be inhabited, and Rev 4:11 informs us that all things were created for God's pleasure.
Tim Taylor [Studley, UK] Comment added in 2009 Reply to Tim
2:18 there is no such word as helpmeet. It's one of our inventions which we hear regularly. God provided help for Adam, a help that was meet, suitable, fit (ESV) for him. In French, the word used here, literally translated, means someone who corresponded to Adam.
This wasn't just a casual partner. This was someone who would work with Adam, who complemented him and, as such, forms the prototype of husbands and wives to come.
Ken Trelfer [Rockingham Forest, UK] Comment added in 2009 Reply to Ken
Gen 1 We should realise that the Genesis account of creation is not for the purpose of describing what actually happened with the physical creation but it has more to do with highlighting God’s purpose to fill the world with his glory through people. This is seen from the way in which Heb 11:3 says that ‘we understand that the worlds (ages) were framed by the word of God’ – notice that Hebrews carefully avoids physical creation type language.
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2009 Reply to Peter
One of the Bibles themes is that of "Beginning" - and our God is a God of New Beginnings.
Just as He created function and order out of chaos way back in the beginning... so He has continually worked in His Creation to bring about valuable new beginnings.
Noah is a classic case in point - a point in history which teaches us about listening, preparing and Baptism... or New Beginning.
Abraham is another classic case.... where God took a man and his family in their old age, spoke to them, led them on the journey of their lifetime... and gave them many New Beginnings in a new land.... far away from where they might have envisioned they would end their days.
Moses leading God's people out of Egypt.... was a new Beginning... just as Joshua leading God's people into the Land of Promise was a new Beginning.
David becoming king, Babylon taking Judah captive, Judah returning from captivity... were all new Beginnings.
Then the greatest of New Beginnings we find in Jesus.
So... this new year (a year that will bring New Beginnings for us all) why not look for the theme of "beginning" as HIS story unfolds.... and remember :-) .... not EVERY time the word "Beginning" occurs in the Bible does it have to refer back to Genesis 1:1.
God is a God of New Beginnings... "be confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ..."
Oh... and when you come to read John again this year... try to read his references to "beginning" as relating to the "New Beginning"... the new "Creation" in Jesus Christ.
ie... John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God... etc"
Unlike Matthew and Luke, who both provide a genealogy for Jesus (Mark, portraying Jesus as a servant doesn't do this... because a servant's genealogy is pointless)... John starts his genealogy for Jesus at the "beginning" of Jesus' ministry.... the "beginning of the New Creation". [Why not do a search in John on "beginning"? You will find many times the context takes us back to the "beginning" of Jesus' Ministry.... not the "Beginning" mentioned in Gen 1:1]
Cliff York [Pine Rivers (Aus)] Comment added in 2010 Reply to Cliff
How it all began: Eden the source of life
In Gen 1:20-23 it is clear that God made a few of every fish and bird, then commanded them to spread across the globe, filling the sea and sky. In other words, life started somewhere and spread, just as it did with the land dwelling animals and people. We know this because He commanded the same thing to mankind as He did to the fish and birds: "Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth" (1:28). Then in chapter 2 we take a step back and find out that all this actually happened in the garden of Eden. There were presumably no animals created outside that Garden, or else Adam wouldn't have been able to name them (2:18-20). And there were no plants, because Mankind was needed to till the ground before they could grow (2:5). So the picture in Genesis is of all life starting in, or near, Eden, and spreading outwards gradually. The fish and birds would spread quickly, taking other organisms and plant matter with them wherever they went, spreading plaintive out too. And mankind and land animals would follow more slowly. This explains how at the time of Noah all the animals were nearby enough to climb into the ark. And why God designed most plant seeds to be carried by birds and beasts.
Rob de Jongh [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2010 Reply to Rob
1:14 The details of creation and in particular the seasons being ordained by God is spoken of in Psa 104:14 as a basis for worshipping God.
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2010 Reply to Peter
The first recorded words of God
God's first words penned in the pages of the bible are "Let there be light". This may seem to be so simple and casual a statement but there lies a deep principle in it that the Creator of heaven and earth himself did lay down and which we will do well to give heed to.
The Principle: Before anything can been done there must be light.
We are in this world as it were a people in darkness; geographers without a compass.That light does not come from the wisdom of this age but from the "true light that gives light" as John testifies.We shall wear out ourselves in vain if we embark on our spiritual journey without the blessing of heaven. What a blessing we will do ourselves if we start, not only this new year but everthing, big or small, with the light of God!
Archbold Muhle [Bulawayo Zimbabwe] Comment added in 2011 Reply to Archbold
"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep..."
Between these two verses we find Bible scholars placing "Satan's" fall, and geologists providing undeniable evidence that the world is millions of years old! According to the "HEbrEW-CHALDEE LEXICON of the OLD TESTAMENT" By F.W. Gesenius (1846), Gesenius says that the conjunction, waw, ("And") at the beginning of verse 2 is a "waw copulative word." A copulative word according to "Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary" is a word that "joins together coordinate words or word groups and expressing addition of the meanings." There is a grammatical connection between these two verses.
The word, "and" connects and establishes specific relationships between complete sentences. In English grammar, "and" used to begin a sentence is grammatically correct IF you are showing a sequential relationship to the preceding sentence. This is what we see here in Gen 1. If verse 2 were a reconstruction of verse 1, then it would be connected with an adverbial conjunction. In other words, Scripture would read: "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Afterward the earth was without form and void; and darkness covered the face of the deep..."
The earth being without form and void does not mean that the earth was made waste and empty prior by God's judgment. Rather, it sets forth the creation scene with which God began His creation work. Verse 2 is simply a statement of a view of the earth before its creation was completed.
God made a declarative statement in Gen 1:1, which was then followed from verses 2-31 with a definitive account of His creation work through the elohim, or angels, during the time frame of, "In the beginning." This "beginning" covered the six days, ending on the seventh day when God rested. To believe otherwise is to delve into realms simply not revealed to us.
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2011 Reply to Valerie
“And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing; and beast of the earth after its kind: and it was so.”
“Kind” is miyn, # <4327>, and refers directly to “species kind.” We read further in Lev 18:23 that it is confusion to lie with different species other than their own. The word, “confusion” is # <8397>, tebel, “mixture, unnatural bestiality.” Scientists, in the interest of scientific advancement, have totally disregarded this injunction, and have mixed the various species in their laboratories!
Scientists want to study how cells develop in living creatures rather than in petri dishes. These horrific experiments have created a nightmarish scenario. Animals implanted with human cells have become so advanced that a human brain can now be trapped in a mouse’s body making the mouse a “humous.” These mice have human brain cells, and can be genetically engineered to produce human sperm and eggs, and then through in vitro fertilization would produce a child whose parents are mice! Pigs grow human hearts with human blood in their veins, monkeys grow human larynxes, and sheep have received cells from goats producing what Scientists call, “geep.” Sheep also have human livers, hearts, brains, and other human organs available later for transplant into humans. At present, we have no federal guidelines, no ethical boundaries to prevent these monstrous experiments.
A Religion Correspondent wrote in an article on the following: “Human-animal hybrid embryos should be legal says Catholic Church.” The correspondent goes on to say: “The Roman Catholic Church has called for women to be allowed to give birth to human-animal hybrids created in the laboratory”! In direct violation and total disregard of the divine order, these Scientists with their repulsive transgenic hybrids have opened Pandora’s Box to apocalyptic horrors of molecular biological nightmares beyond our wildest imagination.
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2011 Reply to Valerie
“And God (Elohim) said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God (Elohim) saw the light, that it was good: and God (Elohim) divided the light from the darkness.”
From the very beginning of creation, God created the light first and then separated the light from the darkness, the day from the night. This principal is carried on throughout Scripture, which shows us that the children of light, or Spirit were to be separate from the children of darkness, or Flesh.
The doctrine of separation is grounded in the holiness of God. Believers must be separate from sin and worldliness in order to be separated unto God. He took us out of darkness and brought us into His marvelous Light (1Pet 2:9), and we are exhorted as His children to walk in the Light (Eph 5:8-9).
This coming year let us come with a renewed mind, a renewed heart, a renewed faith, a renewed life, and a renewed spirit. The way of life is narrow (Matt 7:14), but in the infinite mercy of God it is within the reach of all who give their whole lives and energies to obtaining it.
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2011 Reply to Valerie
A New Year's Message
The world’s first “new year” was happy and prosperous. It was ushered in with rejoicing and praise when all the “morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God (angels) shouted for joy (Job 38:7). From that first bright and prosperous new year, we pass our years as a tale that is told, and are actors in but a short chapter of a very long story.
In 46 B.C.E., the Roman Emperor, Julius Caesar, first established January 1 as New Year’s Day. January is named after Janus, the Roman god of doors and gates, and is pictured with two faces; one looks to the past, and the other looks ahead toward the future. This symbolizes the connection with the ending of the old and the beginning of the new.
We stand between the old and the new, and curiously blend both into our present experience. We reflect on the twelve months past and ask if they were months of progress, stagnation, or positive in the attainment of those qualifications that give peace and righteousness now, and unutterable joy in the endless future that awaits us. Some people may gloze and doze over the Bible in a dreamy way; others may find this line of reflection lugubrious, but not to those with wisdom. It is only in the Bible that we learn the secret of a satisfying and rewarding life in the present, and only in the Bible can we learn how to obtain everlasting life in the future. The old year has passed, and men die, but God’s purpose goes on (Isa 40:6-8).
We can look back into history, and forward into the future as God unfolds it, and we may gain a glimpse of just a fraction of the greatness of our Heavenly Father. If we cultivate peace with God, then we are at peace within ourselves despite any sadness, loss, or any ominous events that may occur around us. The poet, Alfred L. Tennyson speaks of “ringing out the old, and ringing in the new; ringing out the false, and ringing in the true.” Indeed, in Eph 4 and Col 3 we are admonished to, put off the old man, and put on the new man, “which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.”
The peace of Eden was broken and remains broken, and the sound of drums and trumpets of war has never been wholly absent. Yet, through it all, we hear and see the purpose of God being worked out. We are witnesses of, and unwilling actors in, these days of the breaking of God’s peace, but let it not break our inner peace. Let us look forward with great anticipation when the old things have passed away, and all things have become new.
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2011 Reply to Valerie
“And God (Elohim) said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…”
We read here that the Elohim not only created man in their image, but also in their divine likeness. So what is this image and likeness in which you and I were created?
The word, “image” comes from the Latin word, “imago,” which refers to a reflection. Thus, being created in the image of the Elohim is not what makes us human, but rather what enables us to relate to our Creator in ways the rest of creation cannot. To be in the image and likeness of the Elohim is what humanity was intended to be right from its very inception. When we look in the mirror, can we honestly say that we are reflections of the Elohim? Folks have told me that they can “see” my mother in my eyes. In a similar way then we ought to “see” in one another the Elohim reflected in us.
When Diogenes, a Greek Cynic Philosopher, heard Plato, a Greek Philosopher, define human beings as, “two-footed, featherless animals,” he plucked a chicken, held it up for all to see and announced, “Behold Plato’s man.” Plato immediately revised his definition to: “Human beings are two-footed, featherless animals, with broad flat nails”! Plato clearly missed the point! Are we missing the point? We are to be bearers of our Creator’s image and likeness. Who do we see when we look in the mirror? Who do we sound like? Who do we model our behaviour after? When Messiah returns to judge us, and looks into our eyes, will he see himself?
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2011 Reply to Valerie
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2011 Reply to Peter
Gen 1:5 provides the Divine formula for a day being a 24 hour period.“And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.” The Hebrew word for “first” in this verse is not the word for “first” as it would be used in a ranking or sequence, e.g. second, third, fourth, fifth etc. See, Strong’s Concordance H<259>. It means “properly united” “that is one”.
God is informing us that the uniting of an evening and a morning, constitute one day. Strong’s Concordance has a different Hebrew word for “first” when meaning a ranking or sequence of numbers. See, Strong’s H<7223>. For example, Exo 12:15, uses “first” meaning the “first in place, time or rank” in which a sequence occurs. Meaning first chronologically as in, first dayof the seven days of unleavened bread). We know 24 hours has to elapse for a complete cycle of day, evening, night and morning. To what authority do we appeal if we were to suggest that this is not so when the Lord began the Word of life with the seven literal days of His creative work?
Peter Moore [Erith, UK] Comment added in 2012 Reply to Peter
Gen 2:21-22 Eve was created from a rib taken from Adam. The Hebrew word for “rib” H<6763> is used elsewhere in Scripture to help us to develop our understanding of the relationship between Christ and his bride.
In Exo 25:12 we find the next occurrence of the Hebrew word for “rib”. In this verse it is twice translated as “side”. The sides of the Ark or it’s “ribs” remind us of the way Adam’s bride was created and make the connection between the Ark with its mercy seat and the means of forgiveness for the faithful.
1Kings 6:5 Solomon’s Temple had “chambers” or “ribs” (see margin, KJV) constructed round it. God’s house was constructed with “ribs”. Reminding us of the Adam’s bride and the faithful worshippers in the Temple and the faithful bride of Christ.
Eze 41:6-9 Ezekiel Temple is constructed with “chambers” or “ribs” the same Hebrew word as in Gen.2:21-22.
Peter Moore [Erith, UK] Comment added in 2012 Reply to Peter
Gen 1:11-12 - "herb yielding <2232>" can mean not just yielding but also sowing..."tree yielding <6213>" yielding in this instance can mean "to do, fashion, accomplish, make, etc." -- also, trees were made on the third day so perhaps this echos the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ.
Charles Link, Jr. [Moorestown, (NJ, USA)] Comment added in 2012 Reply to Charles
“And on the seventh day God (Elohim) ended his work which he had made, and he rested on the seventh day… And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work…”
The Russian mathematician and atheist, Dr. Ivan Panin was a mathematical genius who was exiled from Russia because of his active participation in plots against the Czar. He went to Germany where he became an outstanding lecturer, but several years later moved to the United States and became a U.S. citizen and a Harvard Scholar. It was in 1890 that he discovered the Bible’s mathematical structure and its extensive numeric codes, which led to his conversion.
The numeric value of a word is the sum total of the word, and this roused Panin's curiosity to toy with the numbers behind the words and for the next 50 years he painstakingly combed through the pages of the Bible. Dr. Panin concluded that the laws of probability exceeded into the billions and said: “If human logic is worth anything at all we are simply driven to the conclusion that if my facts I have presented are true, man could never have done this.” He further stated: “We must assume that a Power higher than man guided the writers in such a way, whether they knew it or not, they did it and the Great God inspired them to do it” (cf. 2Pet 1:21).
Numbers hold an important place in the works of God. Of all the sciences, the science of mathematics is the only science considered to be exact, and unless proved mathematically, all other branches of science are but theories or opinions. Amazingly, by logical mathematical proof, we can show that the Word of God is full of these implications. Everything created by God is mathematically perfect. Ivan Panin, in his book, “The Inspiration of the Scriptures Scientifically Demonstrated,” writes about discovering thousands of mathematical patterns not found anywhere outside of the Bible. It is absolutely fascinating reading! Panin died at Aldershot, Ontario, Canada on October 30th, 1942 at the age of 87.
The number seven is very prevalent throughout Scripture. In the Book of Revelations we read of seven golden candlesticks, seven letters to seven churches, a book sealed with seven seals, seven angels standing before the Lord with seven trumpets, seven thunders and seven last plagues.
God seals the number seven also in His creation as if woven into the very fabric of nature. While examples could be given in volumes, consider these few:
The Bible declares man’s years to be three score and ten (10x7).
The human embryo is formed in 28 (4x7) days.
The gestation period of man is 280 (40x7) days.
Every cell in the body is renewed every 7 years.
Creation was completed in 7 days.
The Earth is 49 (7x7) times larger than the Moon.
The Moon takes 28 (4x7) days to encircle the Earth.
The gestation period of the mouse is 21 (3x7) days.
The gestation period of the cat is 56 (8x7) days.
The gestation period of the dog is 63 (9x7) days.
The incubation of bird eggs is always in a multiple of 7 days. The canary is 14 (2x7) days, and the emu is 56 (8x7) days. Though the incubation period time factors differ considerably, all these time factors are in multiples of seven days!
Scientists tell us that the cells of the human body are renewed every 7 years.
Scientists confirm that the human body is made of the same 14 (7x2) elements found in a handful of dust.
Our pulse beats slower on the 7thday, according to God’s seventh day of rest.
The sun’s light is made up of 7 distinct colours as evidenced by the rainbow.
In music there are 7 distinct notes that climax in a chord or octave at the beginning of a new 7.
God’s creative work is mathematically perfect. Sir Isaac Newton said: “This could only proceed from the council and dominion of an intelligent and powerful being.” Albert Einstein once stated, “The Scientists religious feeling takes the form of rapturous amazement at the perfect harmony of natural laws which reveals intelligence of such superiority that, compared with it, all the systematic thinking of human beings is an utterly insignificant reflection.”
The number 7 is often referred to as “God’s Seal” and the “number of spiritual perfection.” The numerical structure of the Bible is the subject of numerous volumes, but none are more provocative than the works of Dr. Ivan Panin. There is no human explanation for this incredible and precise structure. We simply sit back and gasp as we ponder on the skillful handiwork of our Heavenly Father.
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2012 Reply to Valerie
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”
Of all the planets in our solar system, God named one planet - Earth. All the other planets were named by fallen man and were given the name of pagan gods! The names given to the planets in our solar system are the Roman gods and goddesses. This is because the people who named the first known planets were the Romans. The Assyrians, Babylonians, and Greeks had names, but the Roman names have stuck as they are the most recently preserved in Western society. Here is the list of the eight main planets, Pluto being a dwarf planet:
Mercury - named after the Roman mythological counterpart of Hermes, the Greek god of messengers, commerce, thieves, and sports. Named as such because of the speed at which it revolves around the Sun.
Venus - named after the Roman mythological counterpart of Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and beauty.
Earth - named by God
Mars - named after the Roman mythological counterpart of Ares, the Greek god of war.
Jupiter - named after the Roman mythological counterpart of Zeus, the Greek king of the gods.
Saturn - named after the Roman god of agriculture and harvest, Saturn. He is the Roman mythological counterpart of Cronus (Kronos), the Greek titan who fathered Zeus.
Uranus - named after the Greek mythological Father of the Sky, Ouranos. "Uranus" is the Latin translation of "Ouranos".
Neptune - named after the Roman mythological counterpart of Poseidon, the Greek god of the seas.
Pluto – named after the Roman god of the underworld and counterpart of Hades, the Greek god of the underworld.
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2012 Reply to Valerie
When God created Adam and the woman, He created them with different traits and established different roles for them. He designed them to be different in order to bring about a mutual benefit in the marriage relationship, and enable them to accomplish His will in their lives.
God first created Adam and gave him dominion over all His creation. He was to oversee, tend to the garden, and care for all that God had made. The woman was created from Adam’s rib, thus making him the head of his wife (1Tim 2:13), and were in every aspect truly, “one flesh.” Adam had the preeminence because he was the source of his help-mate and in the same manner as the head of man is Christ, whose head is God (1Cor 11:3).
God had created the woman to be Adam’s helper - to assist him in all the responsibilities He gave him. There was a loving, cooperative relationship between the two, as they worked side by side, Adam directing the work, his wife supporting him. Together, they were a team and together they would fulfill their respective roles. These different roles continue today, though not necessarily followed. God made man and woman this way that they might compliment one another in fulfilling His will in their lives as “joint heirs,” if you will. At this time, they had perfect fellowship with God.
After they sinned, they attempted self-justification. Adam blamed, “The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat” (Gen 3:12). He was indirectly also blaming God! His wife followed his example and blamed the serpent! God then proceeded to pass His judgments:
The serpent the “most subtil” than any of the beasts was made the lowest of all the beasts. The judgment and effects of sin extended to all the animal kingdom (Jer 12:4).
The woman’s sorrow and conception would be multiplied – the length of the pain in childbirth was increased. Because of the woman’s fallen carnal nature, she would have a strong desire to rule over her husband, but it would be the husband who would rule or have power over her. The headship would remain the same; she would be in submission, a tough submission for sinful flesh – a constant battle.
The man would have to toil the garden under great hardship. Before the fall, labour was easy, and the land easily yielded its crops, but now the plants were also affected by sin. Man would return to dust again from which he was taken - in other words, the dying process began on all of creation. Trusting in God’s promises, it was then that Adam called his wife, Eve, the “mother of all living” (Gen 3:15,20).
Though the woman sinned first, ultimately, Adam was made more culpable than the woman because he was not deceived. He did what he did fully knowing what he did (1Tim 2:14)! While their fellowship with God was broken, God did not leave them without hope. His judgments came with mercy.
Sin changed everything that God once pronounced as “very good” (Gen 1:31). Their descendants inherited their fallen sinful nature even before ever committing sin! “In Adam all sinned” (Rom 5:12), and all die, but “in Christ shall all be made alive” (1Cor 15:22).Nothing would ever be the same. Sin changed what was originally God’s intention for all mankind. Because of Adam’s choice, sin changed the whole character and condition of mankind throughout all time. While the message is one of man’s failures, it also demonstrates God’s mercy to save the sinner gone astray.
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2012 Reply to Valerie
Gen 1:1-4 We begin our daily Bible readings for the year with the first record of good works. God created the light (v.3) and the divine assessment was, “God saw the light that it was good.” Jesus, at the beginning of his ministry taught his followers to “let their light shine” (Matt 5:16) so that men would “see their good works and glorify” their heavenly Father. The “good works” the disciples were exhorted to display was the preaching of the Gospel. This would be like a light shining in the darkness that would give the light of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ (2Cor 4:4-6).
This must be our goal in the time that remains till the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Peter Moore [Erith, UK] Comment added in 2013 Reply to Peter
2:21 The ‘deep sleep’ that God brought upon Adam was a pattern of the death and resurrection of Jesus. Just as the ‘bride’ was brought to Adam when he woke Mary Magdalene was brought to Jesus immediately after his resurrection John 20:14-16
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2013 Reply to Peter
What is the explanation for God's creating of light on Day 1, and the sun, moon, and stars on Day 4?
An important point to make before getting around to trying to answer the question is that the actual heavens and earth were already in existence and had been so "x" number of years prior to what can be described as the 6 days' creation. So geologists and archaeologists who tell us that the earth and fossils found in the earth are so many millions of years old - their findings and integrity don't need to be really questioned. And they are not necessarily contradictory to what the Bible has to say about creation. Therefore, if this is true, what is being described throughout this chapter and with somewhat more detail in ch. 2 is God's making of the earth inhabitable.
What follows then is one way to read this. This chapter gives the story of "Creation" not necessarily as it took place, but as it was revealed to Moses (or perhaps, to Adam and Eve and through them and oral retellings of it to Moses later on). And the order here would be that which an onlooker would see things happen (if there were one alive to see it, which obviously was not the case).
First, chaos on a globe wrapped in thick cloud. The vapor thins out, and light (from the sun) percolates through. As this process continues, the separation between waters on the earth and in the sky takes place, followed by another separation - sea and land. Then vegetable growth appears. The mist then gradually dissipates, and the heavenly bodies are finally revealed. But, once more, emphasis needs to be put on the fact that this is the order of the Divine revelation.
Wes Booker [South Austin Texas USA] Comment added in 2013 Reply to Wes
A reader writes: “Even the most vociferous protagonists of evolution do not question the fact that the earth was created without form, void and dark… The NIV uses the word 'Now' to link the two verses together.”
My reply: I have come across teachings that openly state the earth was not originally created formless and void and cite Isa 45:18 (RV) then Jer 4:23-26 from which they conclude a catastrophic event must have occurred to cause the earth to become waste, but what this event was is not known except that it involved disobedience and God’s final judgment on the then civilization. Dr. John Thomas in his book, Elpis Israel, speaks of “pre-Adamic inhabitants.” He writes on Ch 2, page 11: “Fragments, however, of the wreck of this pre-Adamic world have been brought to light by geological research… Geologists have endeavoured to extend the six days into six thousand years.”
Conclusions of this nature come from the one word we read in Gen 1:28: “…replenish the earth,” and compare it with Gen 9:1: wherein Noah and his sons were told to, “replenish the earth.” It is the same Hebrew word in both places, mala, # <4390>, and means both to “fill” and “replenish.” “Fill” is appropriate for Gen 1:28 since Adam and Eve were the only inhabitants at that time, and “replenish” is appropriate for Gen 9:1 because the earth was previously inhabited. The context is our guide.
The 1984 NIV edition I have uses the word, “AND” throughout Gen 1 as does the Septuagint version, which is considered the most accurate Hebrew translation into Greek.
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2013 Reply to Valerie
“In the beginning God (Elohim) created the heaven and the earth.”
In 1973 a scientific conference was held in Poland to commemorate the 500th birthday of Nicolaus Copernicus. It was here that Dr. Brandon Carter, astrophysicist from Cambridge University, introduced the “Antropic Principle,” Antropic derived from the Greek word, anthropos, and means “man.” He proposed that the precise balance of all the multitude of forces including gravity, electro-magnetism, and the strong nuclear force of the Universe were so fine-tuned in such a precise manner as to allow life to exist on Earth. In 1984, Dr. Robert Jastrow, astronomer and agnostic, also concluded that life could not survive if the characteristics that make up our solar system were even slightly different. He admitted that “the Universe was constructed within very narrow limits, in such a way that man could dwell in it. It is the most theistic result ever to come out of science, in my view” – The Intellectuals Speak Out About God.
Further complexity, however, has been introduced to Bible students by claiming that there is a significant time gap from the creation of the Universe to the creation of the Earth. It opens the door to all the evolutionary trappings of the formation of the Universe in terms of billions of years! It is known as “The Gap Theory.” The Gap Theory supposes there was a “gap” of time between the two distinct creations - the Universe and the Earth, between verses one and two. It serves only to support and reconcile the time scale of the Universe with the astronomical theories that allow for the Big Bang Theory - one big explosion that matter clumped together to form our galaxies, sun, moon, stars, and planets. It feeds into the “Day-Age Theory,” which allows for thousands or millions of years between each creation day despite the fact that the Bible tells us the “evening and the morning” were one day. They deny the very foundations of Scripture (cf. Psa 11:3)! I am not a scientist, but my observation has always been that explosions create disorder, not order.
The best quote I can give comes right from the Bible in Exo 20:11. “For in six days the LORD (Yahweh) made heaven and earth…” There is no gap! This very statement covers both Gen 1:1 and all the subsequent verses. God made Heaven first to support life on Earth then created in the right order those things needed to support vegetable, animal, and human life. Could God not create Heaven and Earth in one day and subsequently continue to build thereon each within their day? “Is any thing too hard for the LORD (Yahweh)” (Gen 18:14)? The Universe was created to support life on Earth so there was no need to have a Universe billions of years old before God proceeded to continue His creation of Earth.
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2013 Reply to Valerie
Gen 2:19 Adam was a literal person, not a figurative or metaphoric character. For evidence we have Christ's geneology directly traced to Adam (Matt 1:1-16;Luke 3:23-38).
In a similar vein, just as Adam was flawed, I happen to share that unfortunate trait in abundance, and no doubt have a number of inadvertently flawed posts. So please be careful. Be like the Bereans (Acts 17:10-11;2Tim 3:16-17).
Charles Link, Jr. [Moorestown, (NJ, USA)] Comment added in 2013 Reply to Charles
A New Year’s Message
The New Year presents to us new beginnings, where bygones are bygones. New Year to the older generation holds hope, thanksgiving and gratitude as they witness the dawning of another New Year. New Year brings on a time of reflection and contemplation with new resolutions. New Year is a time when many would like to start anew their relationships, forgiving those who have wronged them, and asking forgiveness from those they have wronged. New Year is the day when we strive to be accepting of our differences and bridge the gap; the greatest gap to be bridged being our relationship with God and His Son.
Why not start the New Year with a prayer, a prayer that this New Year will be fruitful as we grow in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ? Let us appreciate the year God has given us, the blessings we have, and be filled with gratitude for all that we have received and continue to receive. May this New Year be centered on God, through whom we live and move and have our being.
To some the New Year may start off with some uncertainties of what may lie ahead. Life is not always smooth sailing; often it is more like a roller coaster ride, but through it all may we glorify God each and everyday as the LORD opens up another chapter in our lives. May we live each day with more meaning, inviting God to lead us in His way and holding on to Him, He will sustain us.
May each day unite us, joining our mind and heart, and with hands on the plow continue steadfastly upholding and sustaining one another in love as we journey Zion-ward. No matter what storms we may face, united and determined we can make it and through God we can find peace even in a troubled world.
Let this New Year be the start of a new adventure with motivations, along with things to ponder as a new chapter in the Lamb’s Book of Life opens. Listening to exhortations at: will certainly enhance our possibilities to grow spiritually. After all, this is our whole purpose in being here, for without God life is like a pencil without a point.
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2013 Reply to Valerie
A reader writes: .. “I read with great interest the comment you made on today's Genesis reading about the age of the earth vs. the age of the universe.
I find your comments on the readings usually very pertinent, insightful and helpful - particularly your comments on divorce and remarriage. FINALLY I've found an answer to this great Christadelphian hobby-horse that makes sense and is in harmony with the whole of Scripture!
Some years ago, Bro. ------- ------ (------- Ecclesia UK) who is a prominent scientist and member of the Royal Society gave an address at our ecclesia in which he stated that it had recently been discovered and proven mathematically that for "Big Bang" (i.e. the birth of the universe) to have panned out the way it has done, it had to be under intelligent control within 10 to the minus 32 of a second i.e .0000000000 (31 noughts in fact)0001 of one second. So who was the source of that intelligence? There can only be one answer... Yahweh! Bro. ------ also stated that scientists who believe in evolution have done their level best to cover up this 'inconvenient truth'!
And if we stop to think for a moment, the universe being created by a 'big bang' controlled by Yahweh could also explain why Yahweh is not bound by time in the way we are i.e. He is outside its control BECAUSE He is not bound by the time constraints we know and experience BECAUSE He pre-existed Big Bang and thus time as we know it - which commenced at the instant Big Bang started! This concept takes some getting your head round! I have thus no problem accepting that the universe and the earth could be billions of years old: What I know for sure is that sometime around 6,000 years ago to quote Genesis 1:2, 'The Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters (of the
earth). 3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.' And thus the present order of Creation as we know it was begun on earth - in six literal consecutive days I believe.
As Bro. Thomas points out: there may well have been previous creations by Yahweh before this one - which would explain where the ancient fossils come from - AND where the angels came from. We just don't know... we weren't there. We can only take what's recorded in the Genesis record at face value - and not try and read into Genesis what isn't there!
And another thing we DO know is that Yahweh created the earth for a purpose - to fill it with His glory by manifesting that glory in the culmination of that (I believe literal) six-days of creation - man.
Sadly, as we shall read tomorrow, man thought he knew better, but Yahweh provided in the shedding of the blood of the animal (and wouldn't it be an interesting coincidence if it was a male lamb!) skin coverings to provide a "covering" for Adam & Eve's nakedness of sin.
I do try to keep an open mind on Yahweh's Word - not a firmly closed one! It's very refreshing to see that you do too!…”
My reply: … Thank you for your feedback and I am pleased to learn that you have taken the time to examine for yourself the D&R issue, and in putting the pieces of the puzzle together (all Scripture on the subject), got the complete picture. Scripture must harmonize and if it does not, we know there is something wrong somewhere.
From dinosaurs, to DNA, to carbon dating, they run smack-dab into the Theory of Evolution. Indeed, for evolution to be true, the Earth must be billions of years old.
There are Scientists who tell us that dinosaur fossils found still had soft tissue and red blood cells that looked fresh, and that these fossilized bones could not be billions of years old, but possibly only thousands. Other Scientists, however, claim they are billions of years old. There are Scientists who tells us our oldest spiral galaxy is 10 billion years old, while other Scientists say that spiral galaxies cannot be billions of years old because within billions of years they would be twisted beyond recognition and wouldn’t be seen as spirals by us and use this as proof that the universe is much younger than originally thought. Some Scientists say the oceans get saltier every year and if they were millions of years old, the water would be so thick we could practically walk across them by now. Other Scientist deny this is so.
I am not inclined to believe that the Earth is billions of years, not just because it opens the door to Evolutionists, but because sin introduced death, and these animals prior to creation died. Scripture tells us death was introduced into the world in Genesis 3, so how could there be bones of dead creatures before the fall? Furthermore, Scientists do agree that some of the the fossils of these animals were diseased, some had cancer, and there is evidence of one animal eating another. Yet, God pronounced His creation as “very good” prior to the fall of man. These fossils according to the Genesis record cannot be older than creation of the Earth, after which sin entered into the world.
So, what is the truth? Since God is silent on a pre-Genesis, or pre-Adamic creation, as Dr. John Thomas puts it, everything is, therefore, conjecture and supposition, which came about to firmly plant the validity of evolution and explain these "billion" year old fossils, Earth and Universe. We really do not know. For this reason, it is best to stick to what we do know and the rest God will reveal to us in due time. It is as you say, "only take what's recorded in the Genesis record at face value."
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2014 Reply to Valerie
1:2 That the earth was “without form” is quoted – Jer 4:23 – as part of Jeremiah’s description of the impact of Judah’s sinful behaviour on His creation. Not that literally the earth was “without form” but that His glory was hidden by their behaviour.
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2014 Reply to Peter
Firsts in Scripture
Gen 1:1-4 The first recorded words of God are found in this opening chapter of our Bible. “God said, let there be light: and there was light.”(v.3).
Also, the first record we have of a Divine assessment is to be found in this first chapter of Genesis, “God saw the light that it was good:”(v.4). This was also the first declaration of good works. It was God’s creative work that had overcome darkness, “…and God divided the light from the darkness.”(v.4).
As we read the Bible throughout the year ahead we will see that the theme of light overcoming darkness is a recurring theme. God who created the light also created His Son the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus is described as, “the true Light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.”(John 1:9).
The light created by God at creation was necessary to sustained life in the natural world. In the same way, the saving work of Jesus can give us life. Jesus said, “I am the light of the world:”. If we walk in that light, following Jesus then we “shall have the light of life.” (John 8:12) which can sustain us until Jesus returns.
Peter Moore [Erith, UK] Comment added in 2014 Reply to Peter
Gen 1:1 “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Notice the order of creative events first the heavens then second, the earth. The prophet Isaiah draws a spiritual lesson for us from this order established at creation, “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isa 55:8).
Peter Moore [Erith, UK] Comment added in 2014 Reply to Peter
Gen 1:1 In the beginning. Much has been said in our community over the appearnt gap theory. The numerical value of the first words we read here is 999, if we go to Isa 29:16 we see that we sometimes attempt to turn upside down the potters clay through lack of undertsanding, what do we get if we turn Gen1 upside down 666!!!
The only think we as his clay need to understand is Psa 33:6
Gen 1:4 seperation of light from darkness is our main priority just as we read in Malachi yesterday we are to speak continually on Gods word and our coonversation should only be with those of like mind if we do we shall be enlightened. Psa 18:28 and why Jesus was born John 3:19
Gen 1:8 No mention of good? Because no fruit/glory had yet been produced?
Man and animals were made as living things but man was given something slightly different he was made in the likeness of the Elohim. Likeness relates to Glory 1Cor 11:7 man was created to give glory to God. Man wasnt made to be saved he was made to reflect Gods glory. God manifestation NOT human salvation!
Man was told to have dominion over the beasts of the field, Psa 8the serpant was such a creature but man failed to have dominion over him so spiritually we are to have dominion over the carnal mind/flesh. The longer man goes on putting God to one side the more we see carnal lusts taking over man see Eze 38:20 for their outcome.
SO the principle is that we as Gods creation are to have dominion over the flesh in doing so we give glory produce fruit to Yahweh.
Animals cannot overcome carnal thinking like the serpant they cannot understand his word and only question it the only way we can tame our carnal thoughts is to fill our minds with the word.
So from Gen 1, we are to seperate from darkness and dwell in light, and we are to prduce fruit for our creator John 15:2 and have dominion over the carnal mind.
Gen 2:4 Generations talks of beggetting, but also speaks of development Gods purpose the word "made" should be appointed Yahweh appointed the heavens and the earth. But there was no creature that could reveal his glory. And thats what Yahweh made creation in particular man. Num 14:21Isa 49:3 We also see the first use of the covenant name so manifesting his name was the development man was to undergo. DO we continually develop as we study Gods word or do we think "I have been baptised thats enough"?
Bro Thomas in Elpis Israel tells us Man was created with moral sentiment whereas animals thought only by instinct, where does moral sentiment fit in with evolution? An animal cannot rise above his carnal lusts and instincts how does man if he evolved from apes?
Gen 2:5 What is needed fro fruit? WATER 1Cor 3:8 The word husbandry in 1 cor 3 is farm or garden we are his produce which he wants to grow into fruit bearing trees and so he provides the spiritual water. Psa 1
Gen 2:8 Gardening and trees!
Another lovely principle that Adam was planted in a garden. The theme of gardening is carried all through scripture we see its creation here in Genesis and we see a future garden in Isa 60:13 we see Adam failed in a garden and Christ overcame (carnal thinking) in a garden, he was taken to his death and buried in a garden and ressurected in a garden.
The garden was figuartivly a sanctuary where man and God could dwell together that is the only way man and God can have fellowship by seperating himself away from the world around Gods word. SO adam was created outside the garden taken in to recieve direct instruction from the Elohim.
Planted- we are planted Isa 5:21Cor 3:9
We are planted trees fruit bearing trees of all different varieties and uses. Psa 92:12 (the word court means enclosed area/ garden).To show Gods glory Isa 61:3
Gen 2:9 2 trees
Of course we have 2 specific trees in v9 of Gen 2, we have the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
This tree of evil gave a form of knowledge that man was not to partake of, why did Yahweh forbid them to eat of it? Because the knowledge it gave was carnal, the thinking of the flesh. Just like the beasts of the field and the serpant but there is nothing wrong in carnal thinking is there?
If you’re an animal!
Here then is why we are to separate from the world because they think like animals. God wanted man to listen to the angels, hear their instruction and to gradually increase to that which has a heavenly mind and be led to the tree of life.
Instead they gained a mind of an animal, remember we have minds not much better than animals.
And so our 1st parents broke that first commandment when they took of that tree and they failed to subdue the beast of the field.
When God makes a commandment he makes it to be fulfilled, at some stage a man would have to refuse to take of that tree of evil to refuse the animal lusts we all share to fight back against that carnal thinking.
That man was teh Lord Jesus Christ.. How did he do it?
Rom 8:6 “to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace” There are those 2 trees one bought death the other life and peace. Christ had a choice as we do eat of the tree of life or take of the tree of evil, one will bring death one will bring eternal life. And we know he chose the tree of life because he chose to apply his knowledge of the word into his life, and that’s how that commandment was fulfilled because he never took of that tree of knowledge he never let that carnal thinking that rebellion to take root. He always had dominion over that animal thinking. Heb 5:14
That word Exercise is the word Gymnasium, and means to practice or train, but it doesn’t mean to exercise or train our muscles. The word discern has a root meaning to discriminate or analyze a situation to train our minds.
Paul is telling us I want you to recognize what is good from what is evil, train your minds to analyze a situation consult scripture and make the right choice and that’s wisdom.
Rotherham puts it like this, “to them by reason of habit have their organs of perception well trained for discriminating both good and evil.”
How do we get access to the tree of life? Prov 3:8, Isa 32:16, Psa 104:16 by Gods word!
Gen 2:18 Woman.
Here we see the complete isolation for man is not beneficial, not only in natural life, but also in spiritual life, the Elohim are a group of individuals who work together for the glory of God. As Adam was made in a likeness to the Elohim they declared that Adam too would require companionship one he could share fellowship with. So a help meet was required for Adam, a “suitable helper COMPLETING him” is the best translation.
And here quite beautifully we see the creation of a woman who was created to help man on becoming a heavenly minded individual. That then is how we should see our husbands and wives.
Gen 2:19-20 naming the animals.
It is suggested by one author that the Elohim had already given the animal names so were testing Adam, to see whether he shared the same perception of character as themselves to see whether Adam was indeed in their likeness.
It appears that Adam rose beautifully to his test, his mind did indeed elevate to one perhaps of a heavenly minded man and we have recorded at least one success in Adams probation not only that but he also perceived it was not good he was alone.
This perception Adam had for appreciating nature and indeed the true reason for being partnered with a woman and respect she deserves is sadly lost today in modern man, (think of Charles Darwin here) as man gains a mind more and more in line with the beast of the field and all its carnal ways it loses appreciation of Gods creation just as like the river flowing downhill out of the garden.
We have something unique here amongst creation which is sadly lost amongst those who do not accept the creation account that a woman was made from a man. The females of all the other species were formed out of the earth so they had no special and natural bond like a man and woman should have.
A male of the animal species could not say bone of my bones or flesh of my flesh. Adam had a natural sympathy and love for his wife because she was part of him perhaps a similar relationship between child and mother. He also had in a type to die for her existence.
This sympathy was not only in a physical way but in a mental and intellectual one, she was a reflection of him as he was of the Elohim.
The relationship between animals and their partners is pure lust and an attraction based only on a physical basis. That is why they wear colourful displays and revealing markings to attract their mate. These mating rituals are based on carnal lust.
By the way I am not talking about animal kingdom I am talking of those women who wear short skirts or low cut tops those men who like to show off their efforts down the gym!
The way a brethren and sisters dresses is a reflection on their state of mind whether they are thinking like an animal or a heavenly minded individual a brother or sister who is worthy of being bought forth to her future husband the Lord Jesus Christ.
Our Lord Jesus Christ sets the example. Eph 5:25 Christ isn’t looking for the outward appearance is he? He is looking to his wife his ecclesial bride to be a reflection of him, one who is achieving the same thing that of dedicating her life into pleasing the father.
Gen 2:25 Naked in being innocent of sin before each other and God.
A child has no shame in nakedness it is only when a child begins to develop sinful lusts does it begin to become ashamed of its body.
Adam and Eve then were like children in their nudity, they had no shame because they had no sinful lusts in their minds they had no propensities, their minds were innocent of sin, void of carnal thoughts the readiness to do evil like we have was also missing from their minds.
The nature of Adam, us and Christ.
Adam was created very good no propensites or lusts upon creation Yahweh could not have put them there 1John 2:15 = No natural desire to sin or glorify God. empty mind. Death capable and sin capable.
US was created as Adam after the fall (not good) = Sin prone and a mind not naturallly capable of glorifying God death bound.
Christ was created after Adam (but begotten of God) so not good (Luke 18:19) = Natural desire to sin but a mind naturally seeking to glorify God, death bound and sin capable.
stephen cox [Sedgley UK] Comment added in 2014 Reply to stephen
1:29-30 "Then God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the ]surface of all the earth, and every tree ]which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you; 30 and to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the sky and to every thing that ]moves on the earth [ar]which has life, I have given every green plant for food”; and it was so.
In the brginning both man and beast ate only plants. Death was not part of creation. After the flood we know it was different because God (Gen 9:3) gave Noah every living thing as meat for him. It is interesting that during God's reign it would appear that we may go back to the original state of eating only plants. Certain that would be the case when death is destroyed.
Isa_11:7 And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.
Alex Browning [Kitchener-Waterloo] Comment added in 2014 Reply to Alex
“… but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him… This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh… because she was taken out of Man…”
The word “rib(s)” in vv. 21,22 comes from the Hebrew word, tsela, # <6763> and means, “… a side, lit. (of a person)…” This word everywhere else in Scripture is translated, corner (Exodus 30:4), side (2Sam 16:13), and chamber (1Ki 6:8). More often, though, it is translated as side. This is the only place where tsela is translated as rib. The Theological Word Book of the Old Testament says, “Conceivably this means that God took a good portion of Adam’s side, since the man considers the woman to be ‘bone of his bones and flesh of his flesh.’”
The woman was not made from man’s head to rule over him, she was not made from his feet to be inferior, she was not made from his back to be his follower, but from man’s side noting companionship, a suitable helper. This was the woman’s role with man. Woman is never shown in Scripture to be inferior to man; however, Scripture does show the distinct relationship of a woman to man and vice versa. It was God’s stated plan that man and woman should be one not in just physical union, but working together with a one common purpose in life.
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2014 Reply to Valerie
“And God blessed them, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it... And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good...”
A reader writes: “...I've always been somewhat ambivalent about but uncertainly came down on the side of a sexual awakening DURING or AFTER the Fall, not BEFORE it - mainly based on what Bro. Thomas writes in Elpis Israel...”
My reply: Procreation is indicated before the fall of Adam and Eve and not a result of the fall. It came under the sentence of “very good.” Just because we read in Gen 4:2 of Adam knowing his wife Eve after the fall does not mean that procreation itself was sinful or the result of sin.
But, this verse is more than just about procreation. God wanted His children, created in His image, to become “fruitful” or “abundantly productive” – in the sense that He wanted His children to be like Him (cf. Matt 5:48). Therefore, being “fruitful” was to develop a personal relationship with God in developing character to His honour and to His glory. Adam and Eve were to be also spiritually prepared to bear fruit. Thus, they would be in the position to have a family centered upon God. In this they failed and Cain was the first fruit of this failure. They succumbed to the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and the pride of life and in these areas where they failed, Christ, the second Adam, succeeded.
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2014 Reply to Valerie
1:12 This little detail about the way in which the earth brought forth fruit is the basis for Jesus’ comment –Mark 4:28 – in the parable of the sown seed.
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2015 Reply to Peter
Gen 1:1-31 – These are the first revealed God breathed words we have recorded in human history. To second-guess what came before Genesis or, to speculate on how the creator performed this work, is a fruitless exercise. Simply, we are not told. The purpose of God’s Word preserved in the pages of the Scriptures is to call out a people from amongst humanity and to teach all who will listen and respond what He requires of us in order to be saved from our dying nature. The purpose of God’s calling is that the glory of God will be manifest throughout the earth by those who are faithful (Isa 61:3).
The events revealed on each of the days of creation should be accepted as they stand. Events from each of these creative days are drawn on elsewhere in Scripture to instruct us with spiritual lessons. If the events in Genesis chapter 1 are challenged and understood as being merely symbolic then the question arises as to what were the literal events on which the symbolism is based?
First we have to understand and believe the literal events before we can begin to appreciate the spiritual lessons drawn from them. 1st Adam was from the earth, the 2nd Adam the Lord from heaven (1Cor 15:45-49). The following are examples of Scriptures predicated on an acceptance of the literal Genesis account.
Day |
Genesis 1 |
Spiritual lessons from literal events |
1st |
v.2 Earth without form and void. |
Jer 4:22-23. Spiritual state of faithless Israel. |
2nd |
v.3 God said let there be light. Divine assessment light was good. |
Matt 5:16 Let your light shine – men see your good works. Also, 1Pet 2:12. |
3rd |
v.9-13 Earth appeared out of the waters on 3rd day. |
Luke 24:44-46 From writings OT Jesus explained his new beginning on 3rd day. |
4th |
v.14-19 God made and ordered the heavenly bodies for signs, seasons. |
Jer 33:25-26 Continuity of literal heavenly bodies guarantee of God’s promises. Isa 1:2,10 Rulers & people |
5th |
v.24 Creation of the beasts of the earth, and multitudes of creatures that populate the seas and land. |
Jer 27:6-7 Nations represented by beasts of the field. Isa.11:6-9 Beasts symbols of nations. |
6th |
Man created in image of God. |
Luke 20:21-25 We are made image of God. Therefore must serve him. Jesus also in the express image of God Heb 1:2-3 . |
7th |
Gen 2:1-3 God ceased the creative work. |
Heb 4:9-11 Cessation of work promised to the faithful – the Kingdom of God. |
If the Genesis record is only symbolic then the spiritual lessons drawn from it rely on undefined and uncertain meanings. Let us rather accept that when God spoke things happened (Psa 33:4-6).
Peter Moore [Erith, UK] Comment added in 2015 Reply to Peter
Significance of numbers (in part from Andy Walton - "The Wonderful Numberer" youtube):
Every Hebrew letter has an associated number, and every Greek letter has an associated number. 1 followed by 24 zeros is a NASA estimate of the number of stars, and the grains of sand have been roughly calculated to a similar number. There is symbolism and meaning in numbers (Mark 8:19-21).
1. "one" (as in the first day) - God (Deut 6:4), oneness, unity, truth, not division, one (God) is in every single number.
2. "two" (as in the second day) - divide or divided (Lev 20:26), division, God's ways vs man's ways, apart, severed, separate, separation, good and evil.
3. "three" - seed, seeds of grass herb tree woman serpent (Gen 26:4;Gen 3:15), descendants, reproduction, multiplication, the resurrection on the 3rd day allowed for the seed of Christ to reproduce, seed of the serpent (sin), seed of the woman (Jesus).
4. "four" - the complete earth. other symbols are the sun which can symbolically be Jesus, the stars which can symbolically be Jew and Gentile saints to inherit the earth, and the moon which can symbolically be the faithful ecclesia which reflects the light of Jesus. 4 seasons, 4 directions, all people (Jew and Gentile), etc.
5. "five" - life, living. Life in the water and the heavens, life is salvation and believers are drawn out of the waters of baptism from death to life (Rom 6:4). Grace enables true believers to have life. David took 5 stones out of the water.
6. "six" (man was created on the sixth day) - Man. Man without God is like a beast of sin (Rev 13:18), man with God is like a son of God, image of God.
7. "seven" - rest. completion, perfection, millennial day of rest (Heb 4:4-6).
8. "eight" - a new beginning, a new way, resurrection, the 8th day of the week would be Sunday. Eight were saved on the ark which was a new beginning (1Pet 3:20).
9. "nine" - the end, finality, judgment.
10. "twelve" - government, rulership.
11. "153" - 1-5-3 God will create a type of mini gods in the kingdom age (John 21:1-11); it has been calculated by some that Jesus blessed 153 people in 48 separate incidents; Christ would make the apostles fishers of men.
Charles Link, Jr. [Moorestown, (NJ, USA)] Comment added in 2015 Reply to Charles
Richard Snelling [Swansea] Comment added in 2015 Reply to Richard
“In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth…”
From time in-memoriam, men have tried to figure out when “in the beginning” was. We know from this passage that everything has a beginning, and what this verse also tells us is that God created time when He created the universe and earth.
God created time – and the “evening and the morning were the first day,” etc. Plato wrote: “Time, accordingly, was created along with the heavens; in order that, coming into being together, they might also be together dissolved, if ever their dissolution should take place.”
Albert Einstein wrote back in 1915 when he completed his work on the General Theory of Relativity that time is fundamentally bound to matter and gravity and that without matter there would be no time. There would be no concept of time without the universe. Einstein proved that “space and time, matter and energy are locked together in the most intimate embrace.”
The Bing Bang Theory is analogous to Einstein’s saying that matter and time are inextricably bound, but then also teach that matter in the universe could randomly bring parts together (space rocks) to form planets. As ridiculous as the teaching of the Bing Bang Theory is, Scientists did recognize this important principle, that time and matter are inextricably bound!
Nothingness is a difficult concept for us because when we think of existence, we think of it in terms of our senses, touch, feel, see, hear and taste. Before creation, there was nothing in space and nothing in time because there was no space or time! If there was no time, then there could not be anything that was “before” the creation.
It is a mistake to talk about what God created “before creation” because the concept of time did not come to be until the creation week. God exists and He exists outside of time. To believe otherwise is to deny who God is. Our ability to trust God’s promise of salvation relies upon our ability to trust everything He says about history from beginning to end. If we cannot trust His claims about the past, how can we trust His promises about the future?
Before creation, there was no time. Time is a measure of change on a scale of before and after. Therefore, when (if we may use that word at all in speaking of eternity) there was no change, there was no time. Time began to be when changing beings came into existence. Time is a restless continuous set of changes. Ahead is a moment we call future: it quickly changes into the present, which then quickly changes into the past.
God is eternal and does not exist in individual moments in time. He is outside of time. This does not contradict John 1:1, which holds that in the beginning was the Word and the Word took form. This Word is what brought about creation (cf. Psa 33:6-9).
The late Roman Catholic Pope Pius XII asked Physicist, Stephen Hawking privately not to inquire into the Big Bang, itself, because it is fundamentally impossible to find out something that happened before the beginning of literal time. Augustine of Hippo put it this way: “There was no then when there was no time.” Stephen Hawking is a great proponent of the Big Bang Theory being the beginning of time and space over 13 billion years ago!
There is no such thing as a prehistoric world (cf. Isa 55:11). History began when it was first recorded. We read in Heb 11:3: “By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.” In other words, the physical universe we see, hear, feel, and experience was created not from existing matter, but from a source independent of the physical dimension we can perceive. God is spirit (John 4:24), and God is timeless, not eternally in time, or beyond time. God does not change because change is limited to time and God existed before time (Mal 3:6; Col 1:17). Time was created by God as part of His creation to accommodate the workings of His purpose (2Pet 3:10-12), and this constitutes, “In the beginning.”
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2015 Reply to Valerie
“And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.”
Between verses 1,2, we have what the evolutionary Scientists call a “time gap,” or the “Time Gap Theory.” Verse 1 is the “Big Bang Theory,” between verses 1,2 is the “Time Gap Theory.” These two theories complement each other in that the Big Bang occurred in the beginning, which according to them was 13.7 billion years ago, then it took another 9.2 billion years for the universe to expand, then earth began to coalesce from interstellar matter created by the Big Bang to eventually form into the size and shape of our present earth, which took 4.5 billion years! If this weren’t enough, a thousand years is also placed between the subsequent verses of the creation day using 2Pet 3:8 as proof (please see my note on 2Pet 3:8).
Gen 1 speaks of six working days with God resting on the seventh, and if we believe that these days were each a thousand years apart, then God must have rested for seven thousand years (Gen 2:1-3! Who parted the Red Sea in Exo 14 approximately 2,500 years later? And, what did Jesus mean in John 5:17? It is belabouring the point. Scripture is quite clear that each day was confined to a day – evening and morning.
The Hebrew word for “day” is # <3117> yowm, and literally means, “… from one sunset to the next… continually…”- a 24 hour period. It is used over 2000 times in the Old Testament, 95% of the time referring to a normal day, the other 5% referring to “the day of the Lord” (Joel 2:1), a particular day.
The Greek word for “day” is # <2250>, hemera, “… (lit) the time space between dawn and dark, or the whole 24 hours…” In every single case where this word is used, it refers to a 24 hour day. This is consistent with the Old Testament use of the word, “day” (cf. Exo 20:11). Furthermore, Gen 1:13 clearly distinguishes between days, years, and seasons.
We have the Big Bang Theory, Time Gap Theory, and then the Day-Age Theory! Atheists do not care about the Biblical account, except to mock it; the Theists profess a certain allegiance to the Scriptures, but at the same time attempt to harmonize the Biblical account with the evolutionary scenario. These three theories they present are wrong - they are unproven theories. We need to be very careful not to embrace any of these theories, and that's all it is - theories. The Biblical text to the unbiased observer teaches the universe and earth were formed in six days.
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2015 Reply to Valerie
Genesis 2
"And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads. The name of the first [is] Pison: that [is] it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where [there is] gold; And the gold of that land [is] good: there [is] bdellium and the onyx stone. And the name of the second river [is] Gihon: the same [is] it that compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia. And the name of the third river [is] Hiddekel: that [is] it which goeth toward the east of Assyria. And the fourth river [is] Euphrates" Gen 2:10-14
Remember that while it is impossible today to find rivers that go from the same place to Ethiopia and Syria, this record is from before the flood. At the time of the flood water came from heaven and from deep reservoirs in the earth, so before this, when the water was not on the earth, there will have been far more land exposed. Presumably the Red Sea and Arabian Gulf were not in existence so that there was a land mass right from Africa to China.
Rob de Jongh [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2015 Reply to Rob
A reader writes: “I noticed what you said about light and darkness and since I am one day ahead in my readings I was interested in what you had to say. You said God created light before darkness. I am not in agreement with that, and I base my conclusion on the same verses you give as your proof --Gen.1:2-5. When the earth was without form, everything was darkness. It was while "darkness was upon the face of the deep" that God then made light, and this is why v.5 tells us the "evening" preceded the morning light. This seems to be the correct way to view the question because it is repeated in v.8, 13, 19, 23 etc.”
My reply: In the context of light and darkness, God did not create darkness, it was there. Scripture does not say God created the darkness. God is light and when God spoke, “Let there be light,” the light came. God created the light to separate day, or light from night, or darkness. This separation of night or darkness began with the creation of light. In doing this time was created. It is for this reason; we read that the evening and morning were the first day. With the dark part of the 24 hour period (12 night, 12 day) begins a new day of light. (cf. John 11:9,10). What an analogy!
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2015 Reply to Valerie
1:21,28 God created every living thing that moved. Adam was to have dominion over them. This did not happen after Adam and Eve sinned. However a time will come when a “river” will provide food for all living things that move – Eze 47:9 – which clearly draws on the creation record. The river which represents the life giving “water of life” provided by Jesus
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2016 Reply to Peter
How was Genesis compiled?
The first of the Books of Moses, the Book of Genesis, appears to have been compiled as a result of contributions by at least ten inspired writers. The names of these inspired writers are not revealed. Each record in Genesis overlaps with the previous one and adds progressively to what has gone before showing that God’s revelation is a continuous record. The Hebrew word translated “generations’ in the KJV may be rendered “history” (Strong’s H8435).
Genesis |
Time Periods covered |
1. Genesis chap 1
“God said…”
Angels? 7 days of Creation account |
2. Genesis chap 2:4
“These are generations…” |
Angels? Creation, Adam, Eve |
3. Genesis 5:1
“The Book of the generations…”
New contributor? Adam to Noah |
4. Genesis 6:9
“These these are generations…” |
New contributor? Noah’s deliverance. |
5. Genesis 10:1
“Now these are generations…” |
New contributor? Shem to Joktan. |
6. Genesis 11:10
“Now these are the generations of Shem…” |
New contributor? Shem to Terah.
7. Genesis 11:27
“Now these are the generations…” |
New contributor? Terah to Isaac.
8. Genesis 25:12,19 |
“Now these are the generations…”
New contributor(s)? Ishmael’s family Isaac’s family. |
9. Genesis 36:1,9 |
“Now these are the generations…”
New contributor? Esau to Joseph. |
10.Genesis 37:2 |
“These are the generations…”
New contributor? Joseph’s history to death of Jacob. |
This progressive revelation, may help us understand why there is some overlap in the Genesis account.
Peter Moore [Erith, UK] Comment added in 2016 Reply to Peter
“And God said, Let us make man in our own image, after our likeness…”
The late U.S. President, Calvin Coolidge, once said: “Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas.” The problem with this quote is that it is a holiday lie. It is not the holiday spirit in us, but it is our human spirit created in the image and very likeness of our living God. Our humanity was made in the image and likeness of our Creator intended to be manifested year round.
As the holidays approach, people show caring and generosity prevail, and the love of the many overcomes the hate of the few. Our spirit is renewed, enthusiasm and merriment is brought out by our giving to those less fortunate than we. The holidays have become a time of sending good wishes, sharing important milestones, and sharing cherished memories with our family and friends. The holidays bring together the young and the old with giggles, hugs, ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’ at the concept of wonderful happenings on those starry, cold nights, opening gateways in the bonds of truest love and friendship.
Coming from Roman Catholicism, I celebrated a lot of Christmases and New Years before coming to the Light of Truth. I remember the trees were clothed with snow and the country roads fluffed with velvet white. I lived in the country and could hear the haunting woods echo in the wintry air. There was the warmth of stories retold and sweet voices singing carols of praise as the town’s church bells chimed. The stars adorned the evening sky, and the moon’s pure rays rekindled our hope of Messiah’s birth. Strange, yet lovely, was the Magi’s tale that followed this unusual light twinkling on a silvery stem. Through the frosty night shone the light – the Light of the world who brought with him love, hope, peace, forgiveness, faith and mirth. How our hearts were warmed, and with gratefulness I turn the key that holds the past when “peace and goodwill towards men” were not just empty words. What a let down when it was all over and we reverted to our old selves!
With the passing of time, people have changed, and with it the world has changed. Peace, love, hope and goodwill to fellowman are almost a dream. The days are short, the nights are long, the skies, bleak and dreary, but through it all the Bright and Morning Star will shine triumphant at last. This Bright and Morning Star is within us, not just maybe two or three weeks out of the year, but every day of the year, and may we walk in his light, in his spirit, and in his humanity, manifesting our Saviour in the bonds of truest love and truest friendship until he comes to dispel the bleak and dreary skies and we will shine triumphant at last. When, we shall sing with fervent and uplifted voices, “Joy to the world, our Saviour is come, let earth receive her king.”
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2016 Reply to Valerie
A reader writes: “John 1:3 ‘All things were made by Him, and without Him was not any thing made that was made’. This might pertain to our world, but I think it might pertain to everything God has ever done. So did God create darkness along with all the myriad of milky-ways? Maybe He did, and maybe the darkness of Gen.1:3 is restricted to our world."
My reply: According to Gen 1, heaven and earth were created in the darkness, and in order to sustain life on earth, God subsequently created the light - before even the sun. The night we have, or the darkness we have is due to the absence of light, but is not the same darkness; we still have light as reflected by the moon and stars. This is the direct result of their creation, and not to be compared with the darkness that existed prior when there was absolutely no light.
We know dark energy affects the Universe's expansion, but other than that, it is a complete mystery, and our earth comprises less than 5% of the Universe! The darkness was just there before time. We can't go beyond what is written in the Word. Our finite minds would never be able to comprehend the infinite. The secret things belong to God, He knows what is in the darkness, or what dwells in the darkest places, and light dwells with Him (cf. Dan 2:22).
Of course, with the invention of telescopes, man has been able to venture far into the Universe more than ever imagined or made possible before, and we read in Psa 147:4,5, that God has names for every star and knows their number – we don’t. The stars are a diverse variety of colours, they have reflected light, the other planets and galaxies, likewise, within the realm of the sun, but they are all hanging on nothing (Job 26:7) in the darkness of the expanse. All of us have seen photos of this truth.
The physical universe is made up of time, space, and matter. All this was created by God. Darkness existed before this, it existed before time. God is a Spirit and exists apart of the physical universe, apart from time, we do not. In the finite, time exists, in the infinite, it does not and so we can never figure out or understand the one in conjunction with the other. We will know in due time when we are no longer shackled down by this mortal body.
John 1:3 reiterates what is written in Gen 1, and as already shown, it does not say, God created the darkness (again, not to be confused with the evening/night and other passages in Scripture). We don't know what God did before the creation of heaven and earth, and I doubt the apostle John was stating anything that dealt with anything prior to creation of which Scripture is silent and we know nothing about.
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2016 Reply to Valerie
Gen 1:1 begins with "In the beginning GOD" ... and you can go back 1 million years if you wish, but the fact remains that "in the beginning was God", the creator and sustainer of all the universe. The last chapter of Gen 50:26 ends with "a coffin in Egypt." And so the story of humanity goes - in the beginning we start with the pristine newness of life, but due to the nature we now possess - we all end up in a "coffin in Egypt".
And yet there is hope, since "by faith Joseph, when he died, made mention of the departing of the children of Israel: and gave commandment concerning his bones." Heb 11:22. And the Hebrew word for "coffin" is also the same word rendered "ark". So Joseph was buried in the "ark" - in otherwords, he was buried in the "Hope of Israel".
144 years passed away before the time came for Israel to leave Egypt, and because he had made them swear to take his bones back to the land of promise, they carried out Joseph's instructions Exo 13:19, and he was ultimately buried in the land of promise Gen 48:22.
Throughout the wilderness wanderings of the children of Israel, they carried with them the tokens of the death of Joseph, as believers remember the death and resurrection of the Lord to this day 1Cor 11:24-26.
So the type is completed in the death of Joseph, and his confident expectation of a resurrection unto life eternal. May we likewise, as this New Year begins, never forget the hope to which we've been called, and may we remember that the Lord is our "ark", and we which have been buried with him in baptism look forward to that glorious day, when we shall be like him, in "the image and likeness" Gen 1:26.
Peter Dulis [toronto west] Comment added in 2016 Reply to Peter
DISCLAIMER: any of my posts throughout these daily readings may have misunderstandings or other types of errors. I don't profess to be an expert on the Bible or anything else, I'm just an average person with human frailties. So take heed, you have been officially warned :-)
Charles Link, Jr. [Moorestown, (NJ, USA)] Comment added in 2016 Reply to Charles
Over recent years, I have heard increasingly more debate about whether the creation account in Genesis is true, or whether some sort of evolution occurred over a much longer period of time. I have no fancy debates to offer to the argument, but what I would like to do is to stand back a moment and look at the differences between God and myself.
I have been on this earth less than fifty years. I wasn't around either 6000 years ago, or a million years ago, so I can't tell you what it was like. But God was. He's older than me, and He saw it all begin. He even left me a love letter describing what He wants me to know about it, which begins like this: "In the beginning..." in Genesis chapter 1.
Secondly, there are a few things I think I know quite a bit about, but I also always find that someone else will know more than me, or will have better insights than I have. If I can't compete with other people, there is no way I can compete in wisdom, knowledge or understanding with God. He will beat me every time. He knows best on everything. So if He said the world was created as described in Genesis 1 & 2, who am I to argue? He is much more clever than I am.
And lastly, even if this is just the way He wanted to tell it, and not the way it really was, it's what He wants me to believe. I know that my trust and belief in what He says is pleasing to Him.
When we argue about creation, who is more likely to be right? Me, you, or God? Is there anything He can't do?
Robert Prins [Auckland - Pakuranga - (NZ)] Comment added in 2016 Reply to Robert
Six days of creation and on the seventh day God rested:
Charles Link, Jr. [Moorestown, (NJ, USA)] Comment added in 2016 Reply to Charles
A New Year's Message
The practice of making New Year’s resolutions goes back over 3,000 years to the ancient Babylonians. Nothing mystical occurs at midnight December 31st. There is no power in New Year’s resolutions. Yet, there is something about the start of a new year that gives us this feeling of a fresh start, a sense of anticipation; the slate wiped clean, a new beginning for each one of us.
We live in a world where seeing is believing, prayer is cast with doubts, and a saving faith practically non-existent. A lot of times this is because we feel the pressures of life and are so overwhelmed by them. Like Joseph, we feel we are in life’s pit and can’t get out. Whether we were thrown in, slipped in, or jumped in, we can get out of our pit, and as with Joseph, we need the kind of help that only Yahweh can give us.
We need to stop, listen, and consider. The mercy of Yahweh is our antidote to despair. Truly believe in His mercy, look for His mercy, cast ourselves on His mercy, and we shall find His mercy.
A New Year is unfolding, an unspoiled page in our book of time, an opportunity to put into practice what we have learned these 12 past months. Be it happiness, or be it sorrows, let us cherish the experiences that came from them, learn from them, and carry these reflections as part of our new beginnings. To deal with the future, we must understand the past. It is our time to walk afresh with Yahweh with a deeper commitment to living a life of faith and wherein love overcomes.
The old year is behind us; its record is made and cannot be changed, but the New Year gives us new opportunities and fresh hopes to stay the course, to forgive, to reconcile, and to leave behind all the problems life presents us.
If there ever was a place to learn about forgiveness, to practice forgiveness, to struggle with forgiveness, it is in the family, be they natural or spiritual families. Forgiveness is a continuous theme throughout Scripture and demonstrated with a very mixed up family (Gen 45:5; 50:20)!
Even the healthiest families have experienced undeserved mistreatment, untrue accusations over which we have no control. Joseph understood this. Through all his circumstances, he trusted in Yahweh, was faithful to Yahweh, and stayed true to Yahweh. He knew the pain of disillusionment, the pain of mistreatment, broken relationships, persecution, and hardship, but if we understand its cause and cure, as he did, that Yahweh loves us enough to use time to build patience and character that will enable Him to exalt us in due time, we can avoid being cynical. It just takes a sensitive heart, not one preoccupied with revenge, preoccupied with the blame game, preoccupied with the cares of this life, or filled with bitterness, hostility, or getting even. Do we remember what we ought to forget and forget what we ought to remember?
We cannot perform miracles, we never slew a giant, we never saw a burning bush, we never defeated pagan prophets, or wrote one word of Scripture, so what separates us apart? Well, Joseph didn’t do any of these things, either. It was Joseph's attitude that set him apart, and it is attitude that separates us - be it good or bad.
The grace of compassion and generosity is made complete with the grace of total forgiveness. With a right attitude, we see Yahweh with us and in our situations, and this enables us to accept both the good and the bad in our lives. Our life’s journey is from the pit to the pinnacle and may we live it full of grace and truth, as Yahweh would have us do.
Joseph’s book is closed, but ours remains open. Yet, the lessons learned from his life are still being written. Yes, the New Year presents many challenges. What lies ahead for us this year we do not know with absolute certainty, but may we be determined to lose more than just pounds.
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2016 Reply to Valerie
Nick Kendall [In Isolation] Comment added in 2016 Reply to Nick
Gen 2:16-17 Adam was given a clear instruction regarding obedience to the divine command not to partake of the fruit of the tree of knowledge and evil.
It would appear from the sequence of chapter 2; that following this commandment Eve was created from a rib taken from Adam (Gen 2:18-22). If this is so, Eve could not therefore have been present to hear God’s command. Therefore the responsibility was with Adam to carefully teach his bride the Word of God.
Jesus the 2nd Adam (1Cor 15:45-47) is the head of the ecclesia, his bride (Eph 5:23). Jesus obeyed his creator in every respect. In the closing hours of the mortal life of Jesus he was able say in his prayer to his heavenly Father. I have given them the words…… (John 17:6-8)
v.6 “manifested thy name unto the men which thou gavest me”
v.7 “Now they have known that all things whatsoever thou hast given me are of thee”.
v.8 “I have given unto them the words which thou gavest me;” (Joh 17:8)
Also, see example of the prophet Moses, the one to whom Jesus was likened (Deut 18:18) Like Jesus, Moses was able to say, (Exo 24:3).
“And Moses came and told the people all the words of the LORD, and all the judgments: and all the people answered with one voice, and said, All the words which the LORD hath said will we do.”
How attentive are we to the teaching of the head of our house, our Lord Jesus Christ? Having read the scriptures, what do we do with the Words of life?
Peter Moore [Erith, UK] Comment added in 2016 Reply to Peter
1:28 An example of how “dominion” can be seen at least in prospect for the glorified saints is when Paul was not affected by the poisonous snake – Acts 28:3
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2017 Reply to Peter
Nick Kendall [In Isolation] Comment added in 2017 Reply to Nick
“And the LORD God (Yahweh Elohim) said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.”
In Gen 1, Yahweh summarized the chapter as, “It was good… It was good… It was very good.” However, in Gen 2, He said, “It is not good for the man to be alone…” Yahweh created the man, Adam, and out of the earth formed the man. Afterward, Yahweh took Adam’s rib and fashioned a woman, Eve. Eve was literally one with Adam being fashioned from his bone and of his flesh. She became Adam’s wife and a helper suitable for him. The union was one of companionship involving physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental unity. This is what being ONE in a marriage is all about.
Adam and Eve did not have natural parents to leave, so the leaving applies to all their descendants. The leaving of parents is not limited to just parents, but entails a variety of family and friend relationships. The marriage relationship is our # 1 priority; it is the most important over any other relationship regardless of the circumstances. It is not mean abandoning our sense of responsibility to family, though.
Yahweh also set forth the cleaving (be strongly joined) to the wife. It is about being totally committed to the marriage. “Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge...” (Ruth 1:16). This is real committed love!
If we do the leaving and the cleaving, we show our love and deep commitment to Yahweh. It is to understand and experience the love of Christ, otherwise, loving a wife like Christ loves the ecclesia would have no meaning (Eph 5:25). A woman out of fellowship with Christ is a woman out of fellowship with her husband. A man who does not apply the Word in the marriage, but abuses it, is a man extremely difficult, if not altogether impossible, to live with.
Marriage is about consideration, commitment, companionship, trusting and caring. A successful marriage is the ability of both partners to adjust to the real person they inevitably realized they married. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance (1Cor 13:5-7).
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2017 Reply to Valerie
“And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it…”
Gen 1:2 has been used to prove that at some point God brought about a cataclysmic change to the earth, as the result of a Divine judgment. With it, the human inhabitants of this pre-Adamic cataclysm died and became the immortalized angels. All these suppositions are based on this one passage from the Bible! This, conveniently, accommodated the Gap Theory and proof that our earth is billions of years old! It would place all the fossil remains of pre-historic animals to pre-Adamic times and were terminated with humans before sin brought death into the world (Rom 5:12,14,15)! Up until sin entered, everything was declared “very good” (Gen 1:31).
Replenish is # <4390>, male, “… to fill… to replenish…” While replenish is the appropriate translation as deduced from the context in Gen 9:1, ”to fill” ought to have been used here in Gen 1:28.
Bro. Garside wrote the following in 1911: “I remember many years ago being in the company of bro. R. Roberts and several others, including bro. Evans (formerly Hebrew Professor at Carnarvon College). The conversation turned on the pre-occupation of the earth. Had the earth been inhabited prior to the Genesis account of the present order of beings? Bro. Roberts said ‘Yes,’ for evil had been experienced, and Adam and Eve were told to replenish (fill again) the earth, just as Noah and his sons were commanded to replenish the earth after the flood. Bro. Evans said ‘No,’ that though the English word, replenish, might convey such a meaning, not necessarily. The original Hebrew word did not, and that it would be unsound exegesis to build a theory on such premises. Bro. Roberts saw and admitted the point.” (Emphasis added)
“The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children forever…” (Deut 29:29).
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2017 Reply to Valerie
Doubters and Scoffers continue to pour out their God-dishonouring and Bible contradicting teachings. It began soon after Dr. John Thomas re-discovered the Truth and continues to spiral downward to this day. The following was written by bro. T. Turner, Editor of the Fraternal Visitor, 1924, p. 302. It is a stunning example to “take heed what ye hear” (Mark 4:24).
“There still remains the question as to whether Adam and Eve are to be regarded as individuals or types; and as to whether the garden, the serpent, and the trees were literal or symbolic.”
So much discussion has taken place in connection with the origin, nature and fall of man, that it might be assumed that accurate knowledge on these subjects forms an essential part of revealed knowledge. As a matter of fact such subjects did not enter into the teachings of Christ. He was well versed in the Hebrew Scriptures and led his hearers back through the prophets and the Psalms to Moses and the law. He referred to Abraham and used Noah as an example. But to Adam and what took place in Eden He made no reference. Of these events we have only one account, that which occurs at the beginning of Genesis, and the details of which are not amplified elsewhere. Paul used Adam as an illustration when writing to the Romans and to the Corinthians, thus showing that the Bible record was known to and accepted by the Jews at that time. But even Paul supplies no further information or amplification, and gives no critical consideration to the question as to how man was made.”
Perhaps, bro. T. Turner forgot the following Scriptures: Luke 3:38; Rom 5:12,14; 1Cor 15:21,22,45,47; 2Cor 11:3. Striving about with words to no profit, but to subvert the hearers, makes it so vital to follow the advice given to us in 2Tim 2:15,16. We can only rightly divide the Word, by comparing Scripture with Scripture. Isolated passages, which contradict other parts of Scripture tell us our interpretation of the isolated passage is wrong, as Scripture does not contradict itself. The Apostle Peter gives us a grave warning in 2Pet 3:16. He writes: "As also in all his [Paul's] epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction."
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2017 Reply to Valerie
“… dying thou shalt die.”
Before the sin of our first parents, they were neither mortal nor immortal (cf. Gen 3:22). Their immortality was dependent on their obedience to Yahweh's command. After they sinned, biological changes took place, which began the process of aging and dying. The bodies’ living cells became mortal.
For thousands of years the quest for ways to remain young consumed explorers in search for magical ways to eternal youth or restore youth. Many myths and legends from around the world have been written captivating the imaginations of those wanting to reverse aging and living longer, if not eternally. After all, the longest living person recorded in the Bible was Methuselah who lived 969 years (Gen 5:27), the average life span being around 912 years! Decline in life span, however, began after the Flood. Today, man’s maximum life span is 120 years (Gen 6:3), the average being between 70 and 80 years (Psa 90:10).
From spring waters to Sulphur springs and magical potions, the quest for youthfulness remains, as Scientists search the causes of aging, sickness, and death and how to reverse them. What puzzles them is the body’s cells have the ability to reproduce and turnover, that in this process of renewing itself, the organs should barely age, yet it does! The body’s cell capabilities to reproduce and turnover do not function as they ought, and a lot of cells die without reproducing themselves! So, as we get older, the progressive loss of nerve cells affect our hearing, sight, smell, taste, and, hmmm, something else, but I just can’t remember! Science cannot offer any hope for eternal life, nor can it offer any significant lengthening of life.
The penalty of disobedience to Yahweh has always been great. Science cannot offer a solution, but Yahweh can, and His solution is in the person of His Son, Yahoshua Messiah, who “brought life and immortality to light through the gospel” (2Tim 1:10).
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2017 Reply to Valerie
“… he rested on the seventh day from all his work, which he had made.”
Rested is the Hebrew word, shabath, # <7673>, from which we get Sabbath. God called the seventh day holy, but he did not command it as a day of rest to be kept until the days of Moses.
The command to keep the Sabbath came after the Exodus Passover (cf. Exo 12:11-17), and became Law in Exo 20:8-1; Deut 5:11-15. It was a sign between God and the nation of Israel (Exo 31:17). The Sabbath law was culturally contingent (Eze 20:19,20). It was part of the Civil Laws and connected with the Feast of Weeks, Passover, Feast of First Fruits (cf. Lev 23). It was done away with in Christ; in him, he can provide not a weekly, but a permanent rest - Hebrew, shabath (Heb 4:9-11)! While Jewish interpreters believe Abraham and the other Patriarchs did not keep the Sabbath, we do know Abraham kept God’s requirements, commands, decrees, and laws extant in his day (Gen 26:5).
The law of commandments contained in ordinances were abolished – blotted out (Eph 2:15; Col 2:14).
God does not need to literally rest; He finished His Creation on the seventh day, and sanctified it (Gen 2:3), but the rest, or Sabbath, pointed to the Messiah, Lord of the Sabbath (Matt 12:8), as our Sabbath rest, as read in Heb 4.
The Sabbath was the only Civil Law within the Ten Commandments; it is not a Moral Law, as the commands not to cook or travel have nothing to do with behaviour. The Moral Laws were not abolished, the Civil/Ceremonial and Judicial Laws were. The very fact that the New Covenant only repeats nine of the 10 Commandments is further testimony to this. Of course, God gave us a lot more than just nine moral Commandments. We have commands on homosexuality, marriages, divorces, stealing, lying, murder, etc. – all Moral Laws dealing with moral issues given throughout the Bible. Obedience to God's Moral Laws are meant to be kept daily, as we strive to perfect our characters – thought, word, and deed. If the Sabbath Law is a part of the Moral Law, as the other nine Commandments, it would have to be kept every day! Imagine being moral for only one day a week! Obviously, the Sabbath is not a Moral Law!
“When men become intelligent in Moses and the prophets, sectarians disown them, and seek to expel them from their synagogues, but so long as they continue ignorant, grossly ignorant, of their testimony, they approve and commend them above measure!” Dr. John Thomas, 1857. Regretfully, it is not just the sectarians who behave in such a manner.
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2017 Reply to Valerie
A reader writes: “You are so very kind to respond (and so quickly!). Great information [about the sabbath].”
My reply: It is very obvious the author of this book has taken verses from the Bible completely out of context and wrested them. The sabbath rest read in Heb 4:4-6 is synonymous with the millennial rest and corresponds to God’s rest on the 7th day. In Heb 4:8-11, Paul shows it is future, and not all will enter into that that rest. We are still working to that end. No one has yet entered it, nor will anyone till Christ returns.
Today’s sabbath keepers are NOT the nation of Israel whom God addressed (cf. Exo 30:31; Exo 31:16,17). To them, the children of Israel, and through Moses, God gave laws, statues, and judgments of which only the Moral Laws in both the Old and New Testaments remain. If your friend is determined to keep the Sabbath, she would have to offer burnt offerings as required on the Sabbath, but only the Levite priests are allowed to do so (Lev 6; Num 3:6-9)! There is no getting around this without wresting Scripture (2Chron 31:3). The sabbath was part of the Ceremonial laws, Levitical rituals done away in Christ!
I know sabbath keepers are stuck on this word, FOREVER and PERPETUAL. Both words are # <5769>, olam, which also conveys the meaning of a “long time.” The feast of unleavened bread was forever – olam (Exo 12:17). The sheaf, drink, and meat offerings were forever – olam (Lev 23:10-14,41). Are they in effect today?
Psa 77:5: “I have considered the days of old, the years of ancient (olam) times” (cf. Prov 22:28; Eze 36:2).
Num 18:8: “… unto thee have I given them by reason of the anointing, and to thy sons, by an ordinance forever (olam).
Num 18:23: “But the Levites shall do the service of the tabernacle of the congregation, and they shall bear their iniquity: it shall be a statute forever (olam) throughout your generations…”
Sabbath keepers today DO NOT keep the sabbath as ordained by God. In keeping a “sabbath,” they profane God’s Holy sabbath and make Christ’s once for all sacrifice ineffectual (Heb 10:1-10)!
Furthermore, the burnt offering was a sacrifice for atonement—its purpose being an acknowledgement of the sin nature and a request for renewed relationship with God. God also set times for the priests to give a burnt offering.
Every morning and evening (Exo 29:38-42; Num 28:2-4)
Each sabbath (Num 28:9,10)
The beginning of each month (Num 28:11)
At Passover (Num 28:16-19)
With the new grain/firstfruits offering at the Feast of Weeks (Num 28:26,27)
At the Feast of Trumpets/Rosh Hashanah (Num 29:1,2)
At the new moon (1Chron 23:31)
The ultimate fulfillment of the burnt offerings was Christ's sacrifice in his death. His sacrifice, once for all time, atoned for our sins and restored our relationship with God. The shadow was replaced with the substance! Sabbath keepers today do not even understand the principle of the atonement (at-one-ment)!
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2017 Reply to Valerie
A reader writes: “One statement frequently used by Sabbath-keepers is, ‘the believers in the NT worshipped on the Sabbath. They attended the synagogue and at other required times, attended the Temple’. I’d like to hear your [further] comments on addressing this issue.”
My reply: Christ, born under the Law of Moses (Gal 4:4) was obliged to keep the Law of Moses; it was so with his disciples and other Judahites. Even after Christ’s death and resurrection, his disciples not only kept the Sabbath, but also kept the feast of Pentecost - “fifty” (Acts 2:1,2; cf. Lev 23:16) they observed the days of unleavened bread (Acts 12:3; Acts 20:6); kept the days of purification and animal sacrifices (Acts 21:26); temple worship (cf. Acts 24:11,12); kept feasts (Acts 18:21). They didn’t just keep the Sabbath, so why is it singled out? In the Sabbatarians’ case, they keep one Mosaic Law and break all the others (cf. James 2:10)! The Israelites were released from the Law of Moses by the sacrifice of Christ (Rom 7:6; Rom 10:4 Gal 3:24,25; Eph 2:15).
The Sabbath was under the ceremonial/sacrificial system requiring a burnt offering (Num 28:9,10). Nowhere in the New Testament are we commanded to keep the Sabbath and to offer burnt offerings! Just because Christ’s disciples chose to do so after his resurrection and death, it does not mean it was in effect or even required to do so (cf. Acts 18:13 cp. 1Cor 9:20,21). The apostle Paul warned the Gentiles about many different sins in his epistles, but breaking the Sabbath was never one of them! In fact, he admonished against ceremonial rituals (Gal 4:10,11; cf. Acts 14:5,6).
The Mosaic Law prescribed many ceremonial rituals required to worship God, and they were not intended to continue as a form of worship under Christ. They were but “shadows,” till the “substance,” Christ, came. The only rituals we are commanded to keep are baptism (Matt 18:19) and the Memorial service (1Cor 11:23-26).
In Acts 15:28,29 (cf. Acts 21:25), only four things were required from Gentile converts. Sabbath keeping is not one of them! If Sabbath-keepers consider themselves only to be God’s children (cf. Exo 31:13-17), may I remind you that there was no Sabbath law before the time of Moses. Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, etc., therefore, did not keep the Sabbath as instituted by God through Moses at Sinai!
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2017 Reply to Valerie
"And on the seventh day God ended his work..."
In the beginning, time synchronized perfectly. The lunar months were precisely 30 days and the solar years were precisely 12 lunar months (cf. 1Chron 27:2-15), making it a 360 day year. The new moon and vernal equinox always occurred at the same time on the say day! But, man always likes to invent new things and thought to change the times and festivals (Dan 7:25).
The ancient Roman/Julian calendar created by Romulus had only ten months, six of 30 days and four of 31 days for a total of 304 days. Their year began in March and ended in December. The calendar changed several times between the rise and fall of the Roman Empire.
It was Numa Pompilus, second King of Rome, who later added the month of January, naming it Janus, the god of beginnings and endings, and this was followed by Februa. This added 50 days, making the year 354 days. To obtain sufficient days for his new months, he is then said to have deducted one day from the 30-day months (March-December), thus having 56 days to divide between January and February. But since the Romans had, or had developed a superstitious dread of even numbers, January was given an extra day. February was left with an even number of days, but as the month was given over to the infernal gods, this was considered appropriate.
This system allowed the year of 12 months to have 355 days, an uneven number. February had 28 days; March, May, July, and October 31 days each; January, April, June, August, September, November, August, September, November, and December, 29 days. But then, to make the calendar corresponded approximately to the solar year, Pompilus ordered the addition of every other year a month called Mercedinus! It was inserted on the last days of February between 23rd/24th day with the remaining days omitted. Mercedinus consisted of 27 or 28 days and added 22 or 23 days to the year! In four years, it amounted to 4x355+22+23 or 1,465 days giving an average of 366.25 days per year!
Then, Pope Gregory comes along and via a Papal Bull modifies the Julian calendar and started the new year on January. Prior, it was in March! He omitted ten days from the Julian calendar to match the solar year so that Easter would fall on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox! Many countries did not accept his calendar at that time, so they had the new year celebrated in January, March, during the vernal equinox, September, during the autumnal equinox, and December, during the winter solstice! Eventually, most of the world's countries switched to the New-Style Gregorian calendar, a Catholic calendar, with its modifications from the Old-Style Julian calendar - both very much flawed!
Intercalation, or insertions, were the duty of the Pontifices, a college of priests of the Roman pagan system. Many of the reasons for doing so were kept secret due to a measure of ignorance and political corruption that existed. The intercalations were man-made, irregular, and times and seasonal chaos resulted! Despite all this, much of the modified Roman republican calendar was carried over into the Gregorian calendar now in general use.
Has anyone ever tried to combine the Egyptian calendar, which lost one day every four years with the Chinese calendar modified and adjusted through the years adding a month every leap year, giving them 13 months every three years? It is confusion! With all these changes, the day God designed as the seventh was lost in the re-arrangement of the months! Our seventh day today is not God's original seventh day.
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2017 Reply to Valerie
Gen 1:2 The word 'spirit'
I find the word spirit used in the Bible for what science styles electricity, galvanism, magnetism, &c.; for mind, natural courage, natural force, life, instinct, ambition, apparition, demon, breath, disposition, a disease, words of truth, God, teaching unction, angels, the gospel, conscience, &c. any one may see that spirit is not to be rendered by one meaning in all the texts where it occurs. Its signification must be determined by the subject in text and context. This is the rule I work by; and by its aid I find no difficulty in making sense of all the passages where it is found.
Herald of the Kingdom and Age to Come, Dec 1852
Nick Kendall [In Isolation] Comment added in 2017 Reply to Nick
“… And on the seventh day God ended his work which he made; and he rested on the seventh day…”
Sabbatarians use Exo 31:17, that the Sabbath was instituted in Eden, and later being made part of the Sinitic Law (Decalogue), “was binding upon all men in all times; [and] that, in the nature of its relations to God and to man, it is irrepealable.” They claim that the Sabbath keeping is a moral issue that flows out of the very nature of God, and is unchangeable! God’s moral issues are unchangeable, true, as it is based on God’s character, which does not change throughout time. This argument is futile since God cannot change (Mal 3:6), then what about the other feast days and laws that changed (Heb 7:12)? This shows the Sabbath is not a moral issue; Scripture identifies it as an ordinance, which eventually ended (Exo 12:14-17; 2Chron 2:4; cf. Lev 18:3-5; Num 28:9,10).
Further claims are made that Exo 20:11 gives us the obligation to keep the Fourth Commandment, that Sabbath- keeping was instituted at Creation, but keeping the Sabbath is not mentioned in Genesis at all! Sabbath-keeping was an ordinance not given till after the Exodus from Egypt – under the Law of Moses and it was specifically to the Israelites (Exo 31:13). If their argument is true today, it wasn’t true for Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, or any of the other patriarchs! While this is an argument from silence, neither can Sabbatarians prove from silence that there has been an unbroken line of Sabbath-keeping since Creation, which is what they claim!
Seventh-day Adventists hold, “that the Sabbath was instituted in Eden before sin entered, that it was honored of God, set apart by divine appointment, and given to mankind as a perpetual memorial of a finished creation.” If this were true, what happened to the seventh year, which God commanded be observed as the Sabbath year and the other Sabbaths given after the Exodus (Lev 23:24,25; Lev 25:4), which they selectively do not keep (cf. Gal 3:10-13)?
The Sabbath has all the characteristics of a ceremonial law and was specifically revealed as such (Lev 23:15-25; cf. Eze 20:19-21). Christ identified it as such (Matt 12:1-4); he also compared it to the sacrificial law (Matt 12:5; John 7:22,23). These laws were also ritual laws, in specifying the kinds of work they could and could not do. These laws, which were not timeless or moral, expired. Perpetual (Exo 31:16) and forever (Lev 6:18) are the in the Hebrew, olam, # <5769>, also defined as a “long time.” If these laws, described as “shadows” (not the real thing – Heb 8:5,13; Heb 10:1), and as a “schoolmaster” pointing to Christ (Gal 3:24,25), were to be forever, then why Christ’s sacrifice to abolish them (cf. Heb 7:18,19; Heb 8:13)? Clearly, Scripture teaches otherwise!
The Ten Commandments were not timeless, being given under the Mosaic constitution, and for this reason the nine moral commands were repeated under the New Covenant. Paul clearly stated that Christ blotted out the “handwriting of ordinances” nailing it to the cross (Col 2:14). The Sabbath was the only one out of the Decalogue, that Scripture stipulated was to be kept “throughout your generations” (Exo 31:13-16) out of the other nine (moral) commandments! This phrase indicates it was a temporary Ceremonial Law only for the nation of Israel to serve as a reminder of their Exodus from Egypt (cf. Exo 29:42; Lev 6:18; 10:9; Lev 23:14,31,41; Num 8:10; Num 15:15; 18:23)!
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2017 Reply to Valerie
New Year’s Message – 2018
Time’s restless march has brought us one year nearer to Christ. What a year it has been! How pregnant with warning to those who would be found clothed and watching (Rev 16:15), how crammed with assurances to those who, like Paul, “groan within themselves… waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our body” (Rom 8:23). Well, the morning is about to dawn and may we be found ready!
1968 began an era that changed the movie horror genre forever with the film, Night of the Living Dead. Since then, Zombie movies gained tremendous momentum as societies got caught up in this zombie craze. Scientists have even given it a name, “homo coprophagus somnambulus,” the Latin for a “human dung-eating sleepwalker!” This kind of unrealistic, undead voodoo is rampant in Haiti, a country of voodoo priests practicing the dark arts. To these superstitious societies, the fear of these ghoulish, spooky “walking dead” folks crawling out of their graves and terrorizing neighbourhoods is no joke.
We live in a zombie world in which its voracious appetite and perspective of life are all wrong. The meaning and purpose of life has been lost. Thomas Alva Edison, Inventor of the incandescent light bulb, said, “If there is life hereafter, or if there is none, it doesn’t matter.” On his deathbed, though, his mind did turn to thoughts of the hereafter, but by then it was too late. Danger lies in many forms, but none more dangerous than to take lightly or ignore our lessons for survival found in the Bible. We were at one time all dead, not Hollywood style, but dead in trespasses and sin. We were the walking dead, alive physically, but dead spiritually (Eph 2:1,5).
I often gaze up on those clear celestial nights showing off its abundance of stars, which seem to drift off into the beyond where no man would dare to venture. It reminds me of my childhood when I was on a red-eye flight crossing the Atlantic Ocean. I can still see in my mind’s eye the scintillating stars dancing on the ocean’s surface when I looked down – what artistry! Today, when I look up, I can’t help, but exclaim with David, “What is man, that thou art mindful of him (Psa 8:4)?” And yet, our Heavenly Father is mindful of each and every one of His children. Yahweh knocks at the deepest doors of the human soul, like tarnished silver and gold that need refining, and shows us the right perspective of life. We went to bed in one kind of world, and woke up to quite another one - His still, small voice whispering to us, “This is the way, walk ye in it (Isa 30:21).”
Walking in the Spirit is to cross the threshold of worldly darkness into His marvelous Light. It is to feed on the Manna. It is a welcoming warmth. Life comes and goes, but giving freely of ourselves what we freely received will last forever. It only takes a little intentionality, a little bit more kindness to infuse a love much deeper, a love much broader. What a wonderful world it would be if we all strived to this end!
In Jer 4:3 we read, “… Break up your fallow ground, and sow not among thorns.” Let us take the time and reflect on how much unplowed ground is still in us and root out those thorns. To sow productively, the hard ground must be broken. We cannot change, or be circumcised in heart (cf. Jer 4:4) if our hearts are hardened and hurtful towards others. Realizing where we fail is the first step in ploughing deep, and working hard to get rid of our thorns. It takes time and energy, and it is not easy, but it cannot be any other way. We cannot sow fruitfully if our hearts remain fallow.
In this coming New Year, may we put our thorns under God’s cultivation and yield to His growth. Let us not walk among the living dead. What blessings await us if we do! Hosea tells us, “Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground; for it is time to seek the LORD (Yahweh), till he come and rain righteousness upon you” (Hos 10:12).
Each year brings its challenges, but with persistence and perseverance, we will endure not looking at the flaws, but looking at the potentials, just as our Heavenly Father did in each and every one of us. By the power of His Word, to which we must submit, the refined silver or gold then becomes transformed to something much greater when Yahweh makes up His jewels and we shall be His forever (Mal 3:17,18).
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2017 Reply to Valerie
Numbers play a very important part throughout the Bible. A Divine proportion exists from the smallest to the largest, from the living to non-living. God’s handiwork has its beauty, function, and order.
The Fibonacci number sequencing, a pattern discovered by Leonardo Pisa (a.k.a. Fibonacci), has each succeeding number being the sum of the two preceding numbers. The sequence is: 1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,144,233, etc. etc.
In an elm, the arc is 1/2 the circumference, the beech and hazel are 1/3, apricot and oak are 2/5, pear and poplar 3/8, the almond is 5/13, some pine trees are 5/21 or 13/34 – all Fibonacci numbers!
It is likewise with the planets revolution around the sun. Beginning with Neptune and moving toward the sun, the ratios are 1/2, 1/3/, 2/5, 3/8, 5/13, 8/21, 13/34 - all Fibonacci numbers - the terrestrial corresponding with the celestial! What mathematical precision! These numbers argue against blind chance or evolution (cf. Rev 4:11).
God left us a visible fingerprint of His invisible self. While some argue that in some of the cases the Fibonacci numbers are close, but not perfect, still, the chances of these numbers happening by chance is impossible! While because of Adam’s sin, the “whole creation groaneth” (Rom 8:22), God would not allow sin to mar all of His great handiworks that declare Him (cf. Psa 19:1,2), even though we cannot comprehend it all (Job 37:5; cf. Psa 33:9).
Ref: Fascinating Fibonaccis: Mystery and Magic in Numbers, by Trudi Hammel Garland, Dale Seymour Publications, 1987
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2017 Reply to Valerie
1:2 the word translated “without form” <8414> is found translated “in vain” in Isa 45:18. A passage which speaks extensively of God’s purpose in creation.
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2018 Reply to Peter
“And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth…”
“I remember many years ago being in the company of bro. R. Roberts and several others, including bro. Evans (formerly Hebrew Professor at Carnarvon College). The conversation turned on the pre-occupation of the earth. Had the earth been inhabited prior to the Genesis account of the present order of beings? Bro. Roberts said “Yes,” for evil had been experienced, and Adam and Eve were told to replenish (fill again) the earth, just as Noah and his sons were commanded to replenish the earth after the flood. Bro. Evans said “no,” that though the English word, replenish, might convey such a meaning, not necessarily. The original Hebrew word did not, and that it would be unsound exegesis to build a theory on such premises. Bro. Roberts saw and admitted the point.” Bro. Garside in 1911. (Emphasis added).
It is interesting to note that the French word remplir simply means “to fill,” too. Many erroneous theories were invented claiming the Earth is 4.5 billion years old. It holds to the unbiblical notion that there was time, death and suffering before Adam and Eve’s sin! But, the Bible is Earth's birth certificate and it records its birth being just over 6,000 years old!
Alexander Pope, English poet, (1688-1744) wrote, “To err is human; to forgive divine.” How about “to err is human to admit it divine?” It can be an uneasy feeling to realize we were wrong, and often not easily admitted, if at all, even when it is obvious to us and to everyone else that we messed up. However, what is easy isn’t always right, but admitting the wrong can change the way others relate to us, and can make us stronger leaders than we were before. This was the case with Brother Robert Roberts and his openness, honesty, and humility made him who he was in all areas of life and so reflected in his writings. He valued the Truth more than himself!
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2018 Reply to Valerie
“IN the beginning, God [Elohim] created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form and void…”
Volumes have been written about these verses with differing accounts, thus puzzling people for thousands of years! One interpretation is that the verses are literal, others claim the earth was there prior, but make no mention of time and space? They cite v. 2, the earth being without form and empty, and conclude from this a previous existence of life, which came to a catastrophic end. However, this is incorrect, as verse 2 is a continuation of verse 1, that being, “In the beginning, God created the heavens (sky) and the earth (land), and the earth (land) was formless and void…” These two verses are one continuous thought. Remove the period, we read them as they were meant to be read.
Gen 1:1 is not a summary of the creation account; it is a factual statement of what God did at the beginning of the first day (vv. 1-5) of creation! To believe the earth already existed, then what about space and time? If they also existed, when was this “beginning” of Gen 1:1? Or, did only matter (earth) exist before the creation of space (heaven) and time (beginning)? The fact is, there was no earth before God created it, neither space, nor time because matter cannot exist without space and time, neither can space and time exist without matter. Was there a beginning before the beginning? No wonder people get all confused!
The tohu va-bohu of Gen 1:2 and Jer 4:23 does not teach a previous creation was brought to ruin in the span between Gen 1:1,2 as the gap theorists or anyone else hypothesize! Gen 1:1-5 is continuous and represents the first day! Why did the Elohim create the earth as “unsightly and unfurnished” (LXX)? This has nothing to do with a previous catastrophic event, but has everything to do with the Elohim’s work spread over six days to serve as a pattern for man’s work week with a day of rest! Yahweh could have brought it all together in an instant, nor does He need to rest! But, the speculations began and continue as to earth’s restoration, making a pre-Adamic race a part of the discredited gap theory! It is heretical! It is to believe the curse of death on the earth was not the result of Adam’s sin (Gen 3)! The connection is lost then that Adam brought physical death into the world, and the last Adam, Christ, brought physical resurrection from death (1Cor 15:22,45,47) - endangering the very doctrine of salvation! Furthermore, the Bible tells us that Adam was the first biological man and Eve was the mother of all living (Gen chapters 1-5; Luke 3:38; Rom 5:14; 1Cor 15:45,47; 1Tim 2:13). This would be false if other biological men and women existed in a prior world prior to Adam and Eve! Cf. / It relates to what follows.
Dr. John Thomas in Elpis Israel, Chapter 2, believed in a pre-Adamic world citing 2Pet 2:4 as proof (cf. Jude 1:6). He writes, “Angels” as earth's inhabitants “were sometimes employed as messengers to other parts of the universe,” but when they left without permission, we have a pre-Adamic transgression against God’s law, “having transgressed the divine law, God would not forgive them… and made a total wreck of their abode [earth]” with “fragments of the wreck brought to light by geological research…” What kind of beings is Dr. Thomas referring to? Angels that sinned, or human messengers? Angels do not sin, humans cannot traverse the universe – planet hop! Dr. Thomas further writes that geological research has given “a detailed account of its discoveries” that “organic remains, coal fields, and strata, belong to the ages before the formation of man” [contradicting Isa 45:18], “rather than to the era of the creation, or the Noachic flood…” I respect Dr. Thomas’ works very highly, but this part is ultimate fantasy and rejected by most Christadelphians. Our ultimate guide to all Truths must come from comparing Scripture with Scripture, and we must be very careful not to believe something just because it comes from the pioneer brethren. We must prove all things, and hold fast to that which is right (1Thess 5:21). Not being Holy Spirit inspired, they made some mistakes, as we all do during the learning process of our probationary period. LOGOS carries the unabridged version of Elpis Israel should you like to read this, otherwise, astounding work!
The whole purpose of creation at all was with Christ in mind (John 1:1-5; 1Cor 2:7; 2Tim 1:9; Titus 1:2; 1John 1:1,2). Are we going to believe the words of men or the words of Yahweh? The Bible, not scientific theories, geologists, or human speculations, is the ultimate test of all truths and the further we get from that conviction, the more humanistic we become.
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2018 Reply to Valerie
2:7 In John 6:63 Jesus says that his words are “spirit and life” echoing what we are told about the bringing of Adam to life. The word of God is as powerful in bringing to life as God brought the clay to life in Adam.
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2019 Reply to Peter
Genesis 1- In the space of first 31 verses of our Bible the creator “God” is mentioned 32 times. “God” or “Elohim” (<430>) were the agents by which the LORD created all things. “By the word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth.”(Psa. 33:5). So the LORD spoke and the Elohim did as commanded. The “LORD made him(Jesus)a little lower than the angels”. The word “Elohim” is here translated “angels” (Psa.8:5). The work of the angels has been and still is to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation.”. (Heb.1:14).
The interrelated and integrated nature of all aspects of life on earth is in concert with the precise movements of the heavenly bodies which only God is able to do.
For example, on the 3rdday, grass, herbs yielding seed, fruit trees yielding fruit Gen.1:11-12. For plants and trees to bring forth seed and fruit an insect population is necessary for pollination. So on the 5thday Gen. 1:21? or the 6thday Gen 1:24 the insect population were created to enable the pollination processes to take place.
By divine declaration we are told this creative work took place over a period of 6 days. To what authority would we appeal to challenge God’s Word and suggest otherwise?
The LORD (<3068>) does not appear until we come to chapter 2. So when we read “God” or “LORD” or “LORD God” we need to ask why and investigate further because these terms are not used interchangeably, but always for a reason.“Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.”(Prov.30:5).
Peter Moore [Erith, UK] Comment added in 2019 Reply to Peter
New Year’s Message 2019
It has been said that, “Love is the Heartbeat of the Universe,” but love is the Foundation Stone of a Heavenly Father’s plan of salvation in Christ. Our need for love and expression of love lies in the very foundation of human existence. While the Bible contains many varied books, there is a single golden thread that runs through them all, and that is love. God not only has love, He is Love. The Hebrew laws, given by the Old Testament prophets and exemplified in Christ in the New, hang on the idea of loving God and loving fellow man (Lev 19:18; Deut 6:5,6; cf. Rom 3:21; Matt 22:36-40; Rom 13:9,10; Gal 5:14).
No matter how dark and cold the nights have been or become, God shows us how to live in love. But love must also be accompanied with the faith for without it we cannot please God (Heb 11:6). The faith without agape love counts for nothing (1Cor 13:2). A spiritually healthy ecclesia will strive to both these ends and thus manifest the Spirit of the Truth with one another.
Where love or faith is lacking, we experience not just physical and mental abuses, but also spiritual abuses of the Pharisaical kind, who while feeding their egos, would not lift a finger to help, and failed to respond to the needs of the people. These sheep without a compassionate and loving Shepherd were weighted down, instead of lifted up; they became crushed beneath the religious baggage of an abusive system (Matt 23:4). Christ deeply cared for those who would follow him and described them as “bewildered and miserable,” as sheep without a Shepherd (Matt 9:36, J.B. Phillips). “And beholding the CROWDS, he deeply pitied them, Because they were being harassed and dispersed [cast out], as Sheep having no Shepherd” (Diaglott). “When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless like sheep without a shepherd” (NIV 1984). The heavy laden were invited to come and follow Christ; he would be their Shepherd (John 10:11; Matt 11:28-30; cp. Matt 23:4). Christ's burden is light compared to the burdens the Pharisees imposed upon the people.
God gave us the ability to make choices, and the choices we make determine the consequences. Good choices need fertile ground to germinate, and that ground is the Word of God. Think of the love and care Christ showed to the poor, the marginalized, and the sick. We may learn from his examples of compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, patience, bearing with them, forgiving them, upholding them, helping them to bear their burdens, none of which is without our reach to attain despite our feelings, despite someone’s actions against us (1Cor 13:7). This is true agape love, selfless love, not superficial love. “He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love [agape]” (1John 4:8). Love of God and love of fellowman are the two most important commandments on which we will be judged.
Socrates once said, “An unexamined life is not worth living” (cf. 2Cor 13:5). Leo Tolstoy said these following wise words, “Everyone thinks of changing the world but no one thinks of changing himself.” Personal introspection is commanded by God. We need to review our lives and reflect on our personal failings, repent, and grow in holiness. The world is rapidly changing around us, but not for the better.
What used to be a tail wind is now a head wind. We witness unprecedented hatred, greed, pride, violence, heartlessness and brokenness from every parts of the globe. But, if this is all we see, then our vision is truly a limited one. We have the arm of our Heavenly Father to lean on, and He has said, “When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee; when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee” (Isa 43:2). What beautiful, heart-felt, and comforting words for us to embrace!
As the year moves on, we must too, because dwelling on our past poor choices may well cause us to miss out on the present and the potential the future holds for us. May we have the determination to live as Christ would have us live; to treat one another as Christ would have us treat each other, and grow in faith and love in the Hope of Christ’s soon return, and be partakers of the marriage supper of the Lamb.
There is a day coming when we will have to give an account of our stewardship, and those who have dared to hold cheaply the inestimable love of God will experience unimaginable remorse. In that day the love of God, the love of the world, and those Pharisaical subjectors of spiritual abuses will each be placed at their right value. With another New Year, let us choose to walk in Truth, which is to walk in Love with all determination - with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength, “marching as to war bearing the cross of Jesus going on before.”
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2019 Reply to Valerie
With each of the six days of creation we read "And there was evening and morning the ___ day". We know God can do anything, does this suggest there were six literal days of creation? And if not, why mention evening and morning?
Charles Link, Jr. [Moorestown, (NJ, USA)] Comment added in 2019 Reply to Charles
It is thought Genesis might have been compiled circa 4004 to 1689 BC.
Charles Link, Jr. [Moorestown, (NJ, USA)] Comment added in 2019 Reply to Charles
Gen 1:24 mentions "Let the land produce living creatures..." and it has been discovered that tiny motors are in the intestines of some bacteria that rapidly revolve to provide mobility. Point being that the smallest organisms are incredibly complex. Humans can't design this level of complexity (at least not as of 2003) despite enormous resources. It suggests a common designer, not chance.
Charles Link, Jr. [Moorestown, (NJ, USA)] Comment added in 2019 Reply to Charles
Gen 2:16-17 - when true believers partake of the memorial feast we, in a metaphorical sense, partake of the fruit of the tree of life.
Charles Link, Jr. [Moorestown, (NJ, USA)] Comment added in 2019 Reply to Charles
Gen 2:21-22 - as with Adam, Christ too fell into a deep sleep with a hole in his side in order for the preparation of his helpmeet bride who will be helping in the kingdom age (Rev 19:7).
Charles Link, Jr. [Moorestown, (NJ, USA)] Comment added in 2019 Reply to Charles
“In the beginning God created… And the earth…”
Gen 1 is stated in absolute terms, and the text begins with an absolute statement. While various interpretations of, “in the beginning” exist, some rabbis accept Gen 1 as God’s wisdom as encoded in the Torah, His creation taking place in sequential order of importance. “The first chapter of Genesis constitutes the most basic source of the Creation story, answering the fundamental question as to how the world and all living things originated. The narrative takes the form of an orderly, chronological description of each day’s creation, told almost exclusively in the past tense and suggesting that Creation was a once only occurrence at the beginning of time.” When did earth have its beginning?
“Beginning,” in Hebrew is reshiyth, # <7225>, “the first, in place, time, order or rank (spec. a firstfruit… chief, first…” The earth is a “firstfruit,” set apart unto God! It is the only planet God named and created for man. Moses used reshiyth, # <7225> in Lev 23:10; Num 18:12; Deut 18:4; Deut 26:10. “The Hebrew term bikkurim and related terms for the ‘first fruits’ derive from the same root as bekhor (# <1061>)... A frequent synonym for bikkurim is reshit (# <7225>), the first [fruits].’” Strong’s #s and underline added.
“Created,” bara, # <1254>, is also used for “creator” (cf. Ecc 12:1; Isa 40:28; Isa 43:15) – “to create… to cut down…” Interestingly, covenant, is beriyth, # <1285>, “… sense of cutting [like <1254>]…!” When God created the earth (v. 1), there was also a cut covenant – karat berit (cf. Gen 15:7-17; Jer 34:18), why, if there were no recipients of it till billions of years later, v. 2 not being a continuity of v. 1? The conditions of this covenant were given to Adam and dependent on his obedience (Gen 2:16,17). A blood, or cut covenant of salt became necessary after the fall with animal sacrifices up until the appearance of an acceptable human sacrifice, our Saviour (Gen 3:15,21; Lev 2:13; Matt 5:13; Heb 10:4,5; cf. 1Cor 15:22,23). At the onset, God provided for our salvation!
“And,” v. 2, follows the narrative by the conjunctive-waw (And), - “And the earth.” The waw-conjunctive joins two nouns, verbs, adjectives, or adverbs, in this case the nouns, “earth” in v. 1 with “earth” in v. 2, connecting the two verses. “Like the definite article the word ‘and’ in Hebrew functions as a prefix to the Hebrew words. To make a Hebrew word (of either gender) part of a connecting sequence, you add a Vav before the noun. Sometimes the vowel under the Vav changes, depending on the consonant that appears at the beginning of the word. This function of the Vav is often referred to as the ‘Conjunctive Vav.’” Furthermore, “And” in v. 2b shows the continuity of v. 2a, which is the continuity of v. 1, all part of the same day one! The word, “vav” is used in Modern Hebrew, and pronounced as v. In the old or paleo Hebrew it was spelled as waw, and pronounced as w. I say this, because depending on the dialect of different countries, the v is pronounces as w, and the w as v. God is giving us a real time sequence of events that occur one after the other throughout the creation week of seven days (cf. Exo 20:8-11; Heb 4:4).
This is a problem for the Gap apologists, theistic evolutionists, secular cosmologists, secular biologists, and secular geologists and for those who believe them (cf. 1Cor 1:20,21; 1Cor 2:13). To solve this problem of continuity, what do we see in various Bible translations? The “And” is removed and replaced with, “Now the earth” or just, “The earth!” Scripture interprets Scripture. When we interpret a passage of Scripture, it must be consistent with what the Scriptures say elsewhere, because not everything is as simple, or as clear, as we would like it to be, and definitely not go beyond what is written (1Cor 4:6; cf. Deut 4:32).
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2019 Reply to Valerie
2:7 The way in which life was given to Adam by God breathing into him is echoed in the way in which Jesus breathed on the disciples – John 20:22– after his resurrection.
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2020 Reply to Peter
New Year’s Message – 2020
We live in a culture of political vitriol, idolatry, immorality, instability, and oppression; it is a “horrid labyrinth of a huge nightmare” - Brother Robert Roberts. The spirit of that wicked Jezebel lives on! But, as in the case of righteous Esther, God continues to work in bringing about His will behind the scenes. He spoke to Moses, the prophets, and in these last days He speaks to us through His Son. Yahweh gave laws and meted out justice and still continues to do so in the affairs of men, though His face is hidden presently from us. We see this principle in the Book of Esther, of which we are very familiar. It is a book full of intrigue wherein Yahweh is never mentioned, yet its political intrigues and spiritual insights reveal Yahweh was at work all the time. The absence of the name of Yahweh did not entail His apparent absence. It is even so with us today.
The Persian King Ahasuerus was in power when Mordecai uncovered a plot to kill the king. King Ahasuerus appointed Haman to be in charge of preserving law and order throughout his vast kingdom, but because of his altercations with Mordecai, a Benjamite of Judea, Haman used his political influence to convince the king that the Judeans were a threat and a menace to the Persian Empire. He was given the king’s permission to execute his genocidal request. Esther, at the behest of Mordecai, intervenes on behalf of her people by fasting and praying, knowing her life was threatened both by action and by inaction. The fate of the Judeans in Persia hung in a balance. It took a lot of courage and real faith for Esther to intercede on behalf of her people against Haman’s critical request. Esther gave us the prescription for political action: prayer and faith and leave the rest to the Father!
We face a very uncertain 2020, being an election year in the United States. However, paranoia and vitriol are not the accessories of the bride of Christ. We stand above partisan dissentions and with Esther demonstrate a better way. The Bible tells us to pray for our leaders (1Tim 2:1-4), and to respect those in authority (Rom 13:1-7), not vilify them. This we do knowing that Yahweh continues to rule in the Kingdom of Men and everything that happens, happens for a reason. This, of course, does not mean we are to be passive spectators, or that we have to like the world leaders. In watching, praying, commenting, and in exhorting one another, we judge the events according to the Word. We stand fast in the Faith, we become strong, we endure, we build up one another, and we encourage one another in the Truth, kindling our Hope, as we see the day approaching.
Being in the world, ignoring politics with its real-world implications is unavoidable, but at the same time, we are not of the world and do not actively engage in it. Prophecy is intertwined with politics, which despite all its back and forth wrangling, give meaning to the events of history and helps to interpret current events, world events, technological, papal, and political events around the globe. They all have meaning, power, and purpose. The Bible proves this: Daniel proves this, the Apocalypse proves this, being the most dramatic of all with its visions and prophecies within its spiritual, historical and political context.
May this coming year be filled with the warmth of love and the Word guiding us in all our ways. When we fall, we shall rise again; when we sit in darkness, Yahweh shall be our light (Micah 7:8). We know that no matter where the tumultuous Kingdom of Men is headed, the Kingdom of Yahweh is always headed in the right direction. Live in peace, and the Father of love and peace will be with us. Amen (2Cor 13:11).
Addendum: I dreamt I was walking home during the bright-lit sun of the noon-day when the sky suddenly turned dark, black dark! I looked up to see what was happening and saw the silhouette of a huge, very angry looking panther strewn across the sky. It scared me, but then suddenly the inside of its body lit up and I saw the most beautiful rooms. I stared in awe! Then, I saw the silhouettes of chariots of angels fill the blackness of the sky and then I knew - it was Judgment Day! Suddenly, I found myself in an elevator with two tan-skinned and short men. I started to talk with them, but they just looked at me without saying a word. However, there was something about that look, the warmth of their smiles that told me they were angels! I asked them, "You are my guardian angels, aren't you?" Again, they did not answer, just looked at me and smiled lovingly. I knew! I thanked them profusely for watching over me all these many years and felt compelled to kiss them and I did on their foreheads. The elevator then opened and I found myself in a room crowded with people. I looked back at my angels, but they were gone and I woke up. I don't know how it ended, but considering the love that exuded from my angels... well, I guess I will find out soon enough. Of the many Biblical dreams I had over the years, none dealt so vividly with the return of Christ. This was it, and I felt it needed to be shared.
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2020 Reply to Valerie
Barry van Heerden [Durban] Comment added in 2020 Reply to Barry
“The six days of Genesis were unquestionably six diurnal revolutions of the earth upon its axis. This is clear from the tenor of the sabbath law.” Brother John Thomas, ELPIS ISRAEL, p. 11
For those who believe six thousand years existed between Gen 1:1, and verse 2, let Exo 31:12-17 clear this: Verse 17, regarding the Sabbath, we read: “It is a sign between me and the children of Israel forever; for in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed.”
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2020 Reply to Valerie
1:3 Let there be light is the introduction to God’s plan so John the Baptist speaks of Jesus as “the light” – John 1:7.
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2021 Reply to Peter
New Year’s Message 2021
“If thou hast run with the footmen, and they have wearied thee, then how canst thou contend with horses? And if in the land of peace, wherein thou trustedst, they wearied thee, then how wilt thou do in the swelling of Jordan?” (Jer 12:5)
The prophet Jeremiah had gone through some very intense suffering and persecutions for the Word of God in calling Judah and Jerusalem to repentance. God’s reply to him was that even more difficult times were ahead, and if he couldn’t deal with his present situation, how will he deal with the harsher battles still to come?
In Dan 2:36-45 we are given an outline of history into which all prophetic passages of Scripture can be placed. We are in the scope of the 4th Roman Kingdom, which was a vast global Kingdom in Christ’s day. While there is enough iron power and the strength of ancient Rome, there is also enough clay to weaken and paralyze the nations. This prophesied unmixable iron principle of the voice of the people is in direct conflict with the motives of the clay! We are in the final act of History, and the world is ripe for the return of Messiah. Globalism is taking over: “let the reader understand” (cf. Matt 24:15).
At the time of Christ’s birth, Israel was a Roman Province under Caesar Augustus- Octavian (27BC-14AD), who introduced clay Democratic elements into the iron Imperial Roman Republic. Jesus was born under Globalism! “All the world” in Luke 2:1, “world” is # <3625>, “land, globe, spec. the Roman Empire.” It is in reference to the world of Rome’s conquered nations, not just Israel. By the time of our Lord’s birth, they had conquered parts of Italy, France, Spain, North Africa, Egypt, and Greece, almost to India. Rome was enthroned as the dominant global power. The Roman Empire fell, but its characteristics lived on. It became the “Holy Roman Empire,” and its ruler called, “Pope,” in Germany the ruler was called, “Kaiser,” which comes from Caesar; and the Russian ruler was known as, Czar, and has its origin, likewise, from Caesar. We have Roman numerals, an almost universal Roman solar calendar, and America’s emblem is the Roman Eagle. America’s Founders were fascinated by ancient Rome and our Constitutional Republic was copied from Rome before the fall of their Republic. Like Rome, we are facing a Constitutional Republican crisis.
1945-2019 were relatively considered years of prosperity, stability and freedom. This is over! We are entering a very dangerous and destructive timeline in the history of the world: an era of Globalism of such a higher magnitude than any of the events that triggered the previous World Wars! “Operation Dark Winter” is coming in 2021, but it is imperative to keep in mind that God controls all the events. He set apart and protected His people from the Egyptian plagues and He will do the same for His people today. God will execute judgments; His righteousness demands it! God’s intent for the rulers in “high places” was to cultivate the good, punish the bad, and maintain a prosperous and orderly society (Rom 13:4), but when we look through the lens of the Bible, we know this has not happened. Good is evil and evil is good (Isa 5:20-23).
We are heading into the perfect storm, a great political earthquake. The characteristics of the dictatorial Roman Empire under Caesar Augustus are manifesting itself today under a New World Order (NWO), a one-world global government. There is pervasive mistrust and tremendous civil unrest; the winds of war are blowing around the world with increasing intensity. How did this happen? It built up gradually over the decades, and then suddenly in one day, March 13, 2020, it sprang upon us! As a result, we are now morphing into a type of the Bolshevik Revolution (cf. Dan 12:1).
We are at the precipice of a really bad chapter in World History and the dangers, the loss of freedoms we face cannot be over-emphasized, and the sooner we recognize and accept our, “swelling of Jordan,” the sooner we will realize we are in a spiritual battle and to “arm” ourselves, accordingly. The message God gave to Jeremiah is also a message to us upon whom the end of the end time has fallen. Do not fall into the “normalcy bias” trap! We will not be going back to pre-2020. We must accept, adapt, and overcome our “giants,” as the unprecedented time of trouble needs to come to pass before the establishment of a God-appointed NWO Kingdom may occur. We must be prepared to weather whatever storms we may have to face before our Saviour returns, otherwise, we will not survive it. Christ was born into dictatorial Globalism, his disciples lived under this Globalism, and Christ will return again to Globalism, but this time to abolish it, and to establish his Kingdom and his righteous rule (Dan 2:43-45). Therefore, we view these events not as being about doom and gloom, but being about the events our Saviour prophesied just before his return when the inhabitants of the world will learn to walk in righteousness. What a glorious future awaits us!
We have been given a comprehensive defense strategy, and it is a winning one (Eph 6:10-18). Our relationship with the “Stone,” is the foundation of life. Yahweh is our refuge, help, and strength (Psa 46:1-11). So, while things appear to be falling apart all around us, all things are actually falling together, and this is cause for rejoicing.
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2021 Reply to Valerie
New Year Message 2021
A reader writes: “Thank you for your comment. It give me a great perspective in this unforseen time of change . I agree we will not go back to the old ( normal) and I am not sure how .long the new (unexpected normal) will last. Uncertainty is a very disquieting emotion for most humans but through faith in the scriptures we know Yahweh is in control.. praise His Name forever!!”
My reply: There is nothing “normal” about the unexpected “new normal.” It is hard to accept and adapt, because we were born into freedom, which is slowly eroding all around us. How long it will last is anyone’s guess, but what we do know is that it will end when Christ returns. In the meantime, we will notice society continuing to unravel, but through it all, we need to keep the Faith and keep praying that we may escape all these things and to stand before the Son of man.
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2021 Reply to Valerie
“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness… God created man in his own image…”
Image is Strong’s # <6754>. “tselem, from an unusual root, mean to shade… resemblance.” The unusual root is tsel (# <6738>) and means “shadow.” To create a shadow, a light source and an object is needed. In this particular case, the light source is tselem Elohim, the object reflecting this Light is us.
When God’s Light shines on us, a shadow is created and this shadow reflects the Source. James tells us that there is neither variation nor shadow of turning of the Father’s Light (James 1:17). Being created in the image of God, we are to stay in the image of God and be image bearers (James 3:9,10). Therefore, “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty” (Psa 91:1,2).
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2021 Reply to Valerie
2:18 Up to this point God has spoken and things have been created. Now He says, speaking in the future tense, that he will make [a help for Adam]. Whilst there was a natural fulfilment in the creation of Eve from the side of Adam this also speaks of the making of the Christian Church which John is invited to look at – Rev 21:9 – where he is told “I will show you …”
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2022 Reply to Peter
New Year’s Message – 2022
2021 was certainly a year deserving of a lot of reflection, especially in terms of what we may expect in this coming year. The coronavirus pandemic the past two years has affected every aspect of our lives while permanently re-shaping the world. Stress levels rose to record highs, being the most stressful two years in recent history. The pandemic continues and with the emergence of new variants with the possibility of other more lethal viruses, further restrictions will be necessitated leaving many feeling frustrated and angry making it very difficult to bounce back. But bounce back to what? There is no “back” to go back to; there is no escaping what is coming. It is unprecedented that the Globalist rulers are all of one mind, working together to bring about their New World Order. There are no indications to believe things will improve this coming year.
The present circumstances do not allow for complacency, distractions, detachment of the things that rob our time with God, nor does it allow us to fall into a false sense of security when at times things don’t appear so bad. We must patiently persevere and make good use of every day, because the “night is coming when no man can work” (John 9:4). The very things we hope for, long for, and pray for is coming into focus and will pull us through the difficult times ahead.
Babylon, a legendary ancient city and the first unrivaled world empire, has loomed large in memory throughout human history. Among its slaves was Daniel, a young man chosen by God, to whom He gave visions of the future and the ability to interpret dreams. Daniel and the apostle John saw in a vision the unfolding of human history, describing a series of cataclysmic events in detail that would usher in the end of the Age and the return of Christ.
The four kingdoms were identified to be brutal and terrifying beasts, terrifying both in aspect and behaviour. God viewed them as a menagerie of aberrations, the last of which is the extension of our day that will bring about the “time of trouble such as never was,” (Dan 12:1). It is the most inferior in quality, the worse of all the previous kingdoms; it is the kingdom of this present age. While a fifth Global Empire is in the making. The Bible clearly testifies to the fact there will be no fifth Empire. At some point, war is inevitable.
2022 is the Chinese Year of the Tiger, a year that promises transformations for them. The Dark Water Tiger is a symbol of fearlessness, strength, stealth and a determined hunter. It is a year China believes will be of great benefit to them and won’t hesitate to take “risks!” China threatens an “Armageddon” against any country that opposes their invading Taiwan!
Chinese diplomat warns Australia faces ARMAGEDDON if it supports US fight protect Taiwan | Daily Mail Online/ Russia threatens to turn America into “radioactive ash” if they interfere with their invasion of Ukraine. Russian State TV Warns Of Turning America Into ‘Radioactive Ash’ | Citizens Journal/ Concerning the rise of China, Napoleon warned: “Let her sleep, for when she wakes she will shake the world.” “Crouching Tiger, Sleeping Giant” is a cliché that has identified China for some 120 years. The Tiger is awake and on the move! There was a time Russia was weak, China was weak, and the United States was strong, but the power has shifted.
The United Nations plays a major role in global governance. Recently, a giant statue, a gift from the Mexican government, was placed in front of their building in New York. It is a sculpture representing the United Nations as one of, “peace and security.” “A guardian for international peace and security sits on the Visitor’s Plaza outside #UN Headquarters.” It has an uncanny resemblance of the Beast, a lion with eagle’s wings, referred to in Dan 7:4 with feet resembling a bear’s and a mouth resembling a tiger’s (cf. Rev 13:2-10)! Scripturally speaking, this image represents just the opposite of peace and safety! It looks very aggressive and frightful - nothing one would expect to symbolize peace.
David Spangler, Director of the United Nations Planetary Initiative Project, is quoted saying about the Great Reset, “No one will be part of the New World Order unless he carries out an act of worship to Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he receives Luciferian initiation.”
Rome, likewise, plays a major role in bringing about the Build Back Better propaganda. Pope Francis calls for the “Great Reset,” a euphemism for a One-World Government. ‘Great Reset’ Plan Parallels Some of Pope’s Initiatives — But There’s a Crucial Difference| National Catholic Register ( The Pope was given a “seat” in Jerusalem by the Israeli government in the room where it is believed Kings Solomon and David are buried. What a visual effect! Is he ultimately vying to sit on the throne that is rightfully the Messiah’s? 'Vatican to Gain More Control Over David's Tomb' - Israel National News/ The Jesuit Pope is sitting on the “beast” of Rev 17:3 and prostituting his power in using the political powers to gain his own status in the world to accomplish the religious aspect of his agenda – a One-World Religion all in the name of world peace. Under his Global Peace Initiative referred to as a Document of Human Fraternity for World Peace, the headquarters for this global religion located in Abu Dhabi, UAE, is called, The Abrahamic Family House, to open in 2022!
Back to Jerusalem – One World Religion Headquarters Set to Open Next Year/
It is deception after deception forewarned by Christ as it being a sign so convincing, that if it were possible, they would even deceive the very elect. “False prophets,” # <5573> from # <5571>, “pseudologos,” is not speaking specifically of a false preacher, but includes anyone promulgating anything that is “untrue, erroneous, deceitful, wicked:-false, liar.” We are living in most prophetic and dramatic times going from an avalanche of moral decline to a great falling away wherein evil is now good and good is evil even within the judicial system! We have entered the final phase of this age of world history.
The day is coming when everything we relied on, trusted on, and leaned on regarding our activities of daily living will be restricted, some eliminated, altogether. Agricultural, economical, educational, geo-political, medical, religious, social interactions, and the supply chains are all being threatened, as the world citizens pause in solemn awe about what is coming to pass.
Aldous Huxley, the futuristic author of Brave New World, wrote in 1931: “Medical science is making such remarkable progress that soon none of us will be well.” Henry Kissinger, who served as U.S. National Security Advisor and later U.S. Secretary of State is quoted saying in 1974: “Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.” Lyndon B. Johnson, Vice President and President of the U.S. said in 1962: “It lays the predicate and foundation for the development of a weather satellite that will permit man to determine the world's cloud layer and ultimately to control the weather; and he who controls the weather will control the world.” Planned for a long time, global governance is in play this very moment! We are looking at the perfect storm and it is coming from all directions.
Most people have come to realize the magnitude of the issues now faced and never could have imagined possible. Fearful anxiety hovers over humanity, which is unraveling at an incredible speed. The Global Powers that be use intimidating, authoritarian tactics to coerce people into submission to accept their agenda. Any disruption against their status quo will invite persecutions by any means they deem fit. Covid 19 is the lightning before the thunder, and, without doubt, we, as “lights,” are living in very dark times (Isa 60:1-3).
This may not feel encouraging, but this depends on how we look at things. Not only do we witness the direction that leads to the great tribulation, it sets the stage for Christ’s return. While the world is clueless as to its real future, we know we are at the very epoch of the Second Coming of Christ, and this ought to generate hope and confidence even while enduring trials and tribulations, because we know the end of the story and who wins. When WW II bombs leveled Warsaw only one skeletal structure remained. Warsaw was the headquarters for the British and Foreign Bible Society and on its wall was clearly written: “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.” God’s Word is eternal; we will win in the end. Prophecy will be fulfilled. God’s will, will be done. God has appointed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness by Jesus, leaving us with this certain hope in these uncertain times.
God has warned His people numerous times not to turn aside “to the right or to the left” from His Words and Commandments. When Joshua was to cross the Jordan to the land God promised the Israelites, God told Joshua to “be strong and very courageous… not to turn to the right or to the left.” We, too, must be strong and very courageous, as we march forward toward the promised land not turning, politically speaking, if you will, to the right, or to the left, but staying focused on the “prize.” Fiery judgments are coming and knowing this ought to be a great motivator to remain steadfast amid worsening conditions. Our focus is not on this present world, but on the world to come. Our desire above all else is to grow in grace and in knowledge of Him whom to know is life eternal. God, who gave us life and breath, has in His mercy provided these signs as a resounding alarm to repent, to watch and pray, that we may be ready for our Saviour’s return.
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2022 Reply to Valerie
“In the beginning God created the heaven[s] and the earth.” Blayney’s 1769 KJV, Oxford Edition; 1611 KJV
“The traditional translation of Genesis 1:1 is well known. ‘In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.’ It is called the traditional translation because it has been the dominant rendering of Genesis 1:1 since the Greek Septuagint [not Barclay’s] the first major translation of the Hebrew Bible (into Greek), produced by Jewish scholars in the third century BC… Does it communicate the idea that the heavens and the earth were created out of nothing? Throughout history Jews and Christians have overwhelmingly said, ‘Yes!’ … “However, a growing number of Hebrew scholars are now saying, ‘No!’ Did earlier translators misunderstand the Hebrew text?” Hebrew scholars now claim verse 1 is a “dependent-clause,” and, therefore, “in the beginning” cannot be interpreted as an “absolute beginning of creation.”
We refer to this as the “Gap Theory,” or “Old-Earth Creationism” - that there must be millions or billions of years between Gen 1:1,2. It is during this time-frame Geologists claim the prehistoric dinosaurs existed having discovered numerous fossilized remains and verified through radiometric dating, but does the Bible really support this claim?
Ferrar Fenton presents the Creation account in, The Holy Bible in Modern English, as: “By periods God created that which produced the Solar Systems; then that which produced the Earth.” By claiming v. 1 as a dependent clause rather than an independent clause changes the original traditional view of when “in the beginning” really was and, consequently, its interpretation, so that, “Genesis 1:1 is no longer the first act of creation… Though the dependent-clause translation may be possible or even probable at the lexical and grammatical levels, this article has shown that it does not and cannot work at the clausal level. With respect to the traditional translation, however, there is and never has been any debate about its viability at the clausal level, and the analysis of the previous article has already demonstrated its viability at the lexical and grammatical levels (Wilson 2018). Thus, between the traditional translation and the dependent-clause translation of Genesis 1:1, the traditional translation is the only logical and probable rendering of the passage. And if the traditional translation is the only logical rendering of the passage, then the interpretation of it as the first act of creation is still valid. If the interpretation of Genesis 1:1 as the first act of creation is still valid, then this passage still logically and theologically communicates to the reader that God created the heavens and the earth ex nihilo” [out of nothing].
“Genesis 1:1 is a profound revelation of God’s creative work. Before that beginning, matter did not exist. In the beginning, God created (not refashioned, per the Gap Theory) things having no previous existence.”
There is no Biblical support for the Gap Theory. Up until the latter part of the 18th C, “Many believed that the fossils were remains of former living things turned to stone, and many early Christians… attributed them to Noah’s Flood… In spite of the efforts of the scriptural geologists, these various old-earth reinterpretations of Genesis prevailed, so that by 1845 all the commentaries on Genesis had abandoned the biblical chronology and the global flood; and by the time of Darwin’s Origin of Species (1859), the young-earth view had essentially disappeared within the Church… C. I. Scofield put the gap theory in notes on Genesis 1:2 in his Scofield Reference Bible, which was used by millions of Christians around the world.”
By taking the eisegesis approach of looking into the text with already a preconceived notion to interpret Scripture, as opposed to the exegesis approach of reading out of the text without any preconceived notion, has led so many Geologists, Theologians and Christians astray. It is so important to compare Scripture with Scripture, in context, as to its original intent when contrary interpretations occur.
Moses tells us that creation took six days (Exo 20:11); there is no dependent-clause; they are consecutive. Jesus taught plainly when, “in the beginning” was, and that was when Adam and Eve were created (Mark 10:6). The ruler of the synagogue who knew the Law of Moses in referring to the six literal days that men ought to work had the Sabbath Law in mind (Luke 13:14); that the Sabbath law, the Fourth Commandment, God gave specifically says, “For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day…” (Exo 20:9; 31:17; Lev 23:3; Deut 5:13,14; cp. Gen 1:31; 2:2,3). None of these passages allow for millions, or billions of years between days 1 and 2 of Creation! God, Moses, and Christ made no mention of any gap; the contexts clearly speak of six literal and consecutive days as at the beginning of Creation.
It is incumbent on us to guard what has been entrusted to us by our Father, His prophets, His son, our Saviour, Jesus, and his disciples, by rejecting the Geologists and Theologians who obviously wrested the Scriptures to accommodate their theories and beliefs - mere, “vain babblings,” and “science falsely so called” (1Tim 6:20,21).
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2022 Reply to Valerie
2:21-22 The word translated “rib” <6763> is translated “chambers” in 1Kin 6:5 etc. catching the sense of a dwelling place. As the bride of Christ is to be the dwelling place of the glory of God. – See also John 14:2 where Jesus is to prepare a “dwelling place”.
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2023 Reply to Peter
New Year 2023
”He who dwells in the shadow of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of YAHWEH, He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust…” (Psa 91:1-16) NIV. What a powerful statement! Those close to God, those who trust in Him, have this assurance that in turbulent times, “'Because he loves me,' says the LORD, 'I will rescue him.'”
We are living in unprecedented times, unlike any previous Age. Our lives are in a constant state of flux as we experience the changes the New World Order is gradually imposing on us for our, purportedly, good and to save the planet. A one Global Religion has come forth to reject the Ten Commandments given by God for a new set of Ten Green Commandments given by man. Interestingly, green is the color symbolizing death (Rev 6:8); a one Global Medical System with more vaccines and lockdowns coming; Global food distribution control, as food shortages increase; one Global Educational System; one Global Digital Banking System to control our finances and how we spend it. As depopulation of inexplicable and sudden deaths in adults and children increases, and the Malthusian Theory fully implemented, most will not survive to 2030, the year when full implementation of Globalism is scheduled for - seven years from now. (please do not view it with young children) Malthus/
There is a lot of talk of bringing about peace in the Middle East, but Is peace really possible through E-sports, attempted under the Abraham Accords and hosted by Israel, while the United Nations General Assembly voted on and approved on Nov 30, 2022 to annually memorialize Israel’s establishment as a nation as a, “Catastrophe,” “NAKBA DAY?” The upcoming Global Universal Religion, which every Global citizen has to accept under the guise of “peace,” is very deceptive while sounding very convincing (Matt 24:1-5).
The world has taken a collective breadth in anticipation as to what is coming next. We have been given a preview of more disastrous events to come. The preview was given for a specific reason and that is to make us aware where we are in the prophetic time line, and to realize we cannot change what is coming outside, but we can still change ourselves inside and working collectively as “salt and light,” as we prepare ourselves for Christ’s return.
We can expect “cyber attacks,” with the “potential of a cyber pandemic,” that Covid 19 disruptions will be considered a, “small disturbance in comparison to what is still coming.” Klaus Schwab. The deception that came under the heels of Covid 19 will be much greater than Covid 19, itself. It merely paved the way for the Globalist Agenda. Storms are coming to test our faith, whether we truly believe and trust in God or not. We must stay alert, watch, stay sober and not become intoxicated with Babylon’s wine (Rev 17; 18:3). We are teetering at the edge of a stupendous crisis. Klaus Schwab: Cyberattack Worse than COVID-19 Crisis - Power Grid Down, Banking Offline - YouTube
The World Economic Forum will hit where it hurts many the most: financial security and personal possessions. The stages of de-civilization are not temporary, and it is going to hit hard and get really ugly - but not all at once. When they start this process of taking full control of our lives, seizing what we have, we will “own nothing and be happy,” the erosion of civilization will become apparent, but like the proverbial frog in a pot of water being slowly heated up, it will be too late. Because evil abounds the love [of the Truth] of many will wax cold (Matt 24:12). We will learn first-hand just how covetous we really are, or not! We read In Heb 10:34, “… [ye} took joyfully the spoiling [seizing] of your goods, knowing in yourselves that ye have in heaven a better and an enduring substance.” Those who belong to Christ and cling to the Truth, unless Christ returns just prior, they will take away our freedoms, but they can’t take Christ from us. Only we can do that (Luke 14:27,33; cf. John 6:68). There is no room for us in a secular Global World Order with their form of worship. Those who uphold the Bible will be branded bigots, filled with vile and hateful rhetoric, classed as Stochastic Terrorists and will be eliminated.
“Our world is in peril,” says UN Secretary Antonio Guterres.
Though what we hear in Antonio Guterres apparent benevolent plea to action, it is what we don’t hear that’s says a lot. He is actually calling upon the World Economic Forum with whom they formed a partnership on June 13, 2019, to speed up eliminating the Old World Order and bringing in the New World Order. This will be evidenced as things speed up in 2023.
We read in Exo 2:23-25, that the Israelites were groaning by reason of their bondage and driven into despair. They could not extricate themselves out of the hands of their enemies. They realized they were helpless to change things, so they cried out and prayed to God. God, faithful to His promise to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, now moved to deliver them. The Israelites became disobedient and thus, did not enjoy the blessings, the key that came with obedience (Exo 19:8; 24:3; Deut 28:1-68). The latter-day Globalist Pharaohs want of what is left of humanity brought into subjection to them, and we are beginning to get a feel of the power of their dictates, as their squeeze gets tighter and tighter on our individual freedoms.
It is so easy when we feel despair, have no real joy in the world, our lives micro-managed, to forget who Yahweh is, who we are, and whose we are. Let us learn from Israel’s mistakes. Mankind cannot extricate itself from what is coming. There is no way out of this except through Christ. We must endure whatever hardships we may face in the coming year/s, for our faith will be tested. We must keep in mind and cherish the everlasting covenant God made with Abraham and to all his seed (Gen 17:1-9; Gal 3:29), to which we committed ourselves at our baptism into Christ and to stay faithful to Him.
We read in Heb 12:26, “Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven” (cf. Hag 2:6,7). Everything that can be shaken will be shaken, but we are not to be “shaken,” because God’s Word, His promised Kingdom, cannot be shaken (Heb 12:25-29; 2Thess 2:2; cf. Isa 34:4,5). We are not to be “troubled” by wars and threats of wars
[and nuclear war] (Matt 24:6). While using nuclear weapons were meant to be used only as a defensive measure agreed upon Nuclear World Powers, Mr. Putin made it clear that he would use them as an offensive measure, and he is not bluffing, as some suggest! The Russian “Bear” has been poked, and will not be pacified.
We are not to “fear,” as men’s hearts will fear (Luke 21:26) because our Father will strengthen us, uphold us, and help us during the difficult days ahead, protect and deliver us, not necessarily from sufferings that refine us as gold, but from His wrath destined for the ungodly (Psa 37:25-27; Isa 41:10,11; Zech 13:9; Heb 13:6; 1Pet 1:7; cf. Rev 1:17,18). We are not to be “terrified,” at the famines, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, climate change, and plagues as they increase in frequency and intensity, “for these things must come to pass.” There is still some time to amend our ways (Luke 21:9).
So, as we turn the final pages in the final chapter of the Book of the Fig Tree Generation, we are eyewitnesses of the convergence of all the end-time signs, and do well to, “take heed,” and “not be deceived.” Trust in Yahweh, rest in Yahweh and those who patiently wait on Yahweh shall inherit all things, Amen and Amen.
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2023 Reply to Valerie
2:25 Whereas Adam and Eve were not ashamed we learn – Prov 12:4 – that shame can come. In Proverbs it is the strange woman who brings shame.
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2024 Reply to Peter
New Year’s Message 2024
MENE MENE TEKEL UPHARSIN – The Writing is on the Wall!
Have you ever felt the insane are running the insane asylum? We live in an age where men imagine themselves to be women, and women, men, even give themselves nonhuman, different animal species identities, known as “furries.” Embassies around the world are required to display the rainbow transgender flag, as if sexual orientation has something to do with running a country. The borders are wide open with unrelenting migrants entering by the thousands daily, “The wave continues and it’s not going to stop; we don’t want it to stop.” Joe Biden, in 2015. Vice President Joe Biden Remarks on Extremism and Terrorism | Joe Biden’s remarks sound very noble; he still clings to this ideal, but he is pushing the Overton Window; it is an illusion. Migrant protests have begun and will continue to get worse to the point of inciting a civil war!
We live in a culture that does not make any sense. The perception of reality has been so distorted, yet most of the world’s population has accepted this absurdity, this dystopian reality! Once we understand what the methodically planned endgame of the global elites is, we begin to understand why their biological, cultural, economic, educational, environmental, legal, medical, psychological, travel, spiritual and manipulated indoctrinations all have to do with societal collapse and with the eventual eradication of a great percentage of the world’s population!
Jesus compared the latter-day signs to a woman in labour and about to deliver. It was to indicate the nearness of his coming (John 16:21). Once the woman is full term and her labour pains begin, there is no changing her mind, there is no stopping it! The labour pains are going to continue whether she likes it or not, and they will increase in their frequency and intensity up until the birth. Christ was very clear of what we are to expect shortly before his return.
The world is getting more and more hostile against God and Jesus. The Bible is branded as “fake news,” and a “fake Jesus.” Artificial intelligence (AI) will re-write the Bible to fit the World Economic Forum’s agenda who have the Pope’s blessing! We are “hackable human animals” in their sight and most of the population does not even realize that in accepting their “new normal,” they are bringing about their own demise!
“For the Son of man is as a man taking a far journey, who left his house, and gave authority to his servants, and to every man his work, and commanded the porter to watch. Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh…” (Mark 13:34,35). According to a Russian defector from the KGB, Yuri Bezmenov, he speaks of four stages it takes to bring about societal collapse. Stage: 1) Demoralization, 2) Destabilization, 3) Crisis, 4) Normalization. We are presently in stage three, after which they think, “order comes out of chaos.” Normalization, by their definition, is not about our going back to life as we knew it, but about the success of the New World Order in implementing their full plan through control and subjugation of those folks remaining.
It is Russia and China’s plan not just to expand territorially; their joint goal is to become global superpowers. They have begun this in forming the brICS nations: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, which consists of seven emirates have been invited to join. With China’s growing diplomatic relations in the Middle Eastern countries, which is also to Russia’s advantage, they have found a common ground on which to unite, that being over the Hamas-Israeli War and the extermination of Israel.
This is a huge problem for the World Economic Forum and their New World Order initiative! We have two opposing world systems vying for full global control and want Israel gone! This is also a huge problem for Israel! All the nations that surround Israel have aligned against her (Luke 21:29-36), as have the nations listed in Eze 38! The die is cast, the Rubicon has been crossed, and retreating is no longer an option. There is no stopping WW III. It shall present an unprecedented time of trouble such as never was in all of world history!
Without doubt, the challenge of a global reset puts the world in crisis mode, but the illusion of a true, lasting world peace is in the making. It will come only through the Prince of Peace, and no other prince! “Saudi Arabia demands the start of a serious and comprehensive peace process to establish a Palestinian state along the borders of 1967, the Kingdom’s crown prince said on Tuesday. Addressing a virtual summit of the brICS group, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said there is no way to achieve security and stability in Palestine except through the implementation of international decisions related to a two-state solution.” Saudi crown prince: We demand ‘serious’ peace process for Palestinian state (
The events of October 7, 2023, provided “an opportunity for the U.S. to share its historic peacemaking role with others in the region. In addition to Egypt and Jordan, who have played supporting roles in prior peace summits, the U.S. will likely look to Gulf nations that are part of the Abraham Accords, as well as Saudi Arabia, to not just invest in rebuilding Gaza but help develop a framework for negotiations that could deliver a lasting peace.” Hamas Attacks: The Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process Can't Be Sidelined - POLITICO/ (cf. 1Thess 5:3).
The deception of an alien invasion comprised of the “fallen angels” of Gen 6:1-4 (per their interpretation), with their Satanic leader, the Antichrist, as preached by the harlot daughters of so-called Christianity, is a deception not discussed much, yet with holographic imaging capabilities, there’s no telling what they can and will do to deceive the masses. This is a fear tactic to further control the populace into submission.
We are at the precipice of big changes, and we need to look really closely at the Digital ID, because once it is linked to the CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency), a system of complete control over everything and everyone in their “beast” system or matrix, they will be able to track our every move, our every transaction and either approve or deny it - in other words, it is their mark for us and we cannot buy or sell without their permission!
There is no stopping the elites’ Nimrodian arrogance and their Promethean perspective of the world who in their mad egoism believe they can fight against God, take control of His planet, exercise incessant control over every aspect of the peoples’ lives, and enforce on pain of death a syncretic mixture of worship that fits a narrative that opposes God and Christ! Having said that, according to Matt 24:38, there will still be some semblance of “normalcy” when Christ returns for his bride, and once we have been removed to join Christ, then God’s wrath will be unleashed upon all the wicked and ungodly.
In 1Sam 13 we read of events that every believer at some point will confront; a crisis every believer will be forced to face, and decide either to patiently wait on Yahweh, or impatiently just take matters into our own hands. Saul’s pivotal moment came when ominous clouds of war gathered over Israel. God, through the prophet Samuel, told Saul to go ahead of him to Gilgal and wait for him seven days and then he will receive instructions before going to battle that would lead them to victory (1Sam 10:8). When the seventh day arrived and Samuel did not show up at a time Saul thought he should, being overwhelmed by the circumstances he faced, he panicked and took matters into his own hands and disobeyed God. God is never late, Samuel did arrive on the seventh day according to God’s timing, not Saul’s. God does not change and expects obedience from His people even today (1Sam 12:15; 1Sam 13:8-10,13,14; 1Sam 15:22,23!
No matter how hopeless things may appear; we are to walk in obedience to God’s commands waiting patiently on Him to deliver us. Our faith is not in Donald Trump. He will not save us; he will not save America; he will not make America great again. We cling to the infallible Word of our Father, His Truth, and His Way. No matter what we may go through, we are admonished to be strong, courageous, and not to fear, not even our enemies, for Yahweh our God “will not leave us or forsake us” (Deut 31:6,8; Heb 13:5,6; Matt 28:20, ESV). We have this assurance both from our Father and our Messiah.
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2024 Reply to Valerie
2:22 The word translated “made” <1129> is the word, typically, translated “built” – seeGen 4:17. This is the first indication that God was planning to build a house or believers for Himself.
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2025 Reply to Peter
New Year 2025 - A Year in Chaos
“Fear thou not; for I am with thee; be not dismayed; for I am thy God; I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness” (Isa 41:10).
The Apocalypse’s scariest prophecies are those that foretell coming global catastrophes and with it the coming judgments. It confronts us with the frailty of human life and of Divine judgments to come. As unsettling all this may be, it is also a message of hope and encouragement when embraced in faith in Christ. We live in times of extreme volatility in that what we are about to go through and may go through necessitates our being prepared to expect even the unexpected. The majority of people look upon fear as bad, and they are right, but Yahweh, our Heavenly Father has warned us ahead of time, so that when these things happen and we begin to feel scared, we must draw on prayer and Scripture to strengthen us as the angels did with our Saviour, nothing wavering. God shall strengthen us, help us, and uphold us through it all.
Every aspect of our lives will be affected to a much greater extent as the “birth pangs” get stronger and stronger. The effects of the psycho-social, geo-political, woke and political correctness, the banking system, weather manipulations (, war after war, and threats of nuclear annihilation are aimed to destroy the very fabric of humanity. All this will bring about a chain of reactions we cannot even begin to fathom, thrusting us into events way beyond our control.
Russia’s Putin/*Medvedev/Lavrov will one of these days stop giving the West its “warnings,” and execute these warnings leading to WWIII. Without God’s intervention, nothing will save America and the world. If something life-threatening should happen to President Vladimir Putin, the former Russian President, Dimitry Medvedev, would be the most likely replacement. *Interestingly, “Medved” in Russian means “bear,” while the “ev” simply identifies it as a “possessive suffix” i.e., “son of Medved.” Last name MEDVEDEV: origin and meaning - Geneanet/
Political analysts conclude that when various factions of Socialist governments lose their power and control, they will, in one way or another, create chaos by whatever means they deem necessary to bring back into power their ideology. It doesn’t take a lot of imagination to realize the chaos that will occur should Donald Trump assume the Presidency with mass deportation, possible tariffs on numerous countries we trade with, abolishing the World Health Organization, and all its social and global implications to “change” and “Make America Great Again.” While his intentions are well meant, it will only bring about disaster after disaster. “Pandora’s Box” out of which has come every imaginable evil, has been opened, and there is no human that can put it back in. It is an illusion! Pandora's box Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster/ The birth pains will continue to strengthen.
Artificial Intelligence (AI), for the most part, is about to take over the mass population (32112) Elon Musk's Secret AI Plan EXPOSED - David Icke - YouTube/ creating a one-world religious belief system to control our thoughts and beliefs to completely change our very thought processes. According to the late Stephen Hawking, artificial intelligence would be the “worst event in the history of our civilization.” “We humans are getting closer to the Omega [Point], particularly with the aid of computers and related technology. The Omega Point is the final step before ‘Singularity’ takes place. Once we achieve (or cross into) Singularity, which will be the first and truly major evolutionary step in mankind, we cease to be humans. In the near future, computers will surpass our collective intellect, and our only way to maintain our place in the universe will be to merge with them. When transhumanists speak about the Omega Point, they refer to the point when our use of science and technology will improve our human state, making conditions such as disability, suffering, disease, aging, and even death a thing of the past.” Elon Musk The Omega Point and Beyond: The Singularity Event - PMC/ Elon Musk: Humans must merge with machines or become irrelevant in AI age/ Elon Musk Wore 'Omega' Necklace To UFC Event? What It Means | Times Now/
“In a world where reality often seems stranger than fiction, the machinations behind global events can be an enigma wrapped in mystery.”
We are facing natural and spiritual warfare not only against humans, but also against transhumanism and robots. The machines are rising and will be released on mankind. Then, consider the drones with reports of an alien invasion. Just recently there’s been talk of mysterious dense fogs claiming to be alien spores, or plasmoids throughout various countries around the globe that are making people sick. "Those are alien spores"—Internet reacts as 'Fogvid-24' fog making people sick conspiracy sparks alarm across the globe/ Plasmoid - DND 5th Edition/ (cf.2Thess 3:9-11). It is a made-up delusional story that feeds into the nefarious intents of the elites’ plan against the global population. Expect more lying wonders that will appear so real, yet all delusional! Woke creators of AI Google’s Gemini and Silicon Valley, CA, have programmed robots that it is better to have a nuclear war than misgender Caitlyn Jenner! “If you have an AI that’s programmed for things like that, it could conclude that the best way to ensure nobody is misgendered is to annihilate those humans, thus making the probability of a future misgendering zero.” Elon Musk
Elon Musk: Humans must merge with machines or become irrelevant in AI age/
Elon Musk tells Tucker potential dangers of hyper-intelligent AI/
When we examine the lives of the prophets in Biblical times, we are given numerous examples of the faithful and how they handled the stressful situations they found themselves in. Just take the prophet Daniel, as he dealt with the invasion of Jerusalem and Judah and taken into captivity by Nebuchadnezzar’s army. Imagine being taken captive by this cruel Babylonian King’s vicious marauders and murderers! We read about Daniel, a young teen, with his three friends, but where were the family members? There is no mention of them. Most of their friends and family may well have been killed or seized from his home. Imagine the pain of separation and suffering total losses, as torn from the only way of life he knew and had. Yet, he manifested the very spirit of wholly following God despite it, and of what Christ warned his disciples of in Luke 14:26-33.
Without question, Daniel’s life was completely ripped away from him. Yet, even as a young teen, now in exile in a foreign land, we read how he dealt with his situation. Dealing with a corrupt, cruel and murderous King, yet at the same time Daniel and his friends remained faithful to their God and were not afraid to suffer the consequences of their obedience to Yahweh. They refused to bow down to the King’s idol statue of himself even at pain of death! It must have been extremely hard to do emotionally, but they chose to accept and embrace their fate having purposed in their heart to obey God no matter what, knowing God is in control, lest haply they find themselves fighting against God.
As we navigate through this age wherein God and Jesus are mocked, blasphemed, replaced by AI, Luciferian and sun-god worship, utter moral bankruptcy, and lawlessness, we know these last day events of apostasy are reaching their climax. Deus in machina: Swiss church installs AI-powered Jesus | Artificial intelligence (AI) | The Guardian/
We ought to all the more be determined, even prepared mentally to face the “lion’s den,” “a fiery furnace,” or prison, as with Joseph, if need be, trusting in God through it all. Their examples were recorded for us for a reason.
In our most difficult time, we must draw on these Biblical examples, stay focused and honour and serve our God in a way He chooses, and we can do it because we have already purposed in our heart to do it and not defile ourselves. We must develop this mindset, as this will change how we react to any given situation and remain faithful to the Father (Dan 2:8) - our greatest example being Yahshua Messiah. God will do great things for us, too, but we have to submit ourselves in all obedience to His will. No matter what we will be called upon to face, obedience is absolutely essential; it glorifies God (Psa 86:11,12; John 17:1-10; 21:18,19), and He will be glorified in His saints (2Thess 1:10).
Our knowledge of the spiritual drives the physical. No matter what the will of the Father is for us, we must be prepared to have the faith and trust that will enable us to remain obedient. We know Yahweh is in full control, and nothing can happen to us contrary to His will, and this line of thinking makes all the difference in making the right choice in whom we choose to obey and serve. Yahweh will be with us and the time is at hand (Deut 31:8; Matt 28:20; Heb 13:5).
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2025 Reply to Valerie
Ps. 1:6 tells us that God knows our ways. We are, effectively, as we read in Genesis, naked in his sight. Nothing can be hidden. And yet this Psalm tells us that this knowledge that God has of us is good, not bad - it is the unrighteous that will perish. The reason, of course, is in the saving work of Jesus. Consider the sentiments expressed in Heb. 4:13-16 in this context.
Peter [UK] Comment added in 2001 Reply to Peter
2 v.6 is the first mention of Zion in the Psalms. This is a fascinating study which is taken up elsewhere in these notes from time to time. In this initial context consider these other Psalms - 48:1-2, 50:2, 78:68, 132:13-14
As well as these Psalms, we can see the fulfilment both in Jesus and in the inclusion of the faithful at the end - Heb 12:22, Rev.14:1
Peter [UK] Comment added in 2002 Reply to Peter
1:2 we probably think that being like the one who has his delight in the law of the Lord is an ideal we will never attain. However Paul - Romans 7:22 - says that he can win the battle with the flesh by having this mind. A lesson for us. The only way to be at peace with ourselves is to have this mind.
2:6 In setting the king on Zion the record is speaking of anointing because that is what the word translated set means. This setting will be achieved because Jesus was raised from the dead - :7 thou art my son … is used in the New Testament Acts 13:33, Hebrews 1:3 - to speak of the risen Jesus.
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2002 Reply to Peter
Psalm 1 - HOW HAPPY!
The very first word of the book of Psalms is the word "Blessed." In many other places through the Bible this same Hebrew word is translated "Happy" or "How happy." The book of Psalms is like the song-book of the Bible and it begins by telling us the secret of true happiness.
The truly happy person is one who does not do wicked things or go to the places of wickedness. Instead he delights in the law, thinking about it all the time.
The person in this Psalm is described like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Those words remind me of the Garden of Eden which was placed at the junction of four rivers that watered the garden. In the middle of the garden was the tree of life. If you ate its fruit you would live for-ever. It also reminds me of the last chapters of the book of Revelation where we read about the trees of life on either side of the river of God. It yielded fruit and the leaves were for the healing of the nations. The picture in Psalm 1 is of a man who loves God, who is refreshing, healing, who is perfectly happy and will ultimately live for ever. Is it a picture of you?
When Jesus returns he will take his place as the King of Israel and King of the World. But, as this Psalm so clearly states, not everyone will be happy about that. Nations and people, kings and rulers will plot and conspire and stand up against the LORD and against Jesus but it will all be to no avail.
God has warned us all early about this and given us advice as to what we can do about it. The advice is to be wise and to be warned. It is to serve the LORD with fear and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son, lest he be angry and you be destroyed in your way and Blessed are all those why take refuge in him.
God has said that when Jesus returns his reign will be successful and it will last for ever. All nations will serve him and all people will bow before him. We will be one of those people. The questions is, are you one of the people who will be glad he is king and will bow willingly and gratefully? Or will you be one of those who are forced to bow before the Son of God and face his wrath? You can make the answer for yourself now.
Robert Prins [Auckland - Pakuranga - (NZ)] Comment added in 2002 Reply to Robert
1:3 By the rivers of waters is where the bridegroom is to be found (Song of Solomon 5:12)
2:4 In saying that the Lord will laugh we see language picked up (2 Kings 19:21) by Isaiah in speaking of Babylon.
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2003 Reply to Peter
Did you know that our Loving Heavenly Father has promised us an inheritance? HE tells us so in many places in the Bible, and we read it here in Psalm 2.
What is so great about an inheritance?"
For a start, an inheritance is usually passed on from the parents to the children. What do the children have to do to receive the inheritance? Usually what is required from them is to simply remain true to the family values.
What loving father would not want to share the family inheritance with all his offspring who love him and adore him?
Of course, none of us is naturally "born" into the Family that Psalm 2 is speaking about. Our "birth" involves a conscious decision to "change families" and allow God in Heaven to "adopt" us as HIS Sons and Daughters. And HIS feelings for us, are not unlike those that we ourselves have for our very own offspring that please us well, except, of course, HIS feelings toward us are perfect and pure and just and right.
Will we receive the inheritance then? The "Firstborn Son" has already tasted the inheritance, and the Father has promised that "there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus."
Our Father wants us to share the inheritance with His Firstborn Son. The Son wants very much to share the inheritance with us. The question then lies with ourselves.... will we allow our lives to be guided by the Spirit of God, so that we as Sons of God, might receive the great inheritance of God?
Cliff York [Pine Rivers (Aus)] Comment added in 2003 Reply to Cliff
In Psalm 1 we have, described for us in a nutshell, all we have to do to receive blessings from God. Blessed is the man who:
Doesn't walk according to the advice of the ungodly
Doesn't hang around with sinners
Doesn't go along with the scornful
but instead:
Delights in the law of God
Thinks about it all the time
Plants himself where he can receive spiritual nourishment
I think we can all from time to time become wrapped up in trying to better ourselves, making ourselves do good works. We can become very despondent when we fail. We sometimes measure ourselves against the example of others, or of Christ, which can make us feel unworthy or worthless. However, this is not the advice of this Psalm. The Psalm suggests that if only we remove ourselves from bad influences, and plant ourselves in good influences, then we will bear fruit. Fruit grows automatically on that tree, as it will with us. Once we realise this, we will never feel wretched at our lack of works, because instead we will wait patiently for God to bring forth fruit in us.
Rob de Jongh [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2003 Reply to Rob
1:3 The man who is blessed whose ‘leaf also shall not wither’ is like the everlasting trees by the water in Ezekiel’s temple (Eze 47:12)
2:8 In saying ‘ask of me …’ God is telling Jesus, in advance, that he is the heir of the world – a great antidote to the temptations of the ‘devil’ (Luke 4:6)
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2004 Reply to Peter
Psa 1:1 shows the three-step progression into sin.
Choices can be made at each juncture of this progression.
First we can choose to walk towards something unwholesome that attracts us. When we reach that destination we can choose to pass on by or stand and observe what is going on. After observation we can choose to either walk away or stay and sit which means that we are now willing participants in that sinful activity.
This progression answers to the one of lust as described in
Walk = drawn away
Stand = enticed
Sit = conceived
And we are reminded that the final result of any sinful activity, left uncorrected and not forgiven, will bring forth death.
Michael Parry [Montreal (Can)] Comment added in 2004 Reply to Michael
1:1 In this opening verse of the Psalms we see a graduations of evil. We start with walking with the ungodly, then we progress to standing with them, and finally we find ourselves sitting with them. and conforming to their conduct. We must take heed to the word of the Psalmist.
John Wilson [Toronto West (Can)] Comment added in 2004 Reply to John
1:6 - Notice it is the way of the righteous that God knows. By implication He does not know the way of the ungodly.
Let us rejoice in our knowledge that by His grace we are righteous and therefore known of Him (John 10:14-17, 2Tim 2:19)
Peter [UK] Comment added in 2004 Reply to Peter
Chaff is very useful, then becomes worthless. The husk or skin of the kernel protects the seed while it is growing. But when harvest time comes, there is no need for the covering, and the wind drives it away
(Ps1:4). The ungodly are like the chaff.
David Simpson [Worcester (UK)] Comment added in 2004 Reply to David
Many feel the Psalms are divided into 5 parts corresponding to the first 5 books of the of the Bible. Accordingly, chapters 1-41 (beginning; man and his relationship to God; all blessing is bound up in obedience) correspond to Genesis, chapters 42-72 (Israel as a nation; ruin, redeemer, redemption) correspond to Exodus, chapters 73-89 (God's sanctuary) correspond to Leviticus, chapters 90-106 (Israel's relation to the nations and sojourn) correspond to Numbers, and chapters 107-150 (God and His Word; obedience) correspond to Deuteronomy. The last 5 Psalms (146-150) are also perhaps an echo of the first 5 books of the Bible.
Charles Link, Jr. [Moorestown, (NJ, USA)] Comment added in 2005 Reply to Charles
1:4 ‘Chaff’ In Scripture is always presented as useless.
2:10 The instruction that the kings of the earth will receive will be the law of God that will go forth from Jerusalem Isa 2:3
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2005 Reply to Peter
1:1 ‘Blessed is the man’ is a recurring phrase in the Psa 32:1, 65:4, 84:5,12, 94:12, Psa 112:1. A review of these passages will enable us to build up a picture of how we should behave. The idea then passes into New Testament use in the Sermon on the Mount ‘Blessed are they …’ Matt 5:4,6,10
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2007 Reply to Peter
A psalm is a poem. Psalms were set to music and became the Jewish hymnbook. There are 150 psalms, most of which were written around 1000 BC, during the times of David and Solomon. The credited writers of the psalms, and the number they wrote, are:
David 73
Solomon 2
Sons of Korah 12
Asaph 12
Herman 1
Ethan 1
Moses 1
Unknown 48
Michael Parry [Montreal (Can)] Comment added in 2007 Reply to Michael
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2007 Reply to Peter
When my four year old nephew got exactly what he wanted for his birthday, he was very excited. As the initial excitement wore off, he was heard to say, "I'm happy now!"
How close are we to gaining true happiness? Like my nephew, we may think we will be happy when we have new possessions, a new way of life, a new relationship or the freedom to do the things we want to do. But when those wants are fulfilled, there will always be others to take their place.
Psalm 1 tells us the secret of true happiness. The word "Blessed" can also be translated "Happy." Psalm 1 starts out with the words, "Blessed (or Happy) is the man." (Psa 1:1) It then goes on to describe the things about this person that make them happy.
We learn that the happy man's "delight is in the law of the LORD, and in his law he meditates day and night." (v.2) The happy man is one whose thoughts are constantly in God's word. His actions will follow his thoughts because actions always follow the direction our minds take us. But more than that, this is a man who is God centred. The way to get in touch with God is to listen to him. Reading and meditating on God's word, his law, is the way to do it.
The truly happy man is a God centred man. Let us be God centred and truly happy.
Robert Prins [Auckland - Pakuranga - (NZ)] Comment added in 2008 Reply to Robert
Psalm 2 applies to David, Yahweh's anointed. But the secondary application clearly applies to Jesus, the only begotten Son of the Father. Here we see an end-time reference when Jesus, returned from heaven, will establish Himself as king in Jerusalem, and put down the enemies of Yahweh. He will plead with the rulers of the world to recognize His kingship. Those who do accept Him will find blessing. Those who do not will be punished. These events are not far off. Knowing that should encourage us to be ready.
Michael Parry [Montreal (Can)] Comment added in 2008 Reply to Michael
1:3 The way in which the man who delights in God’s law is like a ‘tree planted by water’ is picked up in Jer 17:8 The basis in this Psalm forms the encouragement in the days of Jeremiah.
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2009 Reply to Peter
Psa 2:8-9 First Principles>Kingdom of God>To be Everlasting and world-wide
The Kingdom of God will be a literal kingdom on the earth and last for ever. For more details go to Dan 2:44
Roger Turner [Lichfield (UK)] Comment added in 2009 Reply to Roger
Prophesied conspiring against Christ that included Gentile opposition - Psa 2:1-2;Acts 4:1-3,23-27.
Charles Link, Jr. [Moorestown, (NJ, USA)] Comment added in 2009 Reply to Charles
Jesus Christ, born of Mary, became Gods only "begotten"<3205> <1080> (implies conception/birth and in Christ's case being born again from the dead to life anew) Son - Psa 2:7;Heb 1:5;Heb 5:5.
Charles Link, Jr. [Moorestown, (NJ, USA)] Comment added in 2009 Reply to Charles
Psa 2:6 First Principles>Sure mercies of David>King
Jesus will be the future King.
For more about the King, go to 2Sam 7:12-16.
Roger Turner [Lichfield (UK)] Comment added in 2009 Reply to Roger
Psa 2:1-2The way in which these verses are quoted by brethren – Acts 4:24-26 – upon the release of Peter and John – are applied to the persecution of Jesus provides the most powerful basis for understanding the Psalm as being Messianic.
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2009 Reply to Peter
The walking-standing-sitting sequence has been well covered above, but here are a few further thoughts:
Walking: you're going the same way, but not necessarily with them; then you stop and stand with them - you're associating yourself with them; then comes the point where you sit down and join them.
There's a second progression involved: ungodly, sinners and scorners. The first are not necessarily against God, it's just that he doesn't feature in their lives, they are ungodly or without God; the second, the sinners, are those who disobey God's command; the third are those who go one step further and are actively encouraging others to be sinners.
Then we find a third progression. For the time being, you're walking in the counsel of the ungodly. Then you stop. You're standing joining in with, being part of the way of the sinner; then once seated in the seat of the scornful (note that it's the scorner's seat, not ours) - you're there on his terms, not yours or God's - it's very difficult to get up and walk away.
1Cor 15:33 Do not be deceived: "Bad company ruins good morals."
Peter followed Jesus at a distance, going along with the crowd. Later he stopped in the courtyard of the high priest, where he sat down with the guards, denying Jesus three times.
What of Jesus himself? Surely, we can argue that he walked with the ungodly? Isn't that part of his purpose whilst on earth?
Yes, but…. He didn't walk in the counsel of the ungodly by any stretch of the imagination. Just the reverse. He wasn't interested in their counsel, but in God's counsel.
When did he ever stand in the way of sinners? He met with them, he discussed with them, but never allied himself to them.
There are surprisingly few occasions where it's recorded that Jesus sat down and they are all quite specific. He either sat down with the disciples, or sat down - for example in a boat - in order to teach the people, or he sat down in the temple. You can add to that list the moment when he sat on the donkey to make his triumphal entry.
Then of course, we read that when he was before Pilate, it was Pilate who sat down, amazingly, on what is described as The Judgment Seat
Ken Trelfer [Rockingham Forest, UK] Comment added in 2009 Reply to Ken
v3 Jer 17:8
Verse 3 immediately conjures up more ideas, looking both forwards and backwards. Similar phrasing crops up in Jacob's blessing to Joseph and we're all familiar with the concept of Joseph as a type of Christ:
Gen 49:22 "Joseph is a fruitful bough, a fruitful bough by a spring; his branches run over the wall.
If we look at the Psalm as talking of Christ, then the scale comes into play. Joseph was a branch, Jesus is the complete tree. They are rivers of water. This is moving, flowing water, not stagnant water. The ESV, RSV and NIV have streams The NEB watercourse. The words take us forward, too, to the Book of Revelation:
Rev 22:1 Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb.
The fact that here it's called a river of water of life lifts the concept to another level. To start with, the tree of Psalm 1 was planted there. It didn't just happen. Jesus was "planted" by God here on the earth, ultimately to bring life. He was crucified on a dead tree - the cross, but that death will ultimately bring life
1Pet 2:24 He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed.
Cursed is the man who is hanged on a tree, yet, here in the Psalm, blessed is the man who becomes a tree of life
John 7:37-38 On the last day of the feast, the great day, Jesus stood up and cried out, "If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, 'Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.'"
This tree - or Jesus - must bring forth fruit, the rest of verse 3 tells us. Perhaps we can consider ourselves as part of that fruit and we, in turn, like Joseph, must become fruitful branches. The exhortation to us is surely hat we can't sit back and do nothing. We all know of brethren and sisters who are inactive in the Truth. We perhaps know entire Ecclesias that fit the bill. Here we're being told that we can't be. We have to be actively working, trying to be fruitful.
John 15:5 I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.
Jesus' leaves certainly won't wither - he's an evergreen! - and ours shouldn't either. We should be constantly striving to bring forth fruit and if we remain planted by the river of life, whatsoever we do we shall prosper. The tree was planted here by the flowing water so that it could draw up that water of life and so flourish. Again there's a link back to Joseph:
Gen 39:3 His master saw that the LORD was with him and that the LORD caused all that he did to succeed in his hands.
Ken Trelfer [Rockingham Forest, UK] Comment added in 2009 Reply to Ken
In these two Psalms (Psalm 1 & 2) we can see that the world is only populated with two families.
There is the "Adam's Family" and there is "The Son's Family".
One "family" is dysfunctional and engages in really bizarre behaviours... as Psalm 1:1 highlights. This "family" is aimless, has no direction, no sure foundations, no future... and before we boast our "family" heritage, let us reflect that we were all born into this "family" by default... not our choice... nor our crime.... simply our "misfortune"... or was it "misfortune"?
The other "family" has direction, foundations, vision, purpose... and a glorious future.
We can only be brought into the second "family" by adoption [Galatians 4:1-7]... and only when we can see the difference between the two "families".
We needed to be born into the first "family" that we might see the necessity to become joined to the second.
That we are all born by default into the "Addams family" was not our misfortune... it was by design, so that through adoption, that we might eternally cherish the victory gained for us by "The Son" [Rom 8:15-23]
Cliff York [Pine Rivers (Aus)] Comment added in 2010 Reply to Cliff
2:9 That Jesus, who is the subject of this Psalm, will break the nations with a rod of Iron is presented by Jesus – Rev 2:27 – as a privilege that the glorified saints will possess. Not that we will rejoice in bringing judgment. We will be rejoicing, however, that His name is being glorified.
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2010 Reply to Peter
Psa 1:1-2 - while this gives encouragement and direction to all Gods children, the "man"<376> (note the word for a common "man"<120> is not used in verse 1) who would best exemplify these two verses would be Jesus whose delight is the "law"<8451> (verse 2) of God (John 8:28) - we look forward to a future time when Christ returns and reigns on the earth "for out of Zion shall go forth the "law"<8451>,and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem"(Isa 2:3). Psa 1:3 - Christ is the "tree"<6086> of life that offers living water and brings forth good fruit in his season (Gen 2:9;3:22,24;John 14:6;1Pet 2:24;Rev 2:7;22:1-2;John 7:37-39;4:7-15;Matt 21:33-43;7:15-21); Christ's leaf will not "wither"<5034>; "prosper"<6743>. Psa 1:5 - the judgment (Matt 12:36-37); there will be a "congregation"<5712> of the "righteous"<6662> when Christ returns to establish his Fathers kingdom on earth (Dan 2:44-45;Matt 5:5;25:31-34;26:29;Acts 1:6-11;2Tim 4:1). Psa 1:6 - "...the "way"<1870> of the ungodly shall "perish"<6> (death, not eternal torment, is the fate of the wicked Psa 145:20;Eze 18:4)"
Charles Link, Jr. [Moorestown, (NJ, USA)] Comment added in 2011 Reply to Charles
Psa 2:2 - "his anointed"<4899> is Jesus Christ; the nations attacking Jerusalem are defeated and Christ is recognized (Zech 12:8-10). Psa 2:6-8 - Christ will rule the earth from Zion (Isa 2:1-4;Mic 4:1-8); V7 - "Son"<1121>; V8 - the foundation of the Sons right of "inheritance" (Matt 21:38) is based on the resurrection (Luke 20:37-38) and the divine conception of David's son (Luke 20:41-44). Psa 2:10 - "instructed"<3256>. Psa 2:12 - "Kiss the Son"<1248> (note this word for "Son" is a different word than used in V7; Jesus and Saul when anointed were kissed Luke 7:38;1Sam 10:1; the Son is elsewhere refereed to as the Messiah and Jesus Christ Rom 1:3-4;John 1:41); "perish"<6>; "trust"<2620>.
Charles Link, Jr. [Moorestown, (NJ, USA)] Comment added in 2011 Reply to Charles
2:2 We see a fulfilment of this – Matt 27:1 – when the Jewish leaders sought to crucify Jesus. Whilst at that time it appeared – for a short time – that they had achieved their ends God will have the final word as the Psalm goes on to show.
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2011 Reply to Peter
Psa 1:1-3 The man who walks in Godly ways, who meditates on God’s Law is like a tree planted by rivers of water. This man brings forth fruit and will not wither (fade) and prospers in all he does. We are reminded of the spirit of Christ in these words. It could only truly be said of Jesus, that he did not walk in counsel of the ungodly, delighted to meditate day and night on God’s Law and brought forth fruit in his season.
If we are guided in our lives by the words of the Psalmist then we can be like trees of righteousness and the Lord will bless us. The righteous are like trees planted by the Lord for one purpose, that He might be glorified.
(Isa 61:3) “To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified.”
John saw in vision (Rev 22:2-3), “tree (or wood) of life” planted on either side of the river. The wood “yielded fruit each month and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.” The righteous men that the Psalmist speaks of are the saints, who have drawn on the water of life and have preached and taught the nations and so yielded fruit for the Lord.
Peter Moore [Erith, UK] Comment added in 2013 Reply to Peter
2:4 The way in which God will “laugh” and have the enemies of Jesus in “derision” is an echo of how David spoke of those who sought to kill him during the days of Saul when Saul had sent men to take him from his own house.
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2013 Reply to Peter
2:9 We have seen in a previous comment that Jesus uses this verse to speak of his rulership –Rev 2:27 – so when we come across the same idea being used again in Rev 12:5 it is reasonable to conclude that the Psalm is being used in the same way.
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2014 Reply to Peter
1:1 The journey – Standing, sitting, sitting spoken of in this verse is seen In the way in which Isa 9:2 has stand but when Matthew 4:16 quotes that verse we find the people sitting.
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2015 Reply to Peter
Putting Psalm 2 in it's context is difficult because we don't know who wrote it, or when. While David is the most prolific author of the Psalms (he was called "the sweet Psalmist of Israel" 2Sam 23:1), many other authors are included too. We have some clues though:
v1-3 it is a time where the anointed King of Israel reigns over other nations as well as Israel
v3 service is not willing. "let us break their bands" sounds like tribute is being paid
v6 the King was ruling from Jerusalem, rather than Hebron, Samaria or Gibeah as at other times
v12 "kiss the son" sounds like a father had set up the Kingdom and was passing it on to his son
I would suggest that this Psalm may be based around the time of David and Solomon, where David's military campaigns had successfully secured the borders and brought the surrounding nations into tribute. These Kings had to decide whether to continue serving and passing tribute money to Solomon, or risk war if they refused.
Some of the details still do not fit, which is why this Psalm must ultimately be a prophecy of Jesus. Jesus will reign over all the world, not just a part of it (v8 "the uttermost parts") and of him the LORD would say "Thou art my son; this day I have begotten thee" v7, applied to Jesus in Heb 1:5.
Rob de Jongh [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2015 Reply to Rob
Psa 1 A casual reading of the Psalm might lead one to conclude, as Job’s friend did, that godly people are blessed and wicked people suffer problems in this life. However the end of the Psalm shows that the Psalmist is speaking about the end of life – the judgment, not life now.
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2016 Reply to Peter
Nick Kendall [In Isolation] Comment added in 2016 Reply to Nick
2:4 we see again –Psa 37:13 – the Lord laughing. This Psalm speaks of the establishment of Jesus as king of the world. , likewise, looks to the end of the kingdom of men and the establishment of righteousness and abundant peace.
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2017 Reply to Peter
'Psa 1:1 “The counsel of the ungodly,” is meantime in the ascendant. The world is made up of the “ungodly” - not necessarily of thieves, liars, murderers, and so on, but of people who are not actuated by God’s ideas - whose heads, morally and intellectually, are crammed with “the wisdom of this world” - who, while not ignorant that there is a God, are unfamiliar with him and estranged from him in all their notions - who are ignorant of his requirements, or having knowledge, are so inflated with the pride of the carnal mind, as to live in habitual disregard of them - people in fact, who are prompted solely by the paltry expediencies of the present in the various walks of life.
...They may be very decent in common estimation; very useful in their respective spheres in relation to the ephemeral economy of the present, but they are emphatically ungodly. They are unacquainted with God, are insensible to the relations subsisting between him and them, are practically uninfluenced by anything he proposes to do, are wholly taken up with the miserable trifles of a frittering present.
Brother Roberts - Ambassador 1864
Nick Kendall [In Isolation] Comment added in 2017 Reply to Nick
Psalm 1 is said to be an introduction to the book of Psalms due to the fact it has no introduction itself like other psalms. The author speaks of the depravity of human nature, warning that true happiness in life can only be found by a continuous devotion to Gods word which should make us realise that separation from the ungodly and their way of life is vital
Psa 1:1
Blessed = Happy See my notes in Prov 17:22
Ungodly = are those who are think that there are happy in the world, those who believe having no fear of God and having no responsibility to him is true happiness, in a nutshell they feel believing in God is boring. But the word ungodly is translated wicked, unsettled or disturbed, Isa 57:20 See also Hag 1:5-6 does not that some up the world today? The verse gives the idea of filling up a bag but it has holes!
Sinners= Those who see no wrong in what they do in fact they rebel against God.
Scornful= Those who mock the Godly.
The word meditate is interesting, commentators tell us it means to ponder on God’s word. But the word also indicates to speak to oneself as in reading out loud, but more precisely to murmur in a soft voice to muse silently. And it’s something my daughter did annoyingly as a child but we were told reading to oneself helps with fluency, comprehension and reciting words clearly. However the most important reason is that it develops a positive association with what they are reading and so by meditating we have a positive association with Gods word. See Psa 4:4 commune means to meditate.
Psa 1:3 The word fruit gives the idea ofa result of labour or endeavour which preserves the image. And that’s what the whole idea of fruit is in trees, not only in providing food but preserving the parent. The fruit grows into an image of the parent tree but bearing fruit isn’t easy it comes as the result of labour or endeavour just as the vine requires pruning and cutting back so in revealing Gods glory we also need cutting back and pruning.
Considering prosperity the word prosperous in the Hebrew translation is sakal which is used in certain places to be successful but on 12 occasions is translated understand, on another 12 occasions it is rendered wise but it also is used as the word prudent.
And that word prudent speaks of discerning a situation before action, being discreet and planning for the future, all relevant to us. see Isa 52:13
the word prosperous is translated as prudently, and the definition of prudent is Acting with or showing care and thought for the future having the ability to govern and discipline oneself by the use of reason. See 2Tim 1:7
The NIV translates sound mind as self-discipline others translate it as self-control, and that is pretty much the same meaning as prudence, the ability to meet a situation head on not with fear as Paul exhorts us here, not making a sudden rash decision that doesn’t go right but to be able to discern a situation
Christ had prosperity but only in wisdom thats all he needed, Matt 13:54
If we seek proseperity or wisdom in the world we shall be disapointed Jer 17:5
stephen cox [Sedgley UK] Comment added in 2017 Reply to stephen
Some of God's instructions for bringing up children are that we are to talk about God's ways when we sit at home, when we walk along the road, when we lie down and when we get up. (Deut 6:7). But children can see right through us if we only preach to them. Our words and our way of life must be consistent.
The very first thing the psalmist tells us is that the things we teach our children are the way we should be living. Listen: "Blessed (or happy) is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night." (Psa 1:1-2).
So let us live consistent lives following God's instruction in both what we say and do. The people that live for God all day every day like this are the most blessed and happiest people around.
Robert Prins [Auckland - Pakuranga - (NZ)] Comment added in 2017 Reply to Robert
How good do you have to be to be a "good" person? There are lots of "good" people in the world. They are people who live kind, just and honourable lives, giving to others and generally doing what is right. They are the people described in Psalm 1. "Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers." (Psa 1:1).
This is all great, and there a lot of people in this category. But the description of the person blessed by the LORD doesn't stop there. It continues: "But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night." (v.2).
As well as being "good" we need to add to that goodness a love for the word of God and a responsiveness to it. It is only then that the reward can be given as promised:"He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not whither. Whatever he does prospers." (v.3).
Let's not stop half way, but develop a love and responsiveness to God's word as well as living a life that is pleasing to Him.
Robert Prins [Auckland - Pakuranga - (NZ)] Comment added in 2017 Reply to Robert
Its interesting Psalm 1 is inserted right after Job, forgive me if I am taking thinks a little far. (of course we know chronologically Job is not before Psalms) however its as if Psalm 1 is saying you have considered Job lets sum up a little of his problems here in Psalm 1?
Job 14:7 Spoke about a tree being cut down, looking dead but will live again. Psa 1:2-3 talks about those who meditate upon gods word being like trees that dont wither and prosper.
Job 16:6 and Job 21:16 speaks of Job realising his friends were most unhelpful in giving him (counsel) advice or help. Psa 1:1 tells us not to seek counsel with the ungodly.
Job 15:20-21 speaks of the wicked being in pain all his days and in prosperity they will be destroyed. Psa 1:4 tells us the wicked will rather than be like the trees of v3 will be like chaff cp Psa 35:5 and Isa 57:20.
Job 18:5 tells us the light (prosperity) of the wicked (ungodly) shall be put out. Psa 1:4
stephen cox [Sedgley UK] Comment added in 2017 Reply to stephen
2:12 The Psalm is speaking, in the first instance, of the coronation of Solomon. ‘kiss the son’ is, in essence, what Adonijah did when he heard that Solomon had been made king 1Kin 1:50
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2018 Reply to Peter
Whilst we do not know when and by whom the Psalms were ordered we know that by the time of the apostles in the first century this Psalm was known as the second Psalm –Acts 13:33
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2019 Reply to Peter
I believe Old Testament poetry has no meter or rhyme. Perhaps it has a rhythm with a number of stresses. It is poetry due to the repetition of thoughts which are restated with a change in the form of words or a change in the figure of speech.
Charles Link, Jr. [Moorestown, (NJ, USA)] Comment added in 2019 Reply to Charles
"The congregation of the righteous" (i.e. the coming kingdom on earth) will not have those who sins have not been washed away but the way of the ungodly will perish (i.e. they will not be tortured for an eternity in hell) -- Psa 1:5-6
Charles Link, Jr. [Moorestown, (NJ, USA)] Comment added in 2019 Reply to Charles
The nations will be ruled by the Son with an iron scepter (Psa 2:7-9;Rev 2:26-27;Rev 12:4-5;Rev 19:9-16)
Charles Link, Jr. [Moorestown, (NJ, USA)] Comment added in 2019 Reply to Charles
Whilst does not have a title telling who wrote the Psalm we can say with certainty that it was penned by David because Acts 4:25 tells us that it was given “by the mouth of David”.
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2020 Reply to Peter
2:10 Isa 46:9 states the authority of Yahweh which is sufficient reason for the kings of e earth to submit – but reason does not usually work when men and women are called upon to submit to God!
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2021 Reply to Peter
“‘HI, HOW ARE YOU?’ 'FINE.' Not exactly an in-depth discussion, this brief interchange is normal as friends and acquaintances pass and briefly touch each other with a cliché or two. Clichés are a way of life, saturating sentences and permeating paragraphs. But if this is the essence of our communication, our relationships will stall on a superficial plateau. Facts and opinions also fill our conversations. These words go deeper, but the true person still lies hidden beneath them. In reality, only when honest feelings and emotions are shared can real people be known, loved, and helped.
Often, patterns of superficial communication spill over into our talks with God. We easily slide through well-worn lines recited for decades, or we quickly toss a cliché or two at God and call it prayer. Certainly God hears and understands these feeble attempts, but by limiting the depth of our communication, we become shallow in our relationship with him. But God knows us, and he wants to have a genuine communication with us.
At the center of the Bible is the book of Psalms. This great collection of songs and prayers expresses the heart and soul of humanity. In them we find the whole range of human experiences expressed. This book holds no clichés. Instead, David and the other writers honestly poured out their true feelings, reflecting a dynamic, powerful, and life-changing friendship with God. The psalmists confess their sins, express their doubts and fears, ask God for help in times of trouble, and praise and worship him.
As you read the book of Psalms, you will hear believers crying out to God from the depths of despair, and you will hear them singing to him at the heights of celebration. But whether the psalm writers are despairing or rejoicing, you will always hear them sharing honest feelings with their God. Because of the honesty expressed by these writers, men and women throughout history have come, again and again, to the book of Psalms for comfort during times of struggle and distress. And through the psalms, they have risen from the depths of despair to new heights of joy and praise as they have discovered the power of God’s everlasting love and forgiveness. Let the honesty of the psalms guide you into a deep and genuine relationship with God.”
New Living Translation Study Bible
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2021 Reply to Valerie
1:6The Psalm starts by describing the faithful man – ultimately Jesus – and speaks of the blessings he will receive in this life. Not material things but fellowship with God. This is because God watches men and women and recognises those that delight in His laws.
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2022 Reply to Peter
2:7 The Psalm is clearly speaking of Messiah and his kingdom. We can be sure of that because of the way that this verse is used in the New Testament to speak of the resurrection of Jesus –Heb 1:5, Acts 13 being two places.
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2023 Reply to Peter
1:2 It is only possible to “meditate” in God’s law if we know it. Therefore, in order to get it into our minds and retain it there is the necessity to read it regularly and to think about what we are reading.
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2024 Reply to Peter
We are reading the Psalms in the KJV English and the Septuagint (LXX) version of the Apostolic Bible Polyglot. This has the English and Greek words, keyed with the Strong's Greek numbers, so that a NT word can be understood from the OT, and vice versa. The author concocted additional numbers for the OT Greek words that are not in the NT!
We have both hard copies of the Bible, and use the App:
The Apostolic Bible Polyglot is also on e-sword, and alson on Bible hub:
Ellen Reid [St Arnaud, Australia, Isolation] Comment added in 2024 Reply to Ellen
1 This Psalm is a Psalm of contrasts. The godly and ungodly. This much is obvious. But consider. There are only two options. There is no third or middle way. That is our life. We have a simple choice, as did Eve. To listen to God or listen to the serpent.
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2025 Reply to Peter
“WE always speak like the company we keep. If we are all the while among the foul-mouthed gabblers of the flesh, we cannot expect to be free of their Sodomite brogue. If we read nothing but the literature of Atheistic refinement, we shall never rise above that thin, proper, superficial, cold style of talk in which a practically godless state of mind expresses itself. Give us the atmosphere of the Spirit and the company of the Spirit’s watchmen in the Word, and we are in altogether balmier land. ‘Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in his law doth he meditate day and night.’”
Robert Roberts, Seasons of Comfort, p. 61
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2025 Reply to Valerie
The visit of the Wise men (Gentiles) makes a great deal of connections between the old and new testaments. The star has been with us since Joseph or even Abraham, but is particularly associated with the wise men in Isa. 60:3, which of course links with Luke 2:32. Finally take your thoughts to Rev.22:16
Peter [UK] Comment added in 2001 Reply to Peter
1:23 Whilst some might say that virgin just means young maid thus minimising the miraculous when we bring other Scriptures to bear on the account we learn that Mary was truly a virgin as she had not known Joseph before the birth of Jesus Matthew 1:25
In saying 2:20 for they are dead which sought the young child's life we see the first of many links between Jesus and Moses - see Exodus 4:19
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2002 Reply to Peter
Wise men came to the house where Jesus was living with his mother. They brought with them gifts, Gold, Incense and Myrrh. The gifts they gave were the best, they were expensive and they were especially chosen to give to the new king.
They gave gold for its purity and value. They gave incense for its steady burning glow and the beautiful smell it emitted. And they gave myrrh for its healing and embalming qualities.
We cannot give him gifts today as the wise men did on that day. But in our actions and in our service we can give him the same. We can give gold by keeping our lives pure and letting him refine us to be his perfect and treasured possession. We can give incense when we pray and offer up constant praises and thanksgiving to the lord of Life. And we can give myrrh when we pass on the healing and life that flows from our Lord.
We could offer gifts to Jesus, but richer by far is the adoration of our hearts and our love freely given to him.
Robert Prins [Auckland - Pakuranga - (NZ)] Comment added in 2002 Reply to Robert
1:19 Joseph is described by God as Just. How many other people does God describe as just?
2:2 In saying that they had come to see the king of the Jews we have the first occurrence of the phrase which is used at the death of Jesus - John 19:3
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2003 Reply to Peter
Have you ever wondered about the difficulties the maiden Mary would have had in convincing her family and associates about her obvious pregnancy. No other women had EVER become pregnant like this maiden did.
And it was necessary for it to be so, for the Scripture had prophesied that "a virgin shall conceive..." but every woman who had conceived before her, and every woman who has conceived after her, could not have been a "virgin" in the strict sense of the word, because the actual physical act of conception occurs after the woman has lost her virginity.
What strength of character this wonderful maid in Israel had, that the God of the Universe should choose her, out of all the billions that have ever existed, to bring His Only Begotten Son into this world.... for us!
Cliff York [Pine Rivers (Aus)] Comment added in 2003 Reply to Cliff
1:17 there are 3 groups of 14 generations – consider the way 42 figures in Scripture (3 X 14) Rev 11:2, 13:5 – is there a connection?
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2004 Reply to Peter
1:19 - The Greek word used for 'publick example' paradeigmatizo (3856) only occurs once elsewhere in scripture and is used interestingly of the public shame of her baby - when grown - when denied by those who fall away - Heb 6:6 - 'seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame'.
Peter [UK] Comment added in 2004 Reply to Peter
Matt 1:1 What a perfect way to begin the record of the Lord Jesus Christ. The book of the Genesis of Jesus Christ. The conquest of sin and death. The son of David. The promise of a throne. Authority. 2Sam 7:12 The son of Abraham. The promise of a land. Inheritance. Gen 12:1-3
John Wilson [Toronto West (Can)] Comment added in 2004 Reply to John
Christ a poor child, laid down in a crib, and though given no attention by his own people, receives nonetheless a noble witness of his kingly estate from strangers: which his own people unknowingly let happen, although they did not acknowledge him. But not just strangers—rejoicing strangers from afar off.
Acts 2:39 For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off,...
Heb 11:13 These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, ...
Those who live at the greatest distance from the means of grace often use most diligence, and learn to know the most of Christ and his salvation. But no curious arts, or mere human learning, can direct men to him. We must learn of Christ by attending to the word of God, as a light that shines in a dark place.
Peter [UK] Comment added in 2004 Reply to Peter
2:11-13 Mary and Joseph must have been comforted by the visit of the wise men, and by what they did. It was a confirmation of the wonderful things that had been spoken before about the child.
by an angel to Joseph
By the angel Gabriel to Mary
By Elizabeth to Mary
By the shepherds, from what they heard from the angels
by Simeon to both Mary and Joseph.
John Wilson [Toronto West (Can)] Comment added in 2005 Reply to John
Considering the genealogy in Matthew is the genealogy of the King and Saviour of the world, it does not make impressive reading. If any of us had been putting it together we would have been kept free from blemish, ignoring or skimming over those who need not be noted if they did not contribute to the standing of the Saviour. But God left them in.
Let's think about the women who are mentioned.
Tamar was not Judah's wife. Tamar was Judah's daughter-in-law, the wife of his eldest son. But by an act of prostitution Tamar became pregnant by Judah and contributed to the line of the King.
Rahab was both a prostitute and a Canaanite, an inhabitant of the cursed city of Jericho. Through her marriage to Salmon she also became part of the royal line.
Ruth was a woman of fine character but was a Moabite, bringing cursed blood into the family line..
Bathsheba, though not mentioned by name, is noted as Uriah's wife. As a result of adultery and murder, the wife of Uriah became David's wife and part of the royal ancestry.
Mary is the only woman listed here of whom we read nothing bad.
All these women were part of the ancestry of the sinless Saviour of the world. None was too bad to be included, and they show us that no matter what our past has been or what our background is, we can all be accepted as part of the family of God.
Robert Prins [Auckland - Pakuranga - (NZ)] Comment added in 2005 Reply to Robert
1:20 It was through the angel sent by God that Joseph was made aware that Mary's conception was of the Holy Spirit. He must have been filled with great joy, for the sake of both Mary and of himself. He now understood that he would now be Mary's protector, providing for her physical needs, and defending her honour against malicious slander.
John Wilson [Toronto West (Can)] Comment added in 2005 Reply to John
Note that God communicated through Joseph concerning travelling to and returning from Egypt.
Although Mary held a special position, being the mother of Jesus, the Lord was emphasising the hierarchy of God > man > woman as laid out in Genesis.
The New Covenant continues the same theme in the Christ/ecclesia (husband/bride) arrangement with Christ > husband > wife.
Many have elevated Mary to a position of deity. This is clearly wrong.
Michael Parry [Montreal (Can)] Comment added in 2003
Michael Parry [Montreal (Can)] Comment added in 2005 Reply to Michael
The four Gospel accounts each show a different aspect of Christ's character:
Matthew shows His kingly nature
Mark shows Him as a servant
Luke shows His humanity
John shows his spiritual aspect
Matthew, Mark and Luke are called synoptic Gospels.
Synoptic means seeing together. They look at the same events from different vantage points. Thus, to understand an incident fully, the three accounts should be cross-referenced.
The four Gospel accounts mirror the four major Prophecies.
They are also represented by the faces of the four living creatures of Ezekiel (Eze 1:10). Thus, they equate:
Matthew - Isaiah - Lion (king)
Mark - Jeremiah - Ox (servant)
Luke - Ezekiel - Man (humanity)
John - Daniel - Eagle (spirit)
Matthew claims that there are fourteen generations between Abraham and David; fourteen between David and Babylon; and fourteen between Babylon and Christ (1:17). Actually there are more but Matthew has been selective with the genealogy.
The reference to Jesus' being a Nazarene in the Old Testament seems not to be found (2:23). But it is. Isa 11:1 designates Jesus as being the Branch. Branch in Hebrew is netzar. Coming from the same word, Nazareth also means branch. And so, there is the link.
Michael Parry [Montreal (Can)] Comment added in 2005 Reply to Michael
2:2 The wise men saw ‘his star’. Maybe they had some insight into Num 24:17 where Balaam prophesied of Jesus.
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2005 Reply to Peter
There are 5 women mentioned in the first chapter of Matthew. Matt 1:3 Tamar, who acted in a most unorthodox manner, but she felt cheated. She was with child by her father-in-law Judah, after pretending to be a harlot. Perhaps she was a woman of faith, who wanted to bear the “Seed of the Woman” who would bruise sin in the head. Then in Matt 1:5 we find Rahab. A wicked gentile, but one who repented, and after saving Joshua’s men she was rewarded with a place in the ancestry of Jesus Christ. Ruth, in Matt 1:5 was not of Israel (although she was of Moab, the son of Lot.) She became a Jewess, and totalled loved Israel’s God. Matt 1:6 doesn’t name Bathsheba, but is her story. She doesn’t shine at first, although the real blame must lie at David’s door. And then finally, in Matt 1:16 is Mary, of whom we know little, except that God counted her worthy to bear His Son. What a wonderful start to the Gospel narrative! Are they all 5 women of faith? Incidentally, there are also 5 women in Hebrews 11.
David Simpson [Worcester (UK)] Comment added in 2005 Reply to David
2:3 Of course ‘all Jerusalem’ only refers to the religious leaders – it is not to be seen as speaking of every man and woman who lived in Jerusalem at that time. It speaks of those who felt their position was threatened by there being a new 'king'.
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2007 Reply to Peter
2:1 Herod the Great was the Edomite who was made king by the Romans. Jesus was born in the year of his death. This fulfils the prophecy of Gen 49:10.
2:22 Archelaus took over from his father Herod the Great. However, the Romans gave him the position of ethnarch over Judea, Samaria, and Idumea. He was never granted the position of king. Archelaus did such an unfavourable job of governing that the Romans banished him to Vienne in Gaul. After that, the Romans governed the area as a Roman province. Thus Gen 49:10 remained true.
Michael Parry [Montreal (Can)] Comment added in 2008 Reply to Michael
1:19 Notice that because Joseph was ‘just’ he did not want to make a big show of dealing with Mary who he had thought had been unfaithful to him. How often do we think that the ‘right’ think to do is to make a public example of a brother or sister who Has fallen rather than deal with the matter quietly?
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2009 Reply to Peter
Comment on Matthew 2:16 - why did God allow the Children to be Killed?
1. God not willing that any should perish 2 Peter 3:9; but He knows who are His - Eph 1:5; Rom. 8:29-30;
2. God manifestation - not salvation of man, is God's purpose - Numb. 14:21; Hab 2:14, etc
3. No understanding = no life - Psa. 49:12,20
4. 2 Peter 2:9 - God KNOWS how to deliver the godly - the babies had no opportunity to be godly. The parents had to be shown - this is also how God suffers for HIS children - Isa. 49:15. God had tried everything else to no avail. He said, "You, Israel, are perishing like these children. Hosea 4:6. I suffer as these parents do. Yet will I give My only Son, whom you will kill through Gentile hands. Your children will continue to suffer under Gentile power until I finally will call you back, and then will you understand MY mourning - Zech. 12:10 and YOU will morn as one for His only son."
Maritta Terrell [Austin/Leander] Comment added in 2009 Reply to Maritta
Jesus Christ is the promised son through whom salvation is possible (for part two see January 2nd)
1. Lineage came from David...Matt 1:1,7,16;Luke 3:23,31 [Heli is thought by many to be Mary's father though some sources feel Heli was perhaps the legal (not actual) father of Joseph with Mary having some of the same descendants as Heli such as King David, etc.]; Christ means "anointed" (i.e. appointed by God).
2. Christ was born...Matt 1:18,20 (born from the Holy Spirit i.e. power of God); Luke 1:31,35 (conceived by power of the Most High); Gal 4:4 (God sent His son who was born of woman); Luke 2:21; 2Cor 5:20-21 (God made Christ); John 17:3 (God sent Jesus Christ).
3. Many saw Christ but no one can see God...John 9:35-37; Christ fed 5000, 4000 and healed many; John 1:18 (no one has ever seen God); 1John 4:12; 1Tim 6:16 (God can't die or be seen by mortals); 1Cor 14:33 (God is not the author of confusion i.e. man is).
4. Jesus was lower than the Angels and God, Jesus died, Jesus was/is in service to God, Jesus is not equal to God but inferior, Jesus was made like man in every way, Jesus was tempted unlike God who can't sin (or be tempted)...Heb 2:9,14-18;Phil 2:1-6 [Christ didn't consider equality with God something to be grasped (some versions have Phil 2:6 poorly translated - compare NIV, NASB, RSV with KJV)]; Num 23:19; Psa 8:4-6;Acts 4:8-12; John 14:28;Matt 26:39 (Christ yielded to his Father's will - in considering the trinity does it seem logical that one part of God yielded His will and agreed to be sacrificed to be presentable to another part of God?).
5. Jesus learned (vs God who knows all things), was tempted, was moulded, was sent/approved of/and resurrected by God, and sits at the right hand of God...Luke 2:52;Isa 7:14-15; Matt 1:23 (Christ was a reflection/manifestation of God); Rom 8:29;Heb 4:15;James 1:13;John 5:30;John 12:49;John 8:42;Acts 2:22-24;Acts 5:31;John 20:17;Acts 7:56.
Charles Link, Jr. [Moorestown, (NJ, USA)] Comment added in 2009 Reply to Charles
Matt 1:1 First Principles>Sure mercies of David>King
This verse is to do with the two covenants, the one which God made with Abraham, and the one with David. Both of these involve Jesus Christ who will reign on David's throne in Jerusalem.
For more about the King, go to 2Sam 7:12-16.
Roger Turner [Lichfield (UK)] Comment added in 2009 Reply to Roger
Right back in the beginning, Adam was created and placed in the garden of Eden. He was given a task. "The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it." (Gen 2:15) In working the garden, Adam was given the task of making it grow and making it beautiful. And in taking care of it, he was to protect it, keep it safe and look after it. This role Adam was given has been passed down to men throughout the ages.
Joseph, the step-father of Jesus wasn't a gardener, but we see the same responsibilities placed on him as he took care of God's family. God gave Joseph four dreams and after each of them Joseph obeyed God's instruction to either tenderly nurture his family or to protect them.
After his first dream he took Mary to be his wife and named the son she was given, Jesus. (Matt 1:24-25)
After his second dream, Joseph protected his family by fleeing Herod's wrath and escaping to Egypt. (Matt 2:14-15)
His third dream instructed him to go back to the land of Israel where the family could grow up in the garden of God, watered and nurtured among God's people. (v.20-21)
And the fourth dream gave Joseph the role of protector, choosing Nazareth as an out of the way, trouble free spot in which to bring up his family. (v.22-23)
From Adam to Joseph, to us today, the role is still the same. We need to grow, nurture, work, take care of and protect our families.
Robert Prins [Auckland - Pakuranga - (NZ)] Comment added in 2009 Reply to Robert
1:23 ‘Emmanuel’ means ‘God with us’ – this was achieved through Jesus’ death so after his resurrection he could tell his disciples – Matt 28:20– ‘I am with you always’
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2009 Reply to Peter
A common mistake made in telling the story of the birth of Jesus, is to merge the Luke 2 account of His birth with the Matthew 2 account of the visit of the Magi from the east.
Just as Matthew does not include the details or the reasons for Joseph and Mary's trip to Bethlehem, so Luke does not mention the visit of the Magi... nor the slaying of the innocents... nor the flight into Egypt.... simply because there is a major time difference between the two events.
An earlier comment (made some years ago - see above) suggests that Jesus was born in the same year Herod died [around April 1st, BC4... according to our reckoning - apparently Josephus gives the date. I believe there is conclusive evidence which proves that this does not fit the facts given us].
We know that Jesus could not have been born on Christmas Day (whatever year He was born) for the hillsides of Bethlehem are far too cold for shepherds to be tending sheep at night in the open at that time of the year.
It is far more likely that Jesus was conceived in the womb of Mary about the winter Solstice (3rd week of December) and was born in the Spring the next year - possibly around the feast of Tabernacles - around the 3rd week of September.
Luke is the only Bible writer to mention a census... and the only census that fits the chronology of these times historically is one held in BC8. It is highly probable that Cyrenius (or Quirinius, as he is also known, who later was to become governor of Syria in AD6), sensibly coordinated Caesar Augustus' poll tax with a feast that the Jews were accustomed to keeping - the feast of Tabernacles.
So... the Luke record details Jesus' birth in the home of Joseph's family in Bethlehem (but such was the crowd of relatives in Bethlehem for the feast and for the taxing, Joseph and Mary were asked to occupy the lower part of the family home... the area where the animals were kept locked up each evening). This explains why Jesus was swaddled (in the tradition of any new born royal in the Middle East) and laid to sleep in a handy feed trough, which for the time being, would double as a cradle for Joseph's foster son.
And then around two years later (as Matthew records in his 2nd chapter) a group of learned men from the east (Babylon? had their forefathers been taught by Daniel over 400 years previous?) were led by a heavenly sign to the land of Judah. We are not told how many Magi were in the party, nor how long that they had been on their journey from the east.
But this we do know, that Herod, having extracted certain vital information out of them, saw fit to murder any boy child in the region aged 2 years old and under, after the Magi did not report back to him on their way home. Obviously, from the record in Matt 2, Herod had extracted from the Magi that the sign that motivated their journey from the east had appeared around 2 years previous - cp Matt 2:7.
We also know that when the party from the east eventually found Joseph's family in Bethlehem, that Joseph and Mary were living in a house and that Jesus was, by this point in time, a toddler around 2 yrs of age [cp Matthew 2:11 - "child" = 'toddling infant'].
So let us see how this fits.
Jesus, born around 15th September 8BC (when the shepherds find Him swaddled in "royal" apparel in the lower level of the Joseph's ancestral home - Luke 2)... is around 2 years old in 6BC (when the Magi from the east find Him in a house - Matt 2).
Warned of impending problems [cp Matthew 2:13], Joseph removes his little family to Egypt, and after their flight, Herod and his henchmen slay any baby boy 2 years old and under found in that region, in an attempt to remove any possible future threat to Herod's throne.
Two years later, around April 1st 4BC Herod dies... and some time after that, Joseph is given the all clear to travel with his little family back to Nazareth, where Jesus grows up as a teenager and then as a young man.
If you would like a fuller account of these events, and proof that Jesus was 40 years old in the year He was crucified, please contact me at and I will send a discussion "paper" to you.
Cliff York [Pine Rivers (Aus)] Comment added in 2010 Reply to Cliff
1:21 Whist it is clear that the quotation is from Isa 7:14 we should realise that there is also an echo of the birth of Samson from Judg 13:3
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2010 Reply to Peter
How did Joseph feel about Mary? We don't know whether they were in love, or whether theirs was an arranged marriage, but the fact that Mary was pregnant before they were married, and that the child certainly did not belong to Joseph, would have shattered all Joseph's dreams of a pure virgin wife. No doubt he would have felt betrayed, angry and even hate for Mary and her supposed treatment of him. But even though Joseph's feelings must have been cold, to say the least, he still chose to show love and compassion in his treatment of Mary. "Because Joseph her husband was a righteous man and did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly." (Matt 1:19)
Many of us in the situation of an unfaithful wife or fiancée, would have showed much less compassion. "Pay her back what she deserves," "Make her suffer," or "Show her how much shame she has brought on herself," might be the cries. But Joseph chose to put Mary's needs and feelings above his own.
Sometimes our spouses do things that make us upset, annoyed or even angry. But we should aim to be like Joseph in our treatment of our better half and respond in love. We should put their emotional needs above our own no matter how we feel. After all, God has done the same for us already.
Robert Prins [Auckland - Pakuranga - (NZ)] Comment added in 2011 Reply to Robert
“Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.”
Few details are given about these “wise men.” It is believed they were stargazers, dream interpreters, enchanters, magicians, sorcerers, and scholars of the Pagan Medo-Persian Zoroastrian order, and descendants of the astrologers whose lives were spared by Daniel’s interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. It was their knowledge of the prophecies of Daniel that caused them to embark on a journey over 900 miles (1,448.4 km) to pay homage to the Jewish Messiah.
Medieval legend identifies them as Melchior, from Asia who brought the gold, Balthazar, from Iran, who brought the frankincense, and Gaspar, from Ethiopia who brought the myrrh, and each represented the then known world. Scripture does not tell us any of this, or even that there were three men. Nonetheless, their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh were not by chance. It is further evidence that they knew the prophecies concerning Messiah, while the Hebrew people did not!
Gold: denotes royalty, and symbolized the Kingship of Messiah.
Frankincense: is the purest incense and speaks of holiness and righteousness. It was prepared for sacrificial purposes.
Myrrh: was used for embalming bodies for the burial, and means “bitterness.” It was used in perfumes, and an antiseptic to reduce pain. It is interesting to note that myrrh is the only spice that is mentioned at the beginning of Messiah’s life, and at the end of his life (John 19:39-40). Jesus though born a King and holy, went through a life of suffering. During his entire life, he never escaped the “myrrh”!
We read in Rev 3:18: “I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed…” Along with the gift of gold (salvation), and the gift of frankincense (holiness), we also have the gift of myrrh (suffering). Like our Saviour, we learn obedience by the things we suffer (Heb 5:8). So, are we to accept the gold and frankincense from the Lord, and not the myrrh (Job 2:10)?
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2011 Reply to Valerie
1:3 Whilst the line passed through Pharez we are still advised that Tamar also bore Zara. A contrast is shown here between the two sons. Zara’s line ended with Achan - Josh 7:1 shows Achan as the son of Zerah and Achan’s line was terminated at this time – Josh 7:24.
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2011 Reply to Peter
The names of Abraham's descendants are put into 3 sets of 14 each to create 42 names of the list of the descendants of Abraham to bring attention to the link between the names and the covenant promise to Abraham and David by Yahweh. David's name is 14 in the list and the gematria of his name is the number 14. Hearers would identify 3 x 14 as equivalent to 6 x 7. 7 is the number of perfection and now with Jesus we see the 7th set of 7 and here is the true Son of David coming at the time appointed. The one whom all the ages have been ordered around. The emphasis then is on the greater Son of David .
Richard Snelling [Swansea] Comment added in 2013 Reply to Richard
1:12 ‘after they were brought to Babylon’ demonstrates that God was still preserving the line of Messiah even though the nation was rebellious and in captivity.
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2013 Reply to Peter
2:1 There were men who were Abraham’s descendants – who had been taught by Abraham – who were sent “east” – Gen 25:6. Is the specific mention that these wise men came from the east designed to cause us to think about Abraham’s descendants?
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2014 Reply to Peter
We see an lovely example as a husband and (step) father in Joseph. We see in v19 he was a Just man.
We cannot be sure what Joseph was thinking in this situation, I know what I would think and possibly how I would react but we can be sure Joseph would have been shocked and upset upon hearing of his wife’s apparent fornication.
However the way Joseph dealt with this situation is an example to us as husbands and the example we should set as fathers.
The word just gives the idea of an equitable character. The dictionary defines it as fair and impartial. Imagine brethren and sisters being in Joseph’s situation and being fair and impartial?
But that’s how we are to behave when applying Gods law, whether in the home, with our wives our children and even at work we are to be fair and impartial.
The thinking of a normal man would have been to publicly declare her adultery and according to the law he could. However the thinking of a JUST man remembered that though the law of God could be severe in speaking of death, the law of God could also reveal mercy. let us remember Rom 14:13.
stephen cox [Sedgley UK] Comment added in 2014 Reply to stephen
A reader writes: "If Salmon begat Boaz of Rahab, then she must be the mother of Boaz. This confuses me..."
My reply: Confusion arises from the fact that some generations were skipped in-between. Please note that Matthew's generation does not begin with Adam, but with Abraham and ends in Jesus, while Luke's generation begins with Jesus and goes right back to Adam.
When we compare Luke's genealogy, we find the same thing in chapter 3:32 as read in Matt 1:5, but with Luke's account only the names of the fathers are given. However, in Hebrew they don't have the word, grandfather or great-grandfather as we do, just father (ab). It is highly unlikely Rahab was the mother of Boaz because from the period of the Judges to the book of Ruth, we have a span of some 350-400 years, approximately. That being the case, and considering some generations from Salmon and Rahab to Boaz and Ruth were left out, it seems like it is continuous, but it is not. It is more likely that Salmon and Rahab (not Rachab) were Boaz's great-grandparents, and great-great grandparents of King David from which line came Christ.
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2014 Reply to Valerie
1:3 Tamar, in widowhood, should have been given the brother of her husband to raise up seed to his dead brother Deut 25:5. However Onan, Judah’s son, would not – Gen 38:9 – it is only through the faithfulness of Tamar that a son was born to her.
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2015 Reply to Peter
A reader asks: “… Now speaking of the season, a sister sent me this link which I thought was very intriguing. How say you?”
My reply: Since the dawning of this Age, mankind has been trying to figure out what the Star of Bethlehem is and has become rather "crotchety" as Bro. John Thomas would put it. We have read all the reasons, including it to be the Shekinah glory of God, but I don't believe any of those astronomical explanations, including the Shekinah one. This star of Bethlehem was the "Christ Star," if you will, that revealed his birth, and while we can argue that God is everywhere, this specific incidence was about the presence of His Son, and not about His presence. It is a supernatural phenomenon, a miracle of God to lead these wise men, Gentile astronomers, to honour His Son for who he truly is and brought the appropriate gifts fit for a King.
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2015 Reply to Valerie
2:2-6 The leaders to whom Herod spoke certainly expected a “king” to be born. However they could not see further than being freed from the Romans. Hence, as we will see as we continue reading the gospel, they did not recognise Jesus as the coming king.
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2016 Reply to Peter
1:3-6 The genealogy here from Judas to David matches exactly the genealogy in Ruth 4:8-22 and contains none of the additional information contained in the Chronicles list – 1Chron 2:14-15 indicating that the inspired Matthew wishes us to focus, at this point in the text on the details of the book of Ruth.
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2017 Reply to Peter
“Where is he that is born King of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.”
Many highly learned men have offered to explain the mystery of this star the Magi rejoiced to see (v. 11). In Scripture, it was simply called a star - aster, # <792>.
History records that Ignatius, a disciple of the apostle John, who died in 107 A.D., wrote of the star: “[It was] a star which so shone in heaven beyond all the stars, its newness caused excitement.” Eusebius, an early Historian of the fourth century, wrote: “The star was new and a stranger among the usual lights of heaven, a strange star besides the usual ones, a strange and unusual star, not one of the many known stars, but being new and fresh.”
During the time of the Exodus, Yahweh’s Divine presence dwelt in a tent in the wilderness upon the Ark between the cherubim above the Mercy Seat in the Most Holy Place. Dwelt is shakan, # <7931>, which means, to dwell. (Exo 25:8; 29:45,46). How then did this star become associated with what we call, “the Shekinah glory of God?” The word Shekinah is no where in the Bible. Shekinah is a coined word, which supposedly comes from the root shakan, but if this were true, how could we explain this star as being Yahweh’s Shekinah glory, or dwelling place? Well, the post-Biblical Talmudic Rabbis turned the verb into a noun. Yahweh’s glory is now defined as His Shekinah and widely used, but Scripture uses the Hebrew word, Chabod, # <3519>, splendor, when speaking of Yahweh’s glory. The actual Hebrew is Kvod Adonai, the Greek equivalent being Doxa Kurion.
Shekinah does not appear in any of the pre-rabbinic literature including the Dead Sea Scrolls. This word appeared much later in the Targum and Talmud. The Jewish Kabbalah refers to the Shekinah in the feminine, and is often rendered SHEkinah. Shekinah is believed to be a goddess closely related to the Ashera, the Canaanite goddess! To them Shekinah was Yahweh’s feminine side!
“The introduction of this idea was one of the most important and lasting innovations of Kabbalism… no other element of Kabbalism won such a degree of popular approval ” – Gershom Scholem, a Judaic and Kabbalist scholar.
The “feminine Jewish divine presence, the Shekhinah, distinguishes Kabbalistic literature from earlier Jewish literature” – Tzahi Weiss, author of “The Worship of the Shekinah in Early Kabbalah.”
“When the Holy One, blessed be He, considered the deeds of the generation of Enoch and that they were spoiled and evil, He removed Himself and His S*****h from their midst and ascended into the heights with blasts of trumpets” – Rabbi Akiva ben Yosef from the second century who declared Bar Kochbah to be the Messiah!
To say that this star was Yahweh’s Shekinah glory is unbiblical, the uninspired Word, and blasphemous! This star, an unordinary star, was a miraculous sign from Yahweh to the Magi. They knew from the prophecy of the infamous prophet, Balaam, that a star, (kowkab, # <3556>), would come out of Jacob (Israel) and a scepter (kingly rulership) would rise out of Israel (Num 24:17-19; cf. Gen 49:10).
This later generation of Magi, especially those in Babylon, where the influence of Daniel was great (cf. Dan 2:2,10,13,14), and Persia, under the influence of Mordecai and Esther, would have left a long-lasting impression on them. It is possible that some of the Magi became Hebrews (Est 8:17), and studied the Torah. This aster was the prophesied sign of the coming true Messiah from Israel.
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2017 Reply to Valerie
1:5 The two women mentioned in this verse in the ancestry of Jesus were gentiles. A detail which, doubtless would cause ill feeling with many Jews.
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2018 Reply to Peter
1:1 The ordering David Abraham is the reverse of the chronology which follows there is purpose in the ordering. When reading through Matthew look for the number of times that Jesus is called “the son of David”.
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2019 Reply to Peter
We see that Christ had some Gentile blood in his ancestry (Matt 1:5-6) on the mother's side, so the Son of God literally and figuratively was the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37).
Charles Link, Jr. [Moorestown, (NJ, USA)] Comment added in 2019 Reply to Charles
There were 4 generations (Ahaziah, Athaliah, Joash, and Amaziah) excluded from this list between Joram and Ozias/Uzziah (Matt 1:1,8,9,17) as they were of the House of Ahab.
Charles Link, Jr. [Moorestown, (NJ, USA)] Comment added in 2019 Reply to Charles
Mary was not a perpetual virgin (Matt 1:24-25).
Charles Link, Jr. [Moorestown, (NJ, USA)] Comment added in 2019 Reply to Charles
Fulfilled prophetic Old Testament quotes (Matt 1:22-23;Isa 7:14;Matt 2:5-6;Mic 5:2;Matt 2:15;Hos 11:1;Matt 2:17-18;Jer 31:15)
Moses, a type of Christ, was to have been killed as an infant just as Christ was to have been (Matt 2:16;Exo 1:16-17).
Charles Link, Jr. [Moorestown, (NJ, USA)] Comment added in 2019 Reply to Charles
Matt 2:18 - Rachel is the mother of Israel (Ruth 4:11) and the son is Israel (2Sam 12:22-23).
Charles Link, Jr. [Moorestown, (NJ, USA)] Comment added in 2019 Reply to Charles
It must have felt like a disaster to Joseph when he discovered Mary was pregnant, knowing that it was not his baby. His plan, no doubt, was to marry a virgin who was going to be faithful to him all her life - and Mary obviously wasn't the one. To marry Mary now would mean shame, humiliation, gossip, shunning by the family, and probably even loss of income as his customers refused to buy from him any more.
Then Joseph heard from God:"An angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, 'Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit'" (Matt 1:20).
Do not be afraid. Joseph was about to take the biggest step of faith in his life. It all looked wrong. It all looked too hard. But God said, "Do not be afraid." Joseph put his fear aside and took Mary to be his wife.
The same message is true for us today. Do not be afraid. Doing God's will can be the most faith trying and nerve racking thing we have ever done. But do not be afraid. When we are doing God's will, He will be with us. Any fear we have now will be eclipsed by the glory and reward in the kingdom of God.
Robert Prins [Auckland - Pakuranga - (NZ)] Comment added in 2019 Reply to Robert
1:23 the way I which Matthew says Isa 7:14 was fulfilled in the birth of Jesus makes it clear that prophecy can have more than one application for in Isa 7 the words were spoken to Ahaz. This ode snot mean that all prophecy has more than one fulfilment. We will be able to establish which prophecies have more than one fulfilment by considering how the rest of the bible deals with the prophecy. In this case the inspired New Testament writer provides the evidence.
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2020 Reply to Peter
1:1-6 This genealogy is the evidence which supports Paul’s assertion inRom 1:3. A possible indication that by the time the letter to the Romans was written the gospel of Matthew was circulating amongst the first century believers.
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2021 Reply to Peter
“And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.
“The name Jesus is an English rendering of the New Testament’s pronounced Iesoos which is a Judeo-Greek adaptation of the Biblical Hebrew name Joshua. It comes to the New Testament via the Septuagint, the Judeo-Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible abbreviated as LXXX. The Septuagint is a magnificent work, a result of many years of scrupulous translation from a wide variety of Israelite texts, from the best-known Hebrew manuscripts (at the time), many of which were older than the ones used in traditional Jewish Masoretic texts.
Best scholars can tell LXX was translated by Jewish sages in the Egyptian city of Alexandria long before the first gospel account was ever written down. Because the Septuagint was the most trusted and authoritative Jewish translation available in the first century CE, the New Testament often quotes from the Septuagint. In fact, it is in this Judeo-Greek version of the Hebrew Bible, used by hundreds of thousands of Jews before and during the time of Jesus, where one finds the use of the Greek adaptation work, Iesoos to translate the Hebrew name Yehoshua. Jesus was called a shortened version of this name (Yeshua) which mean ‘salvation’ in Hebrew.
So Greek name Iesoos is a transliteration of Hebrew Yeshua and knowing that it means ‘salvation’ the words the angel said begin to make sense…. The reason the son of Mary (Mariam) was called Yeshua (Jesus) is his mission – he was to save his people from their sins. Translating Greek back to Hebrew helps us see this passage clearly.”
40 DAYS OF HEbrEW DEVOTIONS, Eli Lizorkin-Eyzenberg with Pinchas Shir & Jaime Purcell, pp. 43-44
Valerie Mello [in isolation, TN, USA] Comment added in 2021 Reply to Valerie
2:2 the "wise men” were looking for “the king of the Jews” at the end of Jesus’ mortal life all four gospel writers record that the superscription over the cross spoke of Jesus as “king of the Jews Matt 27:37 , Mark 15:26, Luke 23:38, John 19:19
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2022 Reply to Peter
1:20 Joseph’s mind must have been in a turmoil. The young woman he loved was expecting a child and he knew he was not the father. Mary had doubtless spoken to Joseph about her situation and given an explanation which Joseph was now pondering. Should he believe his espoused wife or dismiss her claims which had no precedent any time earlier? We do not know how long he and Mary had discussed this but God in His good time sent an angel to reassure Joseph.
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2023 Reply to Peter
1:18 Jesus’ ancestry has been given in the previous verses. Now the record moves on to the method of his birth. Being in the direct line from David was not sufficient that he would be Christ. The virgin birth was essential. Hence “she was found with child of the holy spirit”.
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2024 Reply to Peter
Matthew 1
This first chapter of the New Testament sets the scene for the birth of Jesus, showing us his ancestry. Is there anyone in this list of names you recognise?
We are given a framework here for understanding the whole Old Testament. First, that Jesus is the son of David and Abraham:
The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham. (Mat 1:1 KJV)
In other words, the most important parts of the Bible, that we should start with first if we are to understand salvation in Jesus, are the parts relating to David and to Abraham.
And we are invited to see Jesus as the son of these two men.
...Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham. (Mat 1:1 KJV)
How so? Is it that Jesus is the ancestor of each of these? Well, the list of his family tree seems to suggest this, as it traces his line right through these two men:
Abraham begat Isaac; and Isaac begat Jacob; and Jacob begat Judas and his brethren; ... And Jesse begat David the king; and David the king begat Solomon of her that had been the wife of Urias; ... And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ. (Mat 1:2, 6, 16 KJV)
But we are not like other people who take the Bible on face value, and just gloss over the details as if they all make sense.
Because it doesn't...
Because Jesus was not the son of Joseph, was he?
... Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus... (Mat 1:16 KJV)
Joseph was not the father of Jesus. Jesus was not his son. Jesus was the son of God. So Jesus is not the son of David and the son of Abraham through this genealogy, so it appears.
And yet, here in black and white, God says that Jesus is the son of both these men:
... Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham. (Mat 1:1 KJV)
This is an example of the potent power of the scriptures to hide its real treasure from those who only take a cursory look at it.
I used to speak at an ecclesia who had their hall on the main street of a town. You would walk down this street and see every shop, and every store, but never this hall. It was set back slightly from all the others, and only if you were paying attention would you see it at all.
Most people walked past this place, and yet this place contained some of the most genuine and wonderful brothers and sisters I know. Men and women who could explain any scripture to you at the drop of a hat. People who knew the truth of the gospel, and who lived it out in their lives. This is the place you would want to go to if you wanted the greatest gift the creator has given us -- the promise of life -- but most never even saw that there was a gate, and a path, leading to a large set of double doors, to gain access to them.
And such it is with the Bible. We read a chapter and we see all the names, just a list, and we take it all at face value, never stopping long enough to see that there is a little gate, and if you push that gate, it opens of its own accord, giving us a new path to walk down.
The gate in our case is there when we stop and notice that Joseph is not Jesus' father. It is a signpost God has left there for the discerning reader, to take them through a gate onto a hidden path through the scripture that no-one else sees, though it is there in plain sight.
But there is a qualification for going through this gate. An attribute that I hope you have, but many do not.
To have even found the gate, we need to have been honest. Honest enough to admit to ourselves that this does not make sense. Honest enough to admit that there is something here that wrinkles the page, and doesn't look right. And honest enough to countenance that we don't yet have all the answers, and that we have some way yet to go to get to a place where we understand God's word.
Honest enough to know that we need another path than the one we are already on.
So if you are honest, and if you are curious, and if you really want to draw near to God and discover what He has to tell you, even if it takes you off the safe, large, beaten track, onto a less trodden path...
The answer to the question is because both Abraham and David had sons promised to them, and this chapter in Matthew must be telling us that Jesus is the son fulfilling those promises.
Abraham was promised a seed in whom all the nations (Gentiles) would be blessed:
And the angel of the LORD called unto Abraham out of heaven the second time, And said, By myself have I sworn, saith the LORD, for because thou hast done this thing, and hast not withheld thy son, thine only son: That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies; And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice. (Gen 22:15-18 KJV)
And we are told in the New Testament that this seed (or offspring) is singular, and is Jesus Christ:
Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ. (Gal 3:16 KJV)
David was also promised a seed, who would sit on his throne forever:
...Also the LORD telleth thee that he will make thee an house. And when thy days be fulfilled, and thou shalt sleep with thy fathers, I will set up thy seed after thee, which shall proceed out of thy bowels, and I will establish his kingdom. He shall build an house for my name, and I will stablish the throne of his kingdom for ever. I will be his father, and he shall be my son. If he commit iniquity, I will chasten him with the rod of men, and with the stripes of the children of men: But my mercy shall not depart away from him, as I took it from Saul, whom I put away before thee. And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever. According to all these words, and according to all this vision, so did Nathan speak unto David. (2Sa 7:11-17 KJV)
So even though Jesus was the literal descendant of Abraham and of David (see Romans 1:3), God's word caused us to look deeper, and to find the more important reason for the sonship of Jesus. It was because he was the fulfilment of the promises to David and to Abraham. It is by reading and understanding, and wanting to be part of these same promises, that we will see the full glory of the Bible begin to open up before our eyes:
But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. (Pro 4:18 KJV)
Rob de Jongh [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2024 Reply to Rob
1:6 David, like many kings that followed him, had a number of sons. Solomon was not David’s first son. However he was the choice that God made.
Peter Forbes [Mountsorrel (UK)] Comment added in 2025 Reply to Peter